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A WEEK turns into a month. It feels like he's lost her. I mean, at least they talk now. She prepares the kids for school then kisses him goodbye when he leaves for work. It's comforting for him. Things have also gotten better with Lisa. His heart is warm. Everything seems fine to him, more than fine actually.
"Morning, baby!" He says to Lisa when he comes back from the bathroom.
It's Friday and after that, he can finally relax. It's been a hectic week, especially after his assistant missed work due to an illness. He'll be back on Monday. Anyway, this means he's had to do everything himself, which hasn't been easy.
"Oh, hi husband"
"Why are you up so early?" He asks as he leans down to kiss her lips.
"Couldn't sleep. I've also been thinking about going back to work," she says.
Her incision has and the stitches from her natural birth have long dissolved. The babies are fine too, with Qhawe stronger than ever. He's now at five months while Kazi is only a month and a half.
"Don't piss me off," Ethan says as he straightens up.
"How am I pissing you off? I didn't sign up to be a housewife, Ethan. Have you forgotten where we met?"
"I can take care of you. Kazi is only a month old and you're already thinking of work? Nathan has already gotten a replacement," he says.
She scoffs.
"You serious, Ethan?"
"No, I can't believe you are. Can't you at least wait until she's six months before thinking of work? Geez, man Lisa. That's not how my babies are raised!" He says, voice a bit loud and laced with frustration.
"You don't have to shout at me," she mumbles.
He sighs, rubbing his face.
"I get that you're still young and have dreams but you're also a mother and a married woman. Don't be selfish," he says then walks out.
Getting down, the four are seated and having breakfast. He joins them after placing a kiss on Lexy's cheek. She's dressed this morning and even has her makeup done, which catches his attention.
"Are you going somewhere?" He asks.
She nods, not sparing him a glance. He hasn't seen that spark in her eyes whenever she looks at him in forever, yet he's convinced things are great between them.
"Where?" He asks, seeing as she doesn't divulge.
"I have a meeting," she vaguely says. "I'll drop off the kids"
"What meeting?" He's getting impatient with her vague answers.
However, he can't lose his cool in front of the kids. It's not that he has a temper, but the attitude he's getting is getting under his skin.
"It's business," she says in finality.
He watches as she gets her bag and car keys then tells the kids to go to the car. She goes to his side when they're gone. She kisses his lips.
"Don't worry. Lisa will take care of you"
He scoffs.
"I want you, Lexy. Don't you think it's been too long?" He stresses out
She laughs, amused.
"Want me? No, baby. So you can moan out Lisa's name while balls deep inside me? I'd rather not"
She leaves after dropping that bomb. One could say she's gotten over it. It's been five weeks so surely she has, right? Lisa never told Ethan about it. She felt it wasn't her place and never got to it. Lexy now feels light after saying that. She's driving while smiling, humming to the music playing on the radio. Today feels like it's going to be a good day. She can feel it in the fibre of her being. She drops Mpho and Rose first then finishes with Leigh-Anne and Logan. She arrives in time for her meeting. She makes sure to turn off her location, knowing how Ethan can be sometimes. He could always track her car, but usually sticks with the phone. She can't turn off the one in her car since anything can happen and she oath to keep it safe. They have six kids who cannot lose her.
"Mrs Williamse, good to meet you," the acquaintance says as he extends a hand to her.
"Likewise," Lexy replies and shakes his hand briefly.
She's been at home for too long now and has decided to go back to work. She'd taken extended leave because she wanted to be there for her husband and his new wife, however, they're now good. There's nothing keeping her at home.
"I'm going to cut straight to it. You've been part of the Williamse legacy since your university years. Are you sure about leaving that?" The man asks.
"Leaving what?" Lexy asks.
"All that you've known to pursue something else. I don't believe it'll be an easy decision," he says.
Lexy nods.
"Yea, but I don't think there's any real growth in comfort. This is a good position and something I'll be doing for me. I think it's time for me to move from where I've been for more than a decade," she tells him.
He nods.
"Fine. You've done amazing work there so I have no doubt that you'll take our company to where we want it to be. Mrs Williamse, welcome to Dynasty Holdings"
They shake hands yet again. She's yet to resign from her position as financial planner at the Williamse company. It's something Ethan might not take kindly too but to miss out on being financial manager for his sake? She's not doing it. She'd be so far in life if she hadn't stuck by him, always doing what pleases him and putting herself last all those times. Gone are those days. The two buy a celebratory bottle of champagne and only part after finishing it.
Shes a bit surprised to find her husband home. He's suppose to be at work, seeing as he never misses a day. It seems he's been waiting for her judging by how he jolts up at her presence. He sniffs her, as if suspecting her of being malicious. That's more his thing.
"Where have you been?" He asks.
"Told you I had a meeting," she answers.
"What meeting?" He asks.
"I'm going Dynasty Holdings as financial manager. It's a five year contract," she answers him
His eyebrows furrow. She didn't discuss this with him.
"What?" She nods. "You Fucken listening to yourself, Lexy? You don't just go out there making such decisions!"
"Why not? Isn't that what you usually do? I learned from the best," she carelessly says.
He snickers, sauntering towards her.
"What are you saying?" He asks, hand itching to choke her.
He's supposed to be on the way to fetching their kids , not putting his wife in place since she seems to be out of it.
"That I quit. I was going to send my resignation letter on Monday," she tells him.
He scoffs.
"All this because I accidentally moaned my other wife's name? It's not like I called a stranger, Lex. Why can't you forgive me?" He says, cupping her face with his hands.
She can barely look into his eyes, knowing she'll easily curve. She can't afford to.
"You never asked for forgiveness. You don't see anything wrong with it. You don't care about my feelings, Ethan. You never did. Not when you went for my then best friend after turning me out, and definitely not when you chose to marry her over me. Heck, you weren't thinking of me when you pursued Lisa. Neither were you when you married her. You don't give a damn about me and frankly, I've stopped giving a fuck whether you do. Let me be!" She roars.
They've forgotten where they are. It's Lisa who comes running down the stairs due to the commotion.
"Is everything ok?" She asks while out of breath.
Ethan rushes to her, which has Lexy gulping. She shouldn't be surprised. She might be the senior wife now but she still feels like she's less loved. It shouldn't be that there's room for competition. She shouldn't feel like he has favourites but it's always been like that. She watches as he asks if she's fine, as he touches on her like she's the one feeling scorned. She swallows the bitter truth then retreats. She might as well fetch the kids. Anything but be here.

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