Chapter 32

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Four days have passed since I last saw Florence.
Three days since we last heard anything.

After I ended the phone on Juan he went radio silence, I don't know if it makes me feel better or concerned.

Is he hurting her or leaving her alone? Is she being fed? Did they give her clothes? Is she okay?

Everyone is giving me as much space as they possibly can, which isn't a lot since we are planning to get Florence back as soon as possible.

I went to visit Matteo in the hospital wing of the house yesterday, he was finally awake and beside himself. when I first walked in he told me it was okay to kill him, that he understood he failed and deserved the consequences.

I told him the best punishment for him would be to stay alive and help me get my girl back once he is off of bed rest, but ordered him to stay on bed rest until he was better.

I never blamed Matteo for Florence being taken, there was nothing he could've done. I mean if it came down to her life or his I would pick hers every single day but my stubborn princess had other plans and now all I can do is try get her back before it is too late.

Kade has slept with me every night since Florence was taken, it's as if he feels at unease as much as I do. He won't stop growling at everyone and will lay on Florence's pillow that still smells like her.

I wouldn't admit it to anyone but I do the same at 3am when I can't stop thinking about her.

I'm just about to take him for his daily walk around the garden like Florence usually would do when a buzz comes from my pocket. I pull my phone out to see an attachment sent by "UNKNOWN NUMBER".

I instantly stop everything I was doing and send the attachment to my email knowing i'll be able to put it on the big screen in my office. I don't bother looking at it yet as I would stand there all day, instead I text everyone to come to my office immediately.

Within three minutes, everyone was gathered in my office waiting for the attachment to load on the big screen. Once it finally does I realise its a video, but not just any video, one of Florence.

My heart starts to beat out of my chest uncontrollably, I don't think I could bare watching a video of her being tortured and hurt but I would force myself to do it, if she had to feel it so would I.

The video starts with a full view of Juan checking the camera making sure it is all setup.

"Scumbag!" Vienna shouts at the screen. Everyone nods in agreement while sebastian pulls her closer to him.

No one says another word as he steps slightly out of the way so we get a better view of everything, it is a dirty run down cell with the tiniest window lighting up the room. in the corner of the room is a bucket which looks like its full with vomit that's spilled out all over the floor.

"Fuck." Cole whispers, confirming my suspicion about the vomit.

Before anyone could comment anymore on the matter, he steps completely out of the way and we get a full view of Florence. The colour drains out of every single person in the rooms face. I grip the table tighter as the blood runs cold through my veins, I am trying to stay calm but losing it completely.

In the middle of the room sits Florence on a chair that's screwed into the floor. She must've willingly sat down as the dumb fucks didn't think to tie her up, but that isn't what bothers me. She is sat in just her underwear, skin covered in dirt and one of her eyes is black, almost closed shut.

"When I get my fucking hands on them." I stand up unable to sit any longer, the video hasn't even begun and I can't bare it. My poor girl. I will find her and I will give every single person who is involved the worst death imaginable.

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