chapter 6

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Beatrice isn't sure exactly how it became a thing, but Lilith comes to the shelter as well. Mainly, it would seem, to heckle her about her poor life choices.

“I can’t believe you’re buying a dog for the girl you’re not even dating,” Lilith says as they wait for Cam. “I mean, that’s some next level shit right there.”

“I’m morally opposed to giving someone the gift of the responsibility of a life. I mean I am a lesbian, I don't want to procreate with men, and for the last time I’m not buying Ava a dog,” Beatrice responds. Lilith rolls her eyes.

“You’d love babies. You’d take the babies. I’m surprised you haven't settled down with a girl and thought about adopting or other ways to have said baby,” Lilith says. Beatrice snorts.

“There is something seriously wrong with you,” Beatrice tells her. “You need therapy. From qualified professionals.” Lilith grins, wicked, and Beatrice is so glad they’re friends.

“There’s something wrong with me? I’m not buying someone I’m secretly pining after a dog,” Lilith points out. Beatrice considers hitting her, but…

“Shut up,” she says. “Or I’ll leave and come back when you aren’t here to commentate. Plus you're still pining for someone you may not be getting her a dog but I have eyes Lil”

“Fine,” Lilith says. “But I’m only staying to make sure that you pick the most ridiculous dog here. I need to know that you picked the most ridiculous and Camila might be biased by medical things.”

“The whole point of Camila being here is medical things,” Camila says as she arrives. “But let’s be real, Beatrice is going to buy the most ridiculous dog. It’s going to be like a seven breed mutt with uneven ears.” Beatrice sighs. She’d love to argue, but let’s be real… she’s probably going to pick the seven breed mutt.

She doesn’t pick the seven breed mutt.

“That is a great dane,” Camila says. She nods, entranced. The great dane is blue grey, sitting in his cage on the concrete floor looking up at Beatrice happily.

“That dog is the size of a fucking horse,” Lilith says.

“Who’s a good boy?” Beatrice asks. The great dane wags it’s tail. She looks at the info sheet. “Your name is Brutus? What kind of asshole named you Brutus?”

“A egotistical kind of asshole,” Camila points out, Beatrice nods not really listening going over the info sheet in front of her.

“This is ridiculous. But a different kind of ridiculous than I was expecting,” Lilith says. “Can I build a cart for him to pull me around in?” Beatrice looks at her in horror.

“No! Look at him! He needs love, not to be turned into a carthorse,” Beatrice says indignantly. She’s not entirely sure why she’s fallen in love with a great dane with admitted lopsided ears. But she has. She’s in love. Brutus is coming home with her.
She may have to change his name. But she's happy with her choice.

“This is… you do understand the level of work a great dane requires, yeah? Like, that’s a big dog with bigger food requirements, bigger vet bills, bigger everything, basically. It’s going to cost you like three times what that weird terrier would,” Camila points out.

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