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You couldn't sleep to save your soul. Tomorrow was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, and you thought that you had everything planned to a tee. Until you got a text from one of your closest friends, who couldn't make it because of a family emergency. And they were the Maid of Honor.


She said in her very long, very drawn out text message that she was so incredibly sorry and that she would try to make it for the after party. You obviously didn't blame her for it, but you were nervous and upset. What were you going to do without a Maid of Honor?

The next morning you woke up before your alarm. You got up, got a long shower and washed your hair. Although it was hard, you tried to stop thinking about it for just a few seconds while you drunk your morning tea.

The house felt so empty without Eijiro loudly making breakfast. He was loud, but to you it was greatly endearing. It felt like him bringing up the energy filled a hole in your heart or scratched an itch that no one else could. It was a humbling feeling.

Soon after, the entire wedding crew here for you and you only showed up to help you get ready. Your wedding outfit was incredible, thanks to the help of your best friends and your family. Eijiro still hadn't seen it, and you knew he'd be damn near floored. You had planned to go to Paris for your honeymoon because you had wanted to go there together since you were little kids, and you were leaving tomorrow afternoon.

Once the rush of the morning before the wedding was finished and it was time to go to the venue, your anxiety spiked again. What if you messed up? What if the cake doesn't arrive or the flowers look dead? Or even worse - what if you got stood up?

Your friends soothed you by saying everything was alright.

"Eijiro loved you all through high school and you know that. Nothing like a little wedding mishap would stop him from loving you. That's what it's about, right?" Jiro says, dressed in all her best.

Once you got there and saw some of the people arriving, your nerves calmed down a little bit. Everyone looked gorgeous. Man or woman.

And that's when it finally hit you. You were marrying the man that you have loved since the summer before the first year of high school, the man you have known your whole life. The only person you have ever loved loves you back, and it's going to be proved today.


Your heart just about stopped when the music started playing and the first pair walked out. Then the next, and the next. It was simultaneously the best and the worst feeling you've ever felt, and it was exhilarating. The person who was acting as the Maid of Honor for the moment (you decided you didn't need one for everything else) fixed your outfit and made sure that you looked impeccable.

Soon enough, it was your turn. You walked out of the room you were in and walked up the aisle with all the confidence you could muster. The remaining awkwardness fizzled away as soon as you saw Eijiro, though. You locked eyes as a tiny teardrop dropped out of his left one, and you smiled as big as you could smile.

When you got up to the arch, you held each other's hands and continued looking into the other's eyes with all the intensity of a thousand stars.

And then it was time to say your vows. You were up first.

"Eijiro, I have loved you since we started high school. Romantically, that is. When we were little and chasing each other around the playground just up the street from your old house, all I wanted was to stick by your side and hold your little cut up hand until the end of time. And now I want to do the exact same thing. I never changed, did I? I vow to hold your hand just like that until we are old and our hands are all wrinkly. Through thick and thin, fights and cuddly moments, I will always love you. No matter what."

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