The Mikealson Ball

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Hayley walks inside the the little hot house in the a bayou she put her purse on the table she turns on the light "Hello Jackson". "Where have you been" "I was out" she said he could tell she was a mood. She started walking up the stairs. "Hayley this serious you cant just be out into five clock in the morning and be upset at me for being worried about you" "Jackson calm down I'm not 13 so stop worrying ok" She said and took a deep breath She ran upstairs and closed her door.



"Did you just sleep with Hayley Marshall" "Well brother you said that she was that Special werewolf girl and that the Werewolf are back because of this special girl maybe we'll be allies" he said with smile putting on his shirt. "Well I don't think they'll won't to be allies after you shacked up there Werewolf queen to be".

"Who said they have a choice" he said but on a devilish smile.


Two weeks since then

It was a Friday night the Mikealsons where having big party. They invited all the factions Witches, Vampires, and Werewolf's. To be honest the reason they invited the werewolf's was because of the Hayley. klaus want to be allies with her but more importantly he wanted her he couldn't get her out of his mind.

The werewolf's came in klaus was looking for Hayley. He searched everyplace in the house then finally he saw her leaning against a wall with a glass of Wine and hand. She was wearing a beautiful Red mermaid gown. He stared at her for few minutes not evening noticing all he could think how beautiful she looked. Something broke his attention from her when Rebekah came next to her.

Eve told Hayley they were invited to the Mikealson Ball personally She didn't want to go She knew Klaus was going to be there. She still couldn't believe that out of all their enemies and She had slept with him. No one could know, But she couldn't help to replay that night over and over in her head. Eve came in making her snap out of her thoughts. "Here wear this" it was beautiful she couldnt help but think if Klaus would like it.

When she interred with Eve it was beautiful there were blue and red lights " its beautiful" Eve smiled at her. Automatically she smiled when she saw side tables and Wine, bourbon. She grabbed the wine and leaned to the wall she was kinda surprised. They went all out it looked even better than it did when she was her before which she thought was impossible. Of course she thought it was amazing for a girl like her. The

Only house or only place she lived in was her adoptive parents house and the bayou.

Few minutes later a girl came up to her she was blonde she looked familiar but she couldn't figure out where she knew her from. She was wearing a beautiful black silky dress "Enjoying the party" "Yeah do I know you from somewhere" she said " Oh you don't remember " she said faking a pout and Hayley still had no idea who she was "Rebekah You ran in to me two weeks ago" "oh" "Hayley right" and they shook hands. " I know your quite the word In New Orleans Werewolf girl who is Queen to be of labonair Family it should be in the news". Rebekah giggled and so did Hayley. She liked Rebekah she was funny and looked like she would be a great friend.

They talked for a few minutes and then she walked away something caught Hayley eye it was Was a teenager standing there looking at her she looked about 16. She had been looking at for minutes now. Hayley didn't even notice she was starring at her into she kept looking back. But then started to think of klaus She pushed the thought away She noticed her glass was empty. When she went to get her drink and that's when the girl who looking at her followed her when Hayley turned around there girl was there looking at her again. She didn't like it she went to her curious she walked over there and grabbed her arm "what do want" the girl was small but Hayley could since she was a witch "Your her" she said surprisingly "what do you mean Her what's your name" Hayley said confused "Davina um Davina Claire" she said and walked away "Wait do you mean by Her" she screamed but she knew she couldn't hear because the music was to loud.

"Having trouble with the little witch" he said and Hayley already knew who it was she couldn't stop thinking about him and when she turned around to face him her thoughts returned "what do want" she said. " I just wanted to welcome you to my family's party" he said and smiled "would you like a dance " Hayley nodded. As she followed him she couldn't stop thinking about there night together as they started dancing it was Quiet the where just there looking into each other eyes.

When Elijah saw them he smiled he hadn't seen klaus Smile like that in a thousand years he started to think if she could be the one the one that would make him happy. "You Look Beautiful to night" he said "thanks"she said smiling "So tell me what brings you here" he said " I don't know you tell me my cousin Eve said we were invited" "Well the Werewolfs are very rare creatures we want to be allies with them" he said Hayley was surprised was that the reason he invited them. "You do know that they were cursed right by Vampires and the Witches so why would they side with a immoral Hybird". She said angrily he didn't know if she was mad at him for saying he wants her pack to side with him or that she liked him. "Well there is a war going on in New Orleans and since your pack are back after 22 years your going to be there target your there new queen they'll try to get you first." "Yeah well if we do side with you what do you get out of it?". All he did was smile then he twirled her around.

She didn't understand she was confused what did he want from her but she knew in the back of her mind what he really wanted." You" she was shocked when kissed her thank god the werewolf's didn't see. Hayley knew if they had saw they would have connect there other night together but when he pulled away she stumbled back little. She wanted to feel that kiss again she wanted to feel his soft lips against hers she didn't just wanted it she needed it. She couldn't stop looking at his lips into he kissed her again. Then he his speeded her to his bed room.

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