The Beggining of The End | 4

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"The kingdom won't mourn a bastard." An old man laughed as he stuffed his mouth with sweetbreads.

The tavern erupted with laughs and protests. Myria couldn't help but frown at the man's comment. The news of Prince Lucery's death was still a hot topic after two weeks. It had come to a shock to Myria, though she had hated the idea of marrying the Prince, she still remembered him fondly. The meeting between them was a short one but she still recalled how optimistic and cheerful he was despite a war looming.

She prayed heavily that night for both his mourning mother and the realm. Many said that the war of ravens was over, and the war of blood and fire was beginning. A horrible thought, it would bring ruin to the realm.

An even bigger shock was the fact that he'd been murdered by his own uncle, Prince Aemond. Myria skin crawled as she recalled his new alias, Aemond the Kinslayer.

Kinslaying was a great taboo in the seven kingdoms. Anyone who killed a member of their family would naturally be dubbed a kinslayer, and they were believed to be cursed forever. It was widely known so those who slay their own blood are normally looked down upon. She recalled her own late father stating that "no man is so accursed as a kinslayer, in the eyes of both gods and men".

Myria had heard that fighting a battle in which a brother dies might be frowned upon, but killing him with your own hand would be considered far worse. She wasn't sure in what category Prince Aemond stood as the story was different every time she heard it.

Some would say that Aemond plucked his nephews eyes out and presented them to Lord Baratheon, while others would say that Vhagar had swallowed both dragon and rider whole. The ladder seemed too far gone for Myria.

It had been 3 weeks since she'd left Winterfell and hadn't looked back. She knew there were men looking for her, as she'd come across posters of her own face with a handsome reward beneath it for anyone who could bring her to the Lord of Winterfell.

She left on her own two feet and walked for hours before collapsing. She wasn't sure where exactly she was going, but she knew it was somewhere south. On her third day of being away from home she was forced to sell her necklace, it wasn't the finest jewelry but it allowed her to have enough money for food and shelter. Winter was coming fast, and she couldn't afford to sleep outside.

She got up from her seat, leaving her stew untouched but before she left the tavern completely she came to a halt as a blood curling scream came from a young girl working in the kitchen.

"Prince Jaehaerys has been murdered!"

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