chapter 5

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You decided that it was your favorite feeling to wake up next to Kirishima. Especially when he was still sleeping. His features reminded you of that of a baby's, soft skin and fine features. The sun shone on you two, highlighting the beauty of the situation.

Carefully, you got up and looked into the mirror of the bathroom down the hall. You had to be quiet, as everyone else didn't fall asleep until hours after you did, so they were still sleeping. As you breathed in the peaceful morning atmosphere, it finally struck you what was happening. Eijiro had been...cuddling with you. Holding you in his arms, keeping you safe from anything around you.

After a few seconds of covering your eyes from this thought, you looked in the mirror to see a dark crimson color blossoming on your face. And not too soon after, a boy with the hair color of the current color of your face appeared in the room, startling you.

"Hey, Y/N," he says, with a sleepy voice that you of course found extremely attractive.

"Hi Eijiro," you reply sounded almost winded.

You tilt your body down toward the sink to wash your face, and when you become upright again, he wraps his arms around your waist. This feeling was the feeling you had felt last night, but it definitely was more intense because of last night's lack of sleep. It also was easing that Kirishima was doing this even with rest and not in the heat of the moment.

"I wish we could be like this forever," he says, tightening his grip around your waist.

You swallowed your pride and replied with how you really felt.

"Me too," you say, grinning from ear to ear.

He buried his face in the crook of your neck, which made you blush. By this point everything that this man did made you blush, which also made you blush just thinking about it. You tried to pull out of his hold to hug him back, but he resisted.

"I just want to hug you," you say with a slight giggle.

He let go and you turned around as quickly as possible and wrapped your arms around him like there was no tomorrow. Everything about it, the warm embrace that you were giving and receiving, felt right. You honestly thought you could easily stay like this forever.


((time skip to leaving Kaminari's))

You gathered your things to leave Kaminari's, and stole one last glance of Eijiro before you left. Until he ran up to you.

"Y/N, wanna come to my house later?" he says with that same pep in his voice as usual.

"Of course," you say with a sincere smile.

You both left Kaminari's with yet another thing to look forward to, and that made you giddy with hope that you'll have enough courage to confess. Maybe, just maybe, he'll beat you to it.

And so you waited. And waited. Until Eijiro texted you that he didn't want to wait until nighttime. That was a reoccurring thing with him, he had always been very impatient. So, you made your way to his house.

As you opened the door, you remembered the nervousness you felt every time you opened this door in the past few months. How that nervousness was slowly dwindling away ever since this morning. Your thoughts were interrupted by a certain excited redhead.

"Hi, Y/N!" he says, practically jumping into your arms.

You, being the good best friend you are, returned the embrace. The embrace felt different than this morning's, being more friendly and less passionate. After a few seconds, you quickly moved away and he pulled your through his house and up the stairs. You followed, with a lot of giggles between the both of you, and you were having a great time.

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