chapter 8

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They have the most awkward coffee of all time with Tara and Pedro before they leave. Pedro is trying to be someone Ava doesn’t automatically hate, and Tara’s trying to make Beatrice like her because she thinks they’re dating, and Ava just wants a dog hug and is clearly trying not to cry, and Beatrice is so far out of her depth with this family that keep saying nice, polite things to each other when there are feelings to be said. Because for all her mother was a shitty mother, she was always consistently blunt and direct. And Beatrice feels like the social worker in her is going to burst.

She will most likely definitely be going to the wedding as Ava plus one though.

“Tara, it was really great to meet you,” she says in the end. And then she smiles at Pedro who looks almost grateful. “You too, Pedro. But this has been really hard for Ava, and I think maybe it’s time for us to go. Maybe we can all go out to dinner together some time, before the wedding. I’m sure Ava would like the opportunity to get to know you better in a less intense emotional setting, and I would too.” She doesn’t know whether Ava’s going to shiv her or thank her, but they are out the door and in the car in under five minutes with promises to email about scheduling dinner. So she’s calling it a win.

“That was fucking smooth,” Ava tells her. “Like you were born into it.” Beatrice scoffs.

“That was my social worker coming out. You people need to use your words more,” she replies, dry, and Ava laughs, and it’s almost not bitter.

“You’re right. I know you’re right. But she turns me surly. And Pedro just wants me to like him so badly! Ugh. It’s the worst. Okay, not the worst. But I am definitely making you come to dinner with them now. And when we stage our breakup, I’m going to say you cheated on me with a Peruvian woman with at least 10 dogs,” Ava informs her and Beatrice laughs so hard she snorts and almost has to pull the car over. “I’m serious! Or they might keep you instead.”

“Ava, there is no one in the world who would ever pick me when they could have you,” Beatrice tells her, sincerely. Ava punches her arm lightly.

“Don’t be a dumbass. Remember Suzie from work she could have had me months ago but she’s still pining over you,” Ava deadpans, and Beatrice is so glad this woman is in her life because she’s the actual best and the most ridiculous.


It's been a month since the awkward interaction with Ava's mom, Beatrice drags Mary and Lilith into an impromptu basketball session.

“I’m going to ask Camila out,” Lilith says as Mary’s taking a shot. The shot goes wide and Beatrice and Mary turn to stare at her where she’s sitting on a park bench watching them.

“If that was your attempt to ensure Beatrice wins I’m going to be so fucking pissed at you,” Mary says. Lilith shakes her head.

“No, I’m going to do it. I’m going to text her and lowkey invite her out for drinks on Friday night,” Lilith says. Beatrice raises her eyebrows, but says nothing. She can’t, really, can she? To be honest she'd thought they had finally sorted through their weird tension in the pet store. Apparently not.

“You guys do drinks on Friday nights all the time. That’s barely a date? Are you going to get there and be like “Surprise! We’re on a date!”?” Mary asks. Which, it’s a fair question. Lilith shakes her head.

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