Chapter 39

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When I get to the airport I am met with two ugly looking men. They are massive, it's as if their jacket is about to rip off their backs.

I tried to tell them I'm perfectly capable of taking myself but they wouldn't budge, apparently mum hired them to not leave my side until I reach Russo residence.

So here I am two hours later sitting in Stansted airport weatherspoons sipping orange juice facing two ugly men.

I snap a picture of the two of them and send it to Jess, her reply had me rolling my eyes to the back of my head.

Jess: Tell them to come back to England once they're done. I've never had a threesome before, they look like a good start...

Jess: Good luck baby. I'm right here if you need me. I'll kick him so hard my foot will be stuck and they'll have to cut it off, I promise.

Jess: Love you forever Flo xxx

I smile at the phone and put it down.
I feel like downing a whole bottle of wine but there's no doing that for another six or seven months. I feel butterflies in my stomach even thinking about it.

I am growing two little versions of Aaron and I inside of me.

It makes me excited but also terrified at the same time. What will he think when I come back? Has he missed me? Does he think about me like I've thought about him? Will he be happy when I tell him I'm pregnant or will he be mad?

Is he ready to be a father?

I shake the thoughts out of my head and return to sipping my orange juice while texting my doctor. I was meant to have my eight week scan in four days time with her but I've asked her to send everything over to Adrian. He will be able to get the right people in to look after me through this pregnancy.

That's if Aaron will want them.

Shut up inner Florence. That's the hormones talking.

We skip pass every line to board the plane people start taking pictures of me and recording as I walk past, They probably think I'm a celebrity. On a normal occasion I wouldn't be phased but now I'm pregnant I feel a little bit more exposed, I find myself standing closer to ugly man number one to hide myself from the cameras.

When I get on the plane I find out I've been upgraded first class. I'm met with pillows blankets and a lot of champagne. Ugly man number two almost takes the poor hostess's head off telling her no alcohol will be served to me, instead he takes it and drinks it himself.


I spend the next couple of hours trying to distract myself. I try to watch legally blonde but I can't focus on the screen so I turn it off. I then open a book where I only skim the words not read them so I've been on the same page skimming over and over till I slam it shut. I then open games on my phone, I end up unable to play them because my brain goes back to a certain 6'4 dark haired man I'm about to see in an hours time.

I slam my phone down and wriggle under the blanket I was given.

"Everything is fine Florence. You're going to be fine." I whisper to myself. 

"Is everything okay Miss Stan?" Ugly man one asks me from the seat next to me.

"Yes I'm talking to myself." I reply not turning to look at him.

"Okayyy..." I hear him sigh.

I don't bother replying again since they'll be out of my hair in just one more hour.

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