chapter 3

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Yasmin’s meant to have physical therapy on Wednesday nights. But… instead Beatrice and Lilith pick her up from the florist she works at drag her to the cement half-court at the park they all (separately) got drunk at in high school and shoot some hoops. They don’t talk about why they kidnap her, just… she stopped going to therapy because she hated the physiotherapist and she felt weak. This way they can just pretend they’re hanging out as Yasmin stretches her leg tentatively and does some light jogging. It also helps that she played basketball in high school competitively, and even with a limp, she can still out run them.

“So, when are you going to get around to asking Ava on a date?” Yasmin asks, after stealing the ball from Beatrice and scoring from the three point line. Which is really just adding insult to injury at this point. Lilith snorts, and looks away. Beatrice scowls.

“Yes, because we all have such fantastically successful romantic lives that we love talking about. Absolutely let’s talk about that,” Beatrice deadpans. Yasmin rolls her eyes as she moves to collect the ball.

“I’m just saying, it’s pretty obvious you like her, but she won't be single forever,” Yasmin continues. Beatrice is aware Ava's a catch, but she had been hoping she wouldn't have to make a move any time soon.

“And how is Dora doing?” Beatrice asks, instead. Lilith coughs, slightly strangled, and is clearly trying to not be involved in this conversation. Yasmin scowls at her.

“It was just a question,” Yasmin says, defensive. “And it’s Ava. We like Ava. We want to keep Ava. But we like you more and we don’t want to see you hurt either.” Beatrice looks from Yasmin to Lilith.

“Is this a thing you people talk about when I’m not around? Seriously. It’s not a thing. We’re good,” Beatrice says, and it’s almost the truth. Lilith makes another small sound and Beatrice turns on her.

“And how are you going with your crush on Camila?” Beatrice asks her. Lilith’s face hardens into a blank mask, and it’s Yasmin’s turn to snort. Beatrice knows she's pushing them away but she knows she'll get over this crush on Ava soon.

“Can we go back to talking about anything but this now?” Beatrice asks. Lilith rolls here eyes as Yasmin starts up another jog around the court.

“How about the Super Bowl?” Lilith asks, sarcastic, and Yasmin throws the ball at her face.


Beatrice finds herself looking at dogs when she’s on her nightly jog. She’s normally pretty involved in whatever audiobook or podcast she’s listening to, and barely notices other people on the track. But all of a sudden there are dogs everywhere. There’s a labrador, and a teenager jogging with a spaniel with a weird face, and an old man walking what appears to be an arthritic pitbull. There’s a woman pushing a pram with a dalmatian loping along beside her, and she thinks, for the first time, that it might not be so bad to own a dog. And if Ava ever needed a dog hug, she’d have one. And it would make Camila happy. She jogs, so it would get exercise. She could afford to keep one and look after it. She could own a dog. Adopt a dog. A weird scruffy mutt with lots of personality. Then she catches herself.

She doesn’t want a dog. She's never wanted a dog. Or to buy a dog as a weird token of her love for her best friend that will live with her until it (the dog) dies regardless of her changing feelings. She might fall in love and get married and have a dog she bought for Ava. Or Ava could fall in love and get married or move away and she’d be stuck with the constant reminder that she was in love with her, which seemed more likely. She really doesn't want to buy a dog. Especially as a token of her one sided love for her best friend. She’s definitely not going to buy a dog.

Definitely not.

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