Chapter 5 : His eyes (Oh!)

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Nervously I went towards his room. I raised my hand to knock but the door was parted slightly. I lightly pushed the door and tried to look from him from outside. He was standing near the window looking outside. After gathering my courage I spoke slowly.

"Sir", I tried to speak but it came out as whisper. He didn't moved from his place.

I tried to speak loudly. "Sir, Sir, may I come in ? " I somehow managed to speak.

"No, Get out from here", He said angrily without even turning back.

"Sir, Please give me a chance at least to explain myself. Please sir", I said.

"Why should I give you a chance, Miss Sharma ? So that you can lie at my face again. I do not want to make a fool of myself and don't to dare to play innocent in front of me." He said (angrily)

I started moving forward slowly and said, "Sir I am not at fault, I didn't misbehaved with her infact it was she who spoke very bad words to me. She disrespected me a lot. She lied to you about me. She tried to frame me whereas it was her who star.."

"Enough. Not a word more against her. First of all, I have not asked for any clarification and secondly she is not some cheap intern who wants her boss' attention for promotion unlike you. Keep that in mind before speaking a word about her." He said cutting me off.

"Sir, I am not cheap and I do not want your attention for any wrong reasons. I...I". I said angrily.

"Watch your tone, Miss Sharma. Don't forget who are you talking to." He said

"Sir, I remember who you are but just because you are my boss you cannot insult me. This is the same thing she was doing. She decided to disrespect me just because I am an intern. Although, I may have just started my career but I do have my self-respect intact." I said.

He came forward and pinned me to the wall. I gasped. I tried to push him back very strongly I mean very strongly but he grabbed my both hands and pinned them above my forehead with just his one hand. His other hand was on the wall beside my face. I tried to move my legs but he restrained my movements.

"Sir....sir wh..what you doing ? Please let me go? Please sir" I tried my best to release myself while speaking. He just continue to glare me and tightened his hold.

"Sir please release me. It's hurting. Please sir" I said

"Who asked you to come here...huh...tell me and when I told you clearly to get out, you didn't leave and I asked you to not play innocent in front of me and don't bad mouth about her, Why are you not listening." He said bitterly.

"Please let me go Sir please..." I tried to speak while attempting to free myself.

His eyes were spitting fire. Tears started collecting in my eyes.

His moved his hand which was resting on the wall the wall and started moving it on my chin. He holded my chin for like 8 seconds and looked into my eyes deeply. Very deeply. It was like a kind of spell he is putting on me. Suddenly I forgot everything. Where am I, why I am here, my position, my surroundings, everything. The only thing on my mind was these two black eyes. So black like the color black itself is originated from here only!! I looked into those eyes without blinking. I was not able to blink my own eyes that was the intensity of the spell.

Then his hand started moving. He traced my (non-exiting) jawline.

(Because hey! I am a curvy indian girl🙈. I do not have a sharp jawline unlike him. Yesss you heard that right. He has a jawline and let me remind's sharp🙈. This guy is gifted in term of physical features.😍Okay I will tell you about that later(winks). We are in the middle of something else.)

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