Chapter 38

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It has been ten days since I found out I was pregnant and I haven't left the bed once.

After I came out of the exam I didn't speak to anyone. I still haven't told my mum I'm pregnant, but I did have to tell Jess since she wouldn't leave me alone.

"Something happened didn't it" Jess whisper shouts at me.

"Nothing!" I snap at her.

"Somethings wrong Flo, I know you what is it."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I try to climb under the covers to get away from her but she pulls them off of me.

"What did they do Flo? Did they hurt you? Did they... did they-"

"I'm pregnant." I shout cutting her off.

"YOU'RE WHAT!" She gasps clearly feeling as shocked as I am.

"Pregnant." I confirm for her.

"Oh. My. God. Is this a good thing? Do you need me to find a coat hanger? No one needs to know, we can do something just lift your legs up I'm sure I can find-"

I cut her off once more from the spiralling. "I'm keeping them Jess, they are my babies, we went through hell together and they survived. I can't get rid of them now."


Ever since she found out she's snuggled in bed with me and watched the vampire diaries from the beginning, it feels like I've been sent back in time to when we first met in our accommodation. How small my problems were and thought they were massive.

None of it matters while Jess and I lay smothered in pillows and blankets staring at a very hot Damon Salvatore.

Father hasn't been home much. I see him every evening and he comes in to kiss me goodnight like when I was a little girl. I missed it, I missed him.

It took a week to convince him he couldn't hurt Aaron, I think that'll change once I tell him I'm pregnant, he will kill him.

Cole hasn't left me alone either, I didn't tell him or anyone back in New York what the doctor said and she assured me she wouldn't tell anyone. He's being going crazy sending me texts everyday trying to get me to tell him.

At one point he threatened to find the nurse and torture it out of her until she told him what happened.

I ignore him every time and only continue to speak to him because he gives Luca his phone every day to call me. We talk for hours, a bedroom was made up for him at the house and he's enrolled in the young boxing program Cole and Aaron funded.

Cole sends me his sparring videos and I have to say he's already really good, I think he's got a future there. It breaks my heart when he asks me everyday when I'm coming back. I don't have it in me to tell him I don't know if I'm coming back so I always change subject.

It was also Cole's birthday yesterday he turned 23, I text him happy birthday but all he replied was he wanted answers as his birthday present. I stalked everyone's instagram stories to see what they were all up to, of course Cole had a party bigger than the club. People were packed like sardines just to see the birthday boy.

It was weird, there was no sign of Aaron in any video, and he didn't post a single thing.

It's also his birthday in a week on the twentieth of March. Where is time going?

"Get out of your head, you're missing Katherine pretend to be Elena while kissing Damon!" Jess nudges me.

"Did you talk to Cole yesterday?" I ask her.

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