Chapter 3

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One minute I am waving goodbye to my parents from the window, the next I am thrown against the wall with Carter's hand wrapped tightly around my arm.

"What the fuck was the performance huh Flo?" I hated when he called me that. I also am very used to this behaviour from him, but it doesn't make it any better when it happens especially when he's drunk.

"Fucking answer me!" He brings me forward slightly by the arm and smashes me harder against the wall, I don't blink.

"I don't understand what you mean darling" a smile grows across my cheeks. I knew exactly what he was talking about the situation when I got out of the car. if there's one thing Carter doesn't like, its being shown up.

A sinister look plasters his face, his once blue eyes are now black. He really has no soul.

He bends down and moves forward so he is only inches away from my face "Don't play games with me you stupid bitch. I'm doing you a favour by staying with you and this is how you repay me? Don't ever fucking think you can talk to me like that again or I will end your life"

A laugh escapes my lips, I couldn't even cover or hide it, rage consumed me. "The favour you're doing me? Oh, darling please let's talk about the favour I am doing you. The only reason you will have a successful career is because you're with me and therefore you will get a well high paid job in my father's business. Without you, yes, I probably would have a little less freedom but thats about it. Without me you are nothing." I gasp for air, I didn't even breathe while letting what has sat on my chest for two years out.

It was liberating but also stupid considering his irrationality.

He couldn't try to hide or contain his anger, his hand that was once around my arm had now connected with my face. He slapped me.

Not an uncommon thing for him to do, I smiled feeling his anger suffocating the room from how much his slap didn't affect me. "That was pathetic" for once in my life I sound powerful, as if finally, he is not above me but below like shit on my shoe.

Big regret.

The smile is instantly wiped off my face when I feel both his hands entwine around my neck like vines.

Yes, it's usually sexy when a boy chokes you. But Carter wasn't trying to be sexual, I could feel his anger through the tingling of his hands tightly around my neck depriving me from any oxygen in the room. He was trying to kill me.

The more I gasped for air, the tighter his hands clasped around my neck. "C-C-C-Carter" I gasp trying to fight him off me.

One singular tear trickled down my cheek while I stared into his dark sinister eyes. He wasn't going to stop.

The small smirk of pleasure said more than words. He enjoyed this

Specs of black started appearing in my vision, I must be purple in the face by now, but he won't budge. "P-P-Please" I gasp again with the last few breaths I had.

I was about to give up fighting when he released my neck and stepped back. I slid down the wall my lifeless body dropped to the ground soaking up as much oxygen as my lungs could get. I didn't bother looking up, I couldn't.

I didn't want to see the monsters face.

I could feel his presence lingering over me.
He bent down slowly, his lips grazed against my ear. I could smell the whisky on his breath.
I shivered, feeling sick from his touch. "Stay out of my way Flo, or next time I will kill you. Do you understand me?' I shook my head slowly showing I would comply with his orders.

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