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"How about these?" Rebekah asked pointing to the little baby outfit on the hanger.

Rebekah and I were at this shop for baby items. Once I told her I was having a Girl she insisted on taking me to get little Pink Outfits and bottles for the baby. I got the feeling she was more excited then I was.

"Yeah that's fine. Pick out what ever you want." She nodded happily.

"So what's going on with you and Marcel?" I asked

"What do you mean?" She tried to act dumb but I could see right through her.

"Come on Bex don't act dumb I saw you two making out in your room this morning." I laughed looking at the little baby toy.

She sighed "I don't really know what's going on with us. I mean we had something a long time ago but of course Klaus ruined it when he Daggered me." I frowned at what Klaus had done. I guessing she noticed.

"Thank god he met you Hayley we would be all dead." She Laughed

"Anyway I love Marcel I always have and always will. I just don't want it to all end because of Klaus." I nodded

"Rebekah you do know that the longer you wait to tell him the angrier he'll be." I said concerned I like her and Marcel together.

"I know and I'll tell him when the time is right" I nodded again I wanted her to be happy.

Thinking of klaus I remembered he was somewhere with Elijah. About a threat to the Werewolves. I would have been there but he to my disappointment he told me to go with Rebekah, so I would be less stressed.

I had some cloths and a Pink and Purple bow. I was actually proud of myself because I normally don't do these things. But then I looked at Rebekah and saw all these cloths and bottles and other things. But my thoughts where interrupted when I heard a loud explosion kind of like a bomb. I suddenly I looked at Rebekah and she looked at me. I started coughing there was something in the air. But only I was effected and other customers weren't.

Oh no what's happening now. "Hayley come with me" she said as she took the baby things with her. And she holding me so I wouldn't fall.

"What's going on?" I shouted

"I don't know. I'll Call Klaus" she said and dialed his number.


'Something happened at ZukaBaby"

'What do you mean'

'There was bomb and....Did you find anything about Threats about the Werewolves.'

I heard him sign through the phone 'Can you come home I'll feel better if you and Hayley are safe in the abattoir. And I'll meet there to tell you about what's going on.'

'Ok' he hung up.

"Come let's go."

We were walking in the abattoir. "Klaus" I yelled.

"We're over here" he screamed when walked into the kitchen.

"What's going on with the Threats" Rebekah had beaten me to question.

"There Hunters...Werewolf Hunters" he said looking at me with careful eyes. As I became more stiff. "Hunters?" I rising my eyebrows.

"Yeah they're only here because the Crescent curse is broken. When Werewolves were in wolf form, full time the didn't have to worry them attacking anyone. But now that it's broken the wolves are turning every full moon. Which is dangerous for the Humans."

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