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  Third person pov:

Karl manage to find the class . And also puffy had used magic to tell teacher about Karl Jacob the new student.

??? Pov:

I was sit in class with my friends. " Ok class , today we have a new student." Teacher said. Everyone was whisper with each other. But I didn't care about the new 'student' . " Ok class, please welcome the new student." Teacher said . The new student had walked in and everyone started whisper again. " Hi , I am Karl Jacob. And I hope we can be friends" Karl said with a smile. Hmm he looked cool though. I wondered if my friends think like that. I turned to look at my friends . And two of my friends blushed ????
I then turned to look one of my friend. He seemed so surprised.i just signed and teacher told Karl to sit down. I turned to look at two friends again.i though ' love in first sight ' I rolled my eyes then I tried to focus to the teacher.

(Time skip)
Third person pov:

Karl went to his favorite place aka library . He love reading and it was only a place that made him relaxing." Well we'll look who we have here a new student." Someone said. "Jake I think we should introduce ourselves first you know" another person said. " Well then I am Jake . His name is Mike and her name is Jessica. My girlfriend" Jessica blushed. Karl looked at them and turn to read book again. Jake was so angry that he took the book from Karl and threw it away. " Look at me and answer ,you stupid b**ch " Jake yelled . Karl just stared at him and said " yk bullying is a bad habit " . Jake was so angry and almost slapped him but someone used their magic to stop him. It was fire magic.

??? pov:

I just walked and think of a new student how handsome he was . Then I heard Someone yelled from library. I thought ' it was Jake isn't it?' I signed and walked to library. I saw him bullying Karl and almost slapped him but I used my fire magic to stop him. Jake yelled " who the f**k stop me ?!!" He turned around and he saw me. " O..oh h..hi sap..nap.." he said ." What the actually f**k did you do ?!" I asked angrily. " I....I did nothing at all .. see nothing happened" he said nervously. " Then why were you yell ?" . " I....I ...I -" . " Get the f**k out ". I said ." Yes !" He said and his friends and him ran away. I went to Karl and asked him" Are you ok ?" . " Oh I'm fine . And thank you for helping me" he said. " You're welcome " I said with a smile and asked him if he want to meet my friends. Then he said yes.

We walked with each other and have a little conversation.

" We're here" I said. He looked around ." Oh here they are " I said and hold Karl's hand and draged him to my friends.

" Sapnap you're late" my friend said . " Yeah yeah I have some problem when I came here" I told them. " You must be Karl Jacob the new student . Hi I am George. The tall man with dirty blonde is dream and the one with beanie is Quackity ." George said. " And you know me right Karl ?" I said. " Yes I know you " Karl said.


Don't forget to eat and drink

574  words

another world ( karlnapity , dreamnotfound )Where stories live. Discover now