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Four months. It's been four months since Banele had been deployed a country away and mostly unreachable. He's back because his sister gave birth and now has two infants needing her attention. He's back because deployment is over and he missed his sister. He's back, though he won't admit, because he wishes to see Randy or hear something about him. The two haven't been in contact which is a fault on Banele's part. He last saw the man when they'd taken Lisa to her new home. He's thought of him more times he'd like to admit, even missing his kisses which he's only experienced once. He parks his car inside his sister's yard, knowing he won't be spending the night. He'd rather book into a hotel than go home or impose on his sister. The latter is because she's his little sister so he's not comfortable. The former is because their mom still won't talk to Lisa or ask about how she's doing. She's basically disowned her only daughter and is unashamed. It irks Banele because even he can't imagine disowning his daughter for marrying a man with two wives. Thuto's womb is still nurturing their daughter. She's to give birth in less that two months, which he'd like to be around for. He's looking forward to it. The circumstances might not be what he'd envisioned, seeing as he wanted a child under wedlock but he's still happy about having his first child. His door is opened, halting his thoughts. He realises he'd zoned out.
"Nele!" The sister-wife chirps as if they're best friends.
He steps out of his car then hugs Lexy briefly. She seems too excited to see him.
"Lisa has mentioned missing you so many times. I know she'll be happy to see you. Liqhawe is home now. He came home after Qhawekazi's birth. She's so happy!" He's informed by the first wife as she leads him inside.
The family is in the living room. Lisa immediately jolts up when she sees him.
"Careful, Lisa. Your stitches have barely healed," Ethan chides.
It's what causes Banele to be cautious as he hugs his little sister.
"I missed you so much," he admits to her with a grin.
She returns his grin.
"I missed you too"
They update each other about their lives. He tells her about being deployed in another country and also about his coming daughter with Thuto. She tells him about giving birth and also having both her kids home.
"Have you seen Randy?" She asks, which has him choking on his water.
"I wasn't here," he answers
"Spoken to him at least?" He shakes his head. She frowns. "He says you blocked him"
"I don't want to talk about him," he tells her.
She doesn't let it go, though. She's shipping them. She's probably the only one who believes in them.
"Well, he's coming over for dinner. You came right on time"
The doorbell rings after she says that. She beams at her brother then gets up to attend to the door. Ethan and Lexy had excused the siblings so they could catch up. Banele wishes he'd known about this dinner because he would've come tomorrow morning to see his sister. He hasn't even seen his niece and nephew yet he has to deal with this.
"Settle down. I'll begin setting up for dinner. Lexy!"
He hasn't shifted his gaze to the man sitting way too closely to him and isn't planning to. He can feel Randy's presence. From his cologne to his minty breath. He's super aware of him and hates every moment of it.
The dinner isn't awkward less Banele drifting more into his thoughts. He keeps zoning out because Randy seems to be ignoring him as well. He hasn't spared him a glance, only laughing at Lisa's mention of their 'fling' or whatever it is. After dinner, Banele offers to help with the dishes. Lisa should be resting, which she's apparently been refusing to do. She only listens because Banele said so and she respects her brother. He passes Randy in the living room when he's done. The older is watching soccer while having a bottle of beer, relaxed as if at his own place. Banele scoffs at the audacity. He ascends the stairs so he could finally meet his niece and nephew, an opportunity he wasn't afforded earlier because they chose to have dinner. He only kisses the babies then leaves. He has tomorrow to hold them, play with them and all which he can't do now since they're sleeping. He finds Randy in the same position. Another scoff escapes his lips as he picks his phone and car keys on the table.
"You're leaving? I need a ride," Randy exchanges words with him for the first time since this evening.
Banele chooses to ignore him, instead walking out and to his car. At least Lisa didn't fight him about not spending the night. The passenger seat dips, alerting him of an intruder. He sucks his teeth then turns to the green-eyed man next to him.
"What do you want, Randy?"
"A ride to wherever you're spending the night," he answers.
Banele scoffs.
"I'm not spending the night with you. Either tell me now or get out of my car!" Banele seethes.
"Why are you so hostile? Have you missed daddy's attention so much that you're resorting to acting out?"
Another scoff.
"I'll take you that house of yours," Banele says in finality then starts the car.
He's never thought of how it'd be when he sees him. Even if he had, he wouldn't have thought they'd be so much tension between them. His focus remains on the road, disregarding the man who's had his gaze on him since he got into his car. It seems it's taking longer to get to the house the older once showed him. He wonders if it's now finished as they inch towards it. He releases a breath in relief when he parks outside. It's darker now and all he wants is to take a nap.
"Get out of my car, Randy," Banele spits.
The older chortles.
"Who do you think you're talking to like that?" Randy calmly asks.
That causes Banele to turn to him, immediately finding himself in a chokehold that has him gasping. He doesn't bother fighting him. All he does is stare back into the green eyes he'd never admit he missed. He feels Randy's breath fan his face.
"You listening, pretty boy?"
Banele snickers provokingly.
"I don't know who you t-think..." Randy tightens his hold before he can finish.
"Fucken finish that. Look at how submissive you look right now, not even fighting me. You like this, don't you?" He taunts the younger, voice lowered an octave.
His breath has been cut and after a few seconds of not breathing, he grabs Randy's wrist with his eyes begging him to let go. He does then chuckles.
"Look at you flushed, got your dick hard and all"
The older chortles after his words, getting out the car and going to Banele's side to open for him. He's frowning as he gets out. He lets Randy get his bags from the backseat then follows behind him with slouched shoulders.
"You ready to see our place for the first time? Officially, this time"
The question is rhetorical so he doesn't humour Randy with an answer. He shouldn't be here.
"I'm yet to get furniture. I was waiting on you so we could do it together," Randy says as he opens the front door.
"You left without locking?" Banele asks with a frown.
"The gate was locked," he answers as if that's safe enough.
The younger shakes his head but doesn't say anything else. The place is empty. At least the kitchen has some built-in cupboards along with a stove plus fridge then that's it. It's a big and open space for the living room, along with a bar at the far-end along with an empty wine cellar. He didn't think it'd be this bare. He follows the man up the stairs. They stop at the last door from the right.
"Welcome to our master bedroom. I got us a king size bed and that's it. Should I pack your clothes in the closet?"
Banele shrugs then sits on the bed. He's tired, which is why he ends up taking his shoes off then undressing until he's in his boxers . He knows Randy will force them to share a bed. He can be clingy at times, giving him the affection that he'd yearned for from his baby mama . He doesn't think about Thuso much. He knows if he lets the thought linger, he might wind up despising her. He can't . She's still the mother of his unborn child.
"I'm sorry I took too long," Randy says when he returns.
He doesn't get a reply. Banele is now inside the covers and scrolling through his phone.
"Banele?" He calls
The younger looks at him.
"What?" He snaps
"I missed you," Randy says with a grin.
The younger rolls his eyes.
"I bet you did. Why did you tell Lisa that I blocked you? Why are you guys even talking about me?" He asks, now having put his phone away.
He has his arms folded whilst waiting for a response.
"She likes me for you and understands my frustrations when it comes to you and how you're playing hard to get as if you don't want me," Randy responds, coupled with a shrug.
Banele smacks his lips.
"You're so aggravating!" He stresses
Randy laughs.
"How? I've been wanting you for months and you stay running. I won't get tired of the chase by the way. It's intensifying how rough I'll be when I finally get to tap," Randy says then licks his lip, biting it.
"You're so annoying!" Banele screeches
"And you're so sassy but you don't hear me complaining. I like it"
He stares at him. Randy smiles then removes his pants which have been the only item on his body. He then holds his dick as he walks over to Banele, stopping when he's next to him on the floor. The younger meets his eyes.
"What are you doing?" He asks
"I want you to suck it," Randy answers.
Banele looks down at his length then back at the man, scoffing. He wouldn't even dream of it or so he thinks.
"You're mad if you think I'd even consider it"
He chortles .
"Baby, I know you will. You'll be begging to suck it one of these good days"
He's too confident for Banele's liking. It irks him. He doesn't want to think that Randy might be right. The man is still standing next to his seated form with his dick on his hand.
"Shift so I can get in bed, baby . I can see you're tired," Randy says.
Banele quietly does as said, turning his back to Randy after and closing his eyes so he can get some rest.
"Don't touch me," he mumbles.
Randy doesn't listen, snaking his arms around his waist then bringing the younger's body closer so Banele's back is against his chest.
"Good night,baby," Randy says.
He wakes up alone in the morning. He sits up then stretches. It feels like he slept a bit longer than he usually does. He had a good rest. It might be the bed or the company but he's happy and content. One can say he woke up in a good mood. He gets off bed then makes it after. He only worries about Randy's whereabouts after taking a shower and changing into his sweatsuit. He descends the stairs in pursuit of the older. He's hungry and thirsty.
"Randy?" He calls for him when he's on the last step.
"In the kitchen!"
That's where he goes to find the man butt naked and frying something on a pan. This shouldn't surprise Banele. He's being forced to get used to his nudity and isn't complaining. He's confident in his body too but to walk around naked around Randy? Never.
"Lil dick ass, what are you cooking?"
"What did you call me?" Randy asks, which has Banele chuckling.
"You heard me. I'm hungry"
He opens the fridge to retrieve a bottle of water, letting out a squeal when his rear is spanked which makes him drop the bottle of water from the impact. He wasn't expecting that. He turns to the culprit who's smirking at him.
"What was that for?" He spews
"Your disrespect. You don't ever get tired?"
Banele huffs.
"Have I ever put my hands on you?" He counters with his eyes squinted. "You're always... doing something"
Randy scoffs.
"I've never hit you," he says. "I've been loving you, so what are you talking about?"
"My ass is still burning from your spanking!" Banele retorts
"And that's because of your mouth"
He gets closer to him then reaches to his rear, soothing it with his hand. They're staring at each other. He's too close for Banele's liking, which hinders his breathing. Everything else seems to dissipate as they continue staring at each other like this. Then, Randy kisses him and it becomes the fastest he's ever kissed back. It feels like he's been waiting for it from how eager he is. He doesn't care. His arms snake around Randy's neck As he brings their bodies closer, closing whatever gap had been between them. He can feel the others hands on his rear, squeezing it for dear life. He doesn't mind. He's the one to deepen the kiss then allows Randy to take control. They kiss until they smell something burning.
"Oh, shit!" Randy cusses after breaking the kiss.
Banele is still... overwhelmed by it. He's tempted to touch his lips as if in disbelief. He can still feel Randy's lips, tongue dancing with his and his hands gripping his rear. It's a little surreal. Him with a whole male? He'd have never imagined.
"Baby, I'm talking. What are we going to eat?"
He's pulled from his thoughts by Randy's words. He shakes his head then looks to the man who's looking at him expectantly.
Randy laughs.
"Snap out of it and order breakfast for us, will you? Cause I did try cooking but you wanted to fight"
Banele scoffs then retrieves his phone from his pocket.
"Can you go get dressed? We'll join Lisa and them for breakfast. I'm yet to see my nephew and niece while they're awake"
He's calling her as he talks. She answers after some time. The first thing he hears is a baby crying in the background.
"Banele, hi"
"Hey, you good?"
She sighs.
"Exhausted but yes. I'm trying to feed them. Kazi refuses the bottle but I can't feed both the breast at once," she says.
"Damn. Can we come over for breakfast? Randy burned everything so the kitchen is smelling like some ash house"
Lisa laughs.
"Ah, of course you can. You'll get to tell me how you're with him this early!" She gushes.
He groans.
"I hate you," he says then hangs up.
"What are you looking at?" He asks Randy.
"You're so handsome. I'm blessed. Let me go get dressed," Randy says then finally retreats.

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