Chapter 30

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I got the call fifteen minutes ago that they were being followed.

Fifteen minutes ago was the last time I heard from any of my men, I can't get hold of a single one of them.

"Fuck this." I call out running my hands through my hair for the hundredth time, I'll be bald before the time I'm twenty five at this rate.

"Call Cole and Benny, tell them EVERYONE needs to come back now. The Spanish have made their move." I point to one of my men.

"And you find me the location of them goddam cars, I want to know where they are and if they're still moving. Try get in contact with Chris again." I shout at the other man.

"Everyone get ready, if we hear nothing in five more minutes we are heading out to go get them, I want every man available to come." I order throughout the house.

Everyone starts to rush around me radioing to other men, collecting combat gear, weapons, more radios.
I watch the chaos around me and yet I can't move, I can't breathe.

What if something has happened? What if they managed to overpower the two cars? What if my men couldn't protect Florence? What if they have my girl?

My chest tightens and I begin to gasp for air, I don't understand what is happening. I can't move I'm crippled with anxiety, I haven't felt this way since I first started training as a boy.

A vibration in my pocket pulls me out of my panic induced state. I pull my phone out to see Cole's name flash on my screen.

"Brother what is going on?" He asks me, his voice panicked.

"I-I-I- I don't know right now, I haven't heard anything from the cars yet. They aren't back home I'm getting someone to locate the cars." I reply feeling the horror finally settle in.

Just as I go to tell Cole my worries the man I asked to get information on the cars comes back looking as pale as a ghost.

"Boss, the cars stopped moving 2 minutes after Chris made contact with you. There has been no movement since in either car."

I feel my lungs burn, my head ringing. No this can't be happening, they can't have her, she will be fine.

"AARON" Cole roars through the phone snapping me back into reality.

"I-I'm here." I barely whisper.

"We are all coming. Your cousins will be there before me but we are all on our way, we don't know what's happened yet so don't expect the worst. Just hold on until we find out more information, go to the cars and find out what's happened." Cole's words ring through me, he is right we don't know anything yet and I need to see what's happened.

"Thank you brother, get here as soon as possible. We need you." I end the phone and scream at all my men to gather the cars, we are leaving.

It takes us seven minutes to get to the cars, and what I find almost kills me.

Both our cars are smashed up, there is blood and dead men all over the floor from either side. I instantly spot Chris Tony and Jacob, my heart hammers in my chest.

She can't be dead, please my baby can't be dead.

I hear a low cough coming out from behind one of the cars and everyone instantly raises their guns.

I hold my hand up to tell my men to hold back while I go investigate who's there. As I slowly creep around the corner, I see a sight I didn't expect to see.

Laying in a pool of his own blood looking like a ghost, Matteo sits cradling his chest. He spots me and raises his gun ready to shoot until he realises who it is. He instantly puts down his gun but it's not relief that fills his eyes, it's guilt.

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