chapter 6

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A/N: before I get started on this chapter, this might feel a bit different than the other 5 chapters. this idea was created by my friend (her user is Mako88193), so yeah. i hope you enjoy it nonetheless, and maybe check out her works while you're here!


The crisp, cold breeze drifted in between the pair of you two. Your eyes were still locked with his, at least when you could look him in the eyes. The rest was spent locking with his lips.

Finally, you decided to stop for real now. Your lips were getting sore, and he looked to be feeling the same. That didn't mean you had to leave his grasp, though, so of course you didn't.

"Y/N," he says in a low voice, almost like he didn't want to break the romantic mood.

You looked up at him and tilted your head slightly as a response.

"So, what are we now?" he says.

This caused silence in between you two. You didn't really know. I mean. you guys had kissed, so does this means you're more than friends now?

"Whatever you want to be," you say with a bright grin.

He pulls you toward him and gives you a slight nod. This was like the 'happily every after' you had been thinking about for months. Until two dark figures appear behind the slide.

"Haha!" a light voice in which you recognized rang throughout the park.

"Shut up, Deku," says a voice with contrast to the one you had heard before.

"Shit," you whispered as your eyes looked to the direction where the voices were coming from.

"We're busted," Eijiro says, shockingly realizing who it was. It was Bakugo and Midoriya.

The two of you attempted to hide what you had been doing, but it was too late. Midoriya stood there in shock as he looked at his friend.

"What the hell are you two doing?" the angry blonde says, staring the both of you down.

"Umm, we were just talking. We like to take late night walks." you say, trying to fake a smile. You wondered what Bakugo and Midoriya were doing out here at this hour, too.

Eijiro looked at the ground in guilt. But, you felt bad. Why was he feeling guilty when he didn't even do anything? You should be the one getting the blame for this mess.

"It sure doesn't look like a fucking late night walk," Bakugo says, inching closer.

"Kacchan, calm down!" Midoriya says, grabbing onto his arm.

That didn't stop him, though. Bakugo still persisted with flaming hot anger in his already red eyes.

Eijiro stepped forward, looking ready to kill if he had to. In the nine years of knowing him, you have only seen him angry a few times. This was more intense than you could ever remember, though.

When the two boys were finally close enough, Bakugo swung the first punch. Eijiro blocked, but before you knew it they were both throwing mass punches. After the first shock, you decided it was time to do something. I mean, it's not like you were some royalty that needed saving.

"Calm the hell down!" you exclaimed, standing in the middle of the two teenagers. You weren't scared, because they were fighting about you so why would they ever hit you?

They both stopped, eyes wide and out of breath. Midoriya stopped and pulled Bakugo aside, probably to smack some sense into him. You weren't the happiest with Eijiro either (and by that you mean that you wanted to hopelessly kiss and kill him at the same time), so you saw where Midoriya was coming from.

You looked him dead in the eye like a disappointed mother. And like a mother, you didn't even have the heart to confront him about it. So, you instead decided to leave before things got worse than they already were.

"We're leaving," you said, turning toward the direction of Eijiro's house.

"Asshole," Eijiro mumbled as you gripped onto his hand and almost dragged him with you.

The walk back to his house was as awkward as you could imagine it was. He kept opening his mouth liked he wanted to say something, but losing it before it could leave his mouth. So, you just kept a loose hold on the part of his wrist closest to his hand.

No one talked, until you were practically in his front yard.

"What the hell was that about?" you say, not making eye contact.

He stayed motionless (legs included, he literally was just standing in the middle of the sidewalk like an idiot) and put his head down with a slight shrug. You wanted nothing more than to just hug him and make it all go away. But, you know you couldn't do that at the moment.

"Y/N, I'm sor-" he says lowly, being cut off by you.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to them," you say, showing him all of the unopened texts from Midoriya and Bakugo.

He fell silent again. You didn't try to talk to him until you were in his room.

"What is he even so pissed about that he feels the need to fight you? You are one of his best friends," you say as he pulls a shirt out of one of his drawers.

"Because of you," he says, quietly shuffling out of the room.

He returned shortly after, seeing the deeply confused expression on your face.

"Have you not realized yet?" he says.

"About what?"

"About his feelings for you,"

"Well yeah, he's an open book,"

"What about mine?"


"Your what?" you say, after a long stare at just him in general.

"My feelings for you,"

Both of you turned a shade of pink so deep you weren't even sure was on the color palette, before you finally decided to answer.

"What about them?" you say.

"What I'm trying to say is that," he replies, pausing for what seems like pure embarrassment.

"I love you, Y/N"

You get up off his bed (that you'd been sitting on this entire time) and walk toward him with a big smile on your face.

"Say that again," you say, still staying a few feet away from him in case, well you didn't really know why.

"I love you,"

"One more time,"

"I love you so much,"

At this point you couldn't take it anymore. You wrapped him in your arms, and whispered something in his ear that you will never forget.

"I love you too, Eijiro,"


damn it. looks like i'm going to have to make another chapter because now i'm invested and i'm literally writing it

also i fucking love this story for no reason like it makes me so happy when im writing it

double also somebody please give me suggestions for more stories because writers block is hitting me like a ton of a bricks and i have a total of no ideas

love yall sm have a good day/night

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