chapter 7

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(A/N): hi! so this will definitely be the last main chapter (and it will be a lot of fluff, i promise), but i might do a bonus chapter. since its getting close to christmas time, would you guys like to see some sort of christmas special add-on to this story? i've been really in the christmas mood this year, and i really want to make a christmas story. please tell me if you would like that!


You kissed all around his face. He was smiling, so you thought he didn't mind and just kept doing it. He guided you over to his bed, and you both sat down. You finally stopped kissing him, and giggled because it went on for so long.

"What should we do about Bakugo?" he says.

That was a dramatic change in mood.

You looked at him, as your expression quickly changed from happy to serious. You honestly didn't know. If you kept it a secret, he'd be sure to find out relatively quickly. If you told him, it would be terrible. So, did you want hell now or promised for later?

"I don't know," you say, keeping your head low to the ground.

"We should at least tell Midoriya He looked confused," he replies, adding a slight chuckle and a squeeze of your arm at the second part.

You get out your phone and started dialing Midoriya's number, but hesitate as soon as you get to the call button. Assuring yourself that everything is going to be okay, you press the call button.

"Hello?" he says after a few rings.

"Hi," you say, shakiness overcoming your voice.

"So about tonight, I-" you say after a bit of silence.

"I already knew it was going to happen." he says.

"You what?"

"It was pretty obvious, Y/N. The way you look at him gives everything away."

"Ok, I guess. But what should we do about Bakugo?" you say.

"Kacchan will get over it soon enough. We aren't five anymore." he says.

"You sure?"

"I'll make sure of it. I'm happy for you and Kirishima, by the way."

"Thank you,"

"No problem, bye!"

"Bye," you say, ending the call.

You sigh in relief, letting go of an internal breath. Kirishima looks at you, as if asking "what did he say?"

"He said that Bakugo won't be mad for too long, and that he'll take care of it." you say.

You both had nothing to worry about. It was like everything just got resolved so quickly and you had no time to process it.

Eijiro gets up to go brush his teeth (A/N: remember kids, good hygiene is very manly!) and you are left with only your thoughts. You lay down on Eijiro's bed as you had many times before except this time it felt different. It felt like home.

He comes back with another one of his t-shirts, but this time he hands it to you. You blush as you realize what he's doing. Looking away, he drops it onto your lap.

"What do you want me to do with this?" you say, picking it up with a chuckle in your voice.

"Wear it, you idiot," he says, his face blossoming into a pinkish shade.

Eijiro had always worn a larger size than you, even when you were little kids. It made you excited knowing that you were about to wear an oversized shirt of Eijiro's.

You quickly slipped into the other room and put the shirt on and a pair of shorts that you had left there the last time you had a sleepover. Once you returned, you sat back down on his comfy bed and sighed. You didn't know how tired you were until this very moment. And you also didn't know that Eijiro was right beside you. So you turned, and lied down directly on Eijiro's lap.

"Sorry," you frantically said, starting to sit back up. He lightly puts his hand on your forehead, keeping you there.

The two of you stayed like that for a bit, and you would admit that it was very comfortable. As he stroked your hair, you think about all that had happened over the past few days. How you had started out the weekend as best friends and how you potentially could be more now.

After a while, you did shift yourself into a more comfortable position. You were half beside him half on him, and you had your arms wrapped around him and your legs entangled in his. It was a great feeling.

As tired as you were, you couldn't seem to get your mind to rest. Being here with Eijiro felt so comforting, yet it made you reflect almost too much. You recollected many memories from when you two were younger and had so many less worries. Like the time that a cat got caught in the tree outside your apartment building, and Eijiro helped you get it out. You would have kept the cat if your apartment had allowed it.

Or the time when you and Eijiro were playing a game, and he would let you win. It got you so mad because it made you think that he was better than you and that you weren't good enough but he was really just doing it because he's a good person.

But the time you'll never forget is the time a few years back when you were watching a meteor shower with him. It was so beautiful. And a few hours after, your parents surprised you with a gift that you've wanted for a really long time. It must have something to do with meteor showers, that something good will always happen right after one.

Because you knew something good had happened now, and it was all because of a meteor shower.

omg im done! this was literally so great and i am planning on starting something else after this that I will then stress about some more for no reason because nobody cares BUT

thank you SOSOSOSOSO much for reading it really means a lot to me

i hope you enjoyed the main chapters of meteor shower, and let me know if you would like to see that Christmas special

love y'all sm have a good day/night ❤️❤️❤️

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