Chapter 7

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"Let them in" I call out.

My rules still applied when it comes to meetings at home, I make people wait thirty minutes before I allow them to come into my office.

In walks a tall man, not as tall as me, he's maybe just 6'. Blonde curls fall on top of his head, and he is wearing a navy Italian suit. He has a subtle tan on his skin and looks in shape, he doesn't look bad for 45.

Next to him holding his hand is a small blonde woman, her hair is pin straight. Her skin is darker than his with an olive glow, she has subtle makeup on, and a black suit dress paired with high heels. I can see where Florence gets her looks from.

"Mr and Mrs Stan, thank you for coming please take a seat" I point towards the chairs in front of my desk.

"Where the fuck is my daughter" He growls letting go of his wife's hand.

"Sit down Marian. We have a lot to talk about" I grin at his frustration.

Marian Stan, Florence's father. Born in Romania and moved to the UK when he was a child. Met his wife at a party and been together ever since. He owns one of the largest finance companies in the UK and there is one thing everyone knows; his daughter is his main priority.

"As you know I brought Florence back to New York with me last night. She had gotten into an argument with her boyfriend and was deeply upset, she then proceeded to drink half the bar and was so incapacitated I didn't believe it was safe to leave her on her own." I watch her mother Rose swallow the lump in her throat, she looks like she is going to throw up.

"So why didn't you take her to the fucking hospital, call an ambulance? She shouldn't be here I'm taking my daughter home now." Marian barks, he is on the edge of his seat.

"Calm down Mr. Stan, I have a proposal." I give him the look of sit quietly in your chair and listen, he understood and repositioned himself to listen.

I place the pictures of Florence's neck on the table. Her mother Rose gasps as a singular tear trickled down her face.

"w-what is that? who done that!" Her voice breaks, Marian still hasn't spoke but his knuckles are white gripped round the chair.

"When I noticed your daughter last night arguing with her boyfriend it came to my attention that this was his doing. By time I reached them he was threatening her to do as he said or, he would repeat this action again." I speak calmly as Rose is now flooded with tears. I reach under my desk and pass her a box of tissues. I might be a monster, but an innocent women hurt isn't a pleasant view.

"Where is he now?" Marian finally speaks.

"He is also here, in a waiting cell." I flew him in last night after we got back and Adrian, my personal doctor who's hired for me and my men told me her injuries weren't fatal enough to do permanent damage but if he had strangled her a second longer, she would most likely be dead right now.

Anger got the better of me and I made my men go get him and bring him back here. At first, I wanted to torture him myself, make sure he felt everything he done to her and worse.

I wanted to rip his fingernails off and cut all his fingers one by one so he wouldn't be able to touch anyone again.
I wanted to cut every inch of his body, allow him to heal and do it all over again until he begged me to kill him.
I wanted to strangle him repeatedly until the outline of my hands permanently tattooed his skin, but that was the anger talking.
Instead, I came up with a strategic approach, one which would help everyone get what they want.

"Mr Stan, I completely understand where your head is at right now, we both grew up with the same morals you being Romanian and I being Italian. Such an act against a woman cannot go unpunished, it is not in our nature. I am more than happy to take care of the situation if you want me to, my men will do an excellent job to give your daughter justice. However, with that being said I do know you have your own connections back in England where you can take care of this yourself, I can have him on a plane and transported to any location needed. I will respect and comply with your decision whatever you decide but either way Carter Knight will not live to see another day." A sinister smile takes over Marian's face. It's as if he is pleased someone understood what he was thinking when he saw the pictures of Florence's neck.

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