Halley's Comet

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The TV blared as the boys argued over who gets the remote. Rad finally snatched it away from Bandit, and clicked through the channels.

"You always get the remote, you never let us choose anything!" Bandit whinged.

"That's not true," Rad said. "You've had it all morning!"

He flipped past a channel, but went back to it; something on the news caught his eye.

"Not the news, it's boring!"

"Shush, Bandit!"

Rad turned up the volume a bit. The news anchor talked about something going on, and he showed a picture on a board behind him.

A comet. Halley's Comet, to be precise. Tonight, it would appear, and wouldn't be back for almost 100 years.

"Oh, it's pretty!" Stripe said.

"We should try to see it," Bandit said. "We might never get the chance again."

"We definitely should," Rad said, standing up and opening the front door for his brothers. "Come on, let's go. We could probably get a great view at the park."

The boys ran out of the house. Despite Rad meaning to lead them, as they neared the park, Bandit decided to take a route through the forest, and Stripe followed.

"No, Bandit!" Rad called, before finally getting ahead of them. "Ugh, you can't just run off like that."


"It's okay. I think...we can go through here. Somehow..."

Rad headed in one direction, his little brothers following suit. Stripe tried picking up his speed to catch up, but as soon as he did, he tripped on a tree root and fell.

He slowly stood up, stinging pain in his arms and legs. He held his right arm, and noticed speckles of blood on his knees. He started crying.

"Come on, Stripe!" Bandit called, looking behind him.

"I can't!" he sobbed.

Rad turned back around and came to his side.

"You'll be okay, it's just a few scrapes," he said. "Here, I'll give you a piggyback ride."

Stripe held onto Rad, who was struggling a bit under the weight of his youngest brother; Stripe was getting too big for him to carry around.

"So, which way do we go?" Bandit asked.


Rad looked in every direction. In the dark, everything seemed the same. He should've thought to bring a flashlight...

"I think we're..."

Bandit looked up into the sky. Much of it was covered by the tree leaves, but a small patch was visible. He saw a streak of white dart across, and ran in the direction it headed in.

"Bandit, don't run off again!" Rad yelled, running as best as he could after him. "Stop! Wait up!"

Bandit kept running, ignoring his older brother. Carefully maneuvering through the forest, he finally emerged from the bush. He looked up at the sky.

There it was; Halley's Comet, passing by slowly in all its glory, shining brighter than all the other stars. Dozens of smaller meteors sped past, and he was entranced by the beautiful display.

Rad came out of the forest, panting hard from running while carrying Stripe (who had now fallen asleep). He, too, looked up at the sky.

"It's pretty," he commented. "I've never seen the sky this beautiful."

"It is quite a sight, isn't it?"

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