christmas special

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A/N: hey! my friend literally screamed at me to make this (in a public parking lot with MANY people in it), and said she'll stalk my profile until i do. so, here is the awaited christmas special!


The freezing air blew past your excited eyes, as you were on a date with Eijiro. It has been over four years since you two got together, and to make it even better, it was almost Christmas. Like, literally in two days.

You weren't usually one to get all in the Christmas spirit, but the past few years have just been better for you. You've noticed that this is all because of Eijiro. He made everything better, from the most uneventful days to the holidays that didn't really matter to you all that much.

The two of you window shopped like there was no tomorrow, and to some surrounding people you probably looked like two excited puppies. After almost getting frostbite, you slipped into a small yet homey coffee shop. The smell of cinnamon and nutmeg hit you in the face as soon as you got in there. But, at least it was nice and warm.

You walked up to the front counter, and ordered the Christmas special they had only at this time of year. He ordered the same. After about three or four minutes of waiting, you received your drinks. The two of you sat down at one of the few tables they had, and just basked in the warm atmosphere.

"So, Y/N, are you excited for Christmas?" he says.

"Of course I am!" you reply.

"I can't believe we've been together for over four years now,"

"I know! It feels like just yesterday we had just gone into high school. And we've been out of it for a few months now,"

Highschool went by faster than you could blink, you swear. Eijiro made it go even faster than it would have if he wasn't there. He made you love every minute of it (except for in your second year where you had to take a class that was so boring and so hard, but that he couldn't really help).

After sipping your warm drinks for a few minutes, you left the coffee shop with what remained of your favorite hot beverage. The two of you made your way to one of, if not the best, holiday destination in your city; the giant Christmas tree with an ice skating rink around it. You had been going there every year since you and Eijiro got together, so it holds some nostalgia for you. Especially since this is the first year where the trip wasn't held over your school's holiday break.

You walked up to the glimmering Christmas tree, and admired its beauty for a minute or so. It always impressed you by the sheer size of it, and how it shined in all directions with it's colorful lights and ornaments. Eijiro had always loved it, ever since you guys were in elementary school. He really liked the ice skating rink, too. And you really couldn't blame him, you liked everything about it.

Eijiro rented skates, and you did too. They weren't the prettiest, but they'd do. It didn't really matter to you, because you were with Eijiro.

The two of you glided onto the ice, and skated around. You were a bit rusty, so he had to keep catching you or you'd be laying splat on the ice. Once you got the hang of it again, you guys were spinning around in the middle and wowing the large crowd that were surrounding you. It was just like you remembered, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Contentment was an understatement.

After a while of doing one of your favorite things, you skated off the ice, laughing with the love of your life. He was everything you've ever needed, and probably ever will. You picked up your stuff, and sat down on a bench facing the Christmas tree.

"It's just as beautiful as I remember," he says, putting his arm around you and pulling you closer.

You smile and allow yourself to be pulled closer to him.

"Gorgeous, really," you reply, your head on his shoulder now. It was getting dark since it was winter time now, something that no matter how many winters you go through you will never get used to.

"I want to stay like this forever, Y/N," he says under his breath, if you'd been any farther away you wouldn't have heard it.

You nod, nuzzling deeper into his shoulder. After a few moments, he sits up, startling you. You get up off the bench as you realize what he's doing.

Slowly, he crouches down into a position that has the potential to change your life if you only said one word.

One Word.

He shuffles around in his coat pocket, and pulls out a small black box. Opening the box, a sparkling ring comes into view.

"Y/N," he says, coming into full eye contact, "will you marry me?"

You can't control the smiles that come on your face. This is the best Christmas present you could possibly ask for. Shouting a slightly incomprehensible word that might sound like "yes", you jump into his arms and nearly fall over. People were looking, but you didn't really care. All you cared about in that moment was him, and the rest of the world didn't really matter.

The excitement couldn't be contained as you walked down the street back to Eijiro's house. The ring was beautiful. Once again, you probably looked like animals bouncing down the sidewalk. All you could think about was him, and the wedding that was most likely in the horizon, and how gorgeous the ring was, and everything else that involved what just happened. Although Eijiro wouldn't show it for the life of him, he was very excited too.

You were sure of it.

When you got back to Eijiro's house, the two of you talked and talked and talked. About nothing in particular, until a certain topic decided to cross your minds.

"When we get married, are you going to take my last name?" he says.

"Of course, love," you say, unaware of the pet name until after.

"F/N Kirishima," he says, coming toward you to hug you.

You make a humming sound in a calm agreement. He hugs you for a minute or two, until you break the silence.

"F/N Kirishima," you say, "I like the sound of that."



i can't wait to put this story to 'complete'. its been a good like 4 1/2 months, and i want to thank everyone who has read this

especially these idiots, yall like to scream at me for not posting @idkmanjustamhere67  Mako88193

i neeeeeeeeed ideas so please dm me or comment an idea and i will likely write it and give you credit for the idea. writers block has been hitting me like a whole baseball bat recently so please and thank you

love y'all
have a good day/night

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