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"Lisa. We need to talk," Ethan says to his second wife.
He's allowed her to ignore him for about two days, trying to beg Lexy not to leave but she still did. It's only Lisa and the twins now, Lexy having taken all four kids with to his mother's place. He's not much surprised, especially after what Rose said. It scares him that his decisions are affecting his kids. He's never been as confused as he is now.
"What's going on?" A tired Lisa asks
Where does he begin? He hasn't thought much of how to go with the conservation. All he knows is that this arrangement isn't working. It seems he and Lisa were fine before they lived together. He thought they'd all be one big family but clearly not. Maybe he should've taken time to know her. Maybe they should've taken things slow before they brought babies into it. He knows he loves her or at least that's what he thinks. It can't be lust or is it?
"Lexy and the kids are with Miley for a while. I don't know if you're aware," he begins
"Are you saying it's my fault?"
He sighs.
"Can one have a conversation with you without you jumping into defence? Can we have a calm one?" He beseeches
"I can see where this is headed, Ethan. I'm not dumb"
"Why is it so hard for you to listen?" He asks, calmly
They won't be able to speak if they're both agitated. Lisa sighs.
"What have I done now?"
"You're selfish, Lisa. You only look out for yourself and don't try to compromise for the needs of others. Now I have my daughter complaining because you don't care about them or allow them any time with the twins. Why did you agree to this marriage if you're still going to act like you live alone?"
His tone is low but Lisa can feel the chastise in it. He's mad.
"I...what do you mean?" She asks
"How long have you been in your own world, not even giving me a chance with my own babies? Have you forgotten they wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of me?"
He's livid. She's never seen him like this.
"This is hard, Ethan. There's only one me and too many expectations. Then there's Lisa and that...your firstborn is always giving me the stinky eye. I don't know how to deal with all of this. I...I'm too young and it's too much," she says.
"Why did you agree to marry me?" He asks. "Why did you say yes if you didn't want me through thick and thin? Isn't that what you vowed?"
"Nobody told me it'd be this hard. You're old and you''ve seen life. All of this happened too fast and now we're here. The house is too big and I...I can barely handle being a mother of two while having to cater to you then add four more kids on top of that. I can't do it!"
She didn't mean to snap but she's honest. Life was easy when she was just Bonnie's girlfriend and trying to get to work in time. It seems she blinked once then found herself here.
"What do you think we should do?" He asks her
They look at each other.
"I can't...go home. My own mother disowned me," she says.
"No one said anything about you leaving"
She chuckles bitterly.
"Ethan, we can both see this isn't working. This marriage isn't what we thought it'd be. I know you love Lexy and I've seen it but sharing a husband? I can't. Having to mother six kids? It's too much. It seems I'm the problem here"
"I think we need to see someone, to help us both navigate our marriage and for you to –"
She shakes her head.
"I don't want that. This marriage is suffocating," she says. "This house too. I can't be here anymore"
"Lisa, I bought this house for you. We moved in here because we wanted new beginnings," he reminds her. "Now you want to leave me?"
She smiles.
"Lexy called me your mistress and she's right. You guys have been together before Rose was born and look at how grown she is. I came here and messed up your family. I should've had more restraint than to fall for a gorgeous married man," she says. "I think I might be pregnant"
His eyes widen.
"I haven't gotten my period since I gave birth to Kazi. Do I look like I want to be 25 with three kids? That's if I'm carrying one baby. Do you see how this is a mess?"
He rubs his face.
"We need a mediator," he says.
"No, stop! I don't... this isn't what I had in mind. It's not how I thought it'd go. I'm not going to sit here and watch your kids hate me. I won't wait until Logan and the other one are grown and jump on the Lisa hate train. I won't do it. I...I can't be here," she tells him.
"You can't just leave. We have kids, Lisa"
"And I know Lexy will be able to take care of them. They're young and will probably forget about me and call her mommy. Maybe that's why you and I met. Maybe I was meant to bring you and Lexy together," she says
He doesn't like how she's talking. It's as if she's...
"Lisa, you're not planning to kill yourself"
She wipes her face as she chuckles.
"Kill myself? No. Can you look after them? I want to go see my brother"
He sighs.
"Great. We'll continue this conversation when you come back. I don't agree with anything you just said"
"It's not up to you, Ethan."
He watches as she walks out. He calls Nathan because he'd rather not be alone. He hasn't spend time with his twin in a while and hopes he'll agree to come over.
"What's up man?" Nathan answers
"I need you," Ethan mutters then hangs up.
He's frustrated.
Nathan finds his twin brother with his head between his crouched knees, seeming to be lost in a trance.
"What's up?" He asks, feeling how distraught he is.
What could've happened?
Ethan sighs then lifts his head; eyes bloodshot red.
"It's a mess," he rasps. "Lexy left and now Lisa wants too as well. did I get here?"
Nathan hugs him. He brushes his back as Ethan lets it out on his chest - crying at the burden of the mess he created. He's too old for this. He's a father of six and can't be a weakling but this is his twin.
"What happened?" Nathan asks when he's calm, having gotten up to grab a bottle of water which he drank.
"I don't know man. All I was trying to do was talk to Lisa about her behaviour the past weeks then she spoke of leaving. I don't...I don't know what I was thinking. I should've...we were better when we weren't in the same house and with kids. I should''s too late. I need a drink"
He's allowed him to cry and also calm down. Clearly he's overwhelmed, which isn't like Ethan who's always on top of things. He knows a solution has to be reached.
"You don't think you were quick to marry her? Driven by lust maybe?" Nathan asks when he's calm.
He shrugs.
"I don't know. A lot happened in a short period of time. I...I didn't give myself time to think"
"Do you regret it?"
Does it? He doesn't know. He loves his kids, all of them equally. The twins mean a lot to him.
"I love my kids," he says instead.
"I know you do, Ethan. They're your life. Maybe Lisa wasn't a good idea? You lost Amo then Lexy. She's not worth losing more," Nathan says.
He turns to him.
"How did you just...give up your son like that?"
"I'd never raise that man's child, Ethan. Never. Anyone else, maybe I would've thought about it but not Randy!"
He sighs.
"The situations are different. Those ones are mine. I just... I don't know where to from here"
"Go take a nap. I'll take care of the twins and call mom to come cook in the meantime. You need it"
Banele is happy to see his sister. The two hug each other, the older breaking it when he hears his sister sniff.
"What's wrong?" He asks, still holding her.
He looks into her eyes, Lisa breaking out on his chest. He brushes her back as she cries, offering words of comfort.
They get to sit down. Randy was taking a shower when he came to answer the door. He's hoping he won't come down with his dick out since they have a guest.
"I want out," Lisa tells him. "I came here to say goodbye"
Wait, what?
"Wh...what do you mean ?" He asks
She shakes her head.
"I can't do it anymore, Nelly"
He lets her get away with that because she's emotional right now. He hates that name.
"What can't you do? You're a mother and a wife"
"I can't be a mother, okay!" She screams.
This must be serious and he notices that.
"There's the twins then those older ones. It's a lot to expect from one woman. I'm too young to be mothering six kids while having to deal with a husband. I want to live, Banele and not feel like I'm stuck in Ethan's fairytale"
He sighs.
"You can't abandon your kids, Lisa. You chose this. said you love him"
She shakes her head.
"My mind is made up. I...I'm leaving the country. I'm going far away where Ethan won't find me. I need to find myself," she says.
"What about them? You carried them and you'll leave just like that? That sounds to selfish," he says.
She shrugs.
"They'll be fine. They're young. They'll grow up and won't even remember me. I...I need this. I don't want to lose myself loving him or them. If men can do it, why is it so much of a big deal when a woman does it? I'm too young for all of this"
He groans.
"Oh, there you are," Randy says before Banele can reply. "What's going on, love? Who's feeding you lemons?"
"Hi Randy," Lisa says with a small smile.
"Monalisa. Why's my husband sad?" He asks her
"I have to go. I love you, ok? I'll call you when I'm settled. Please don't...don't say anything to Ethan"
She kisses his cheek, waves at Randy then leaves. He's still in the same position even after his sister has left. All of it seems like a dream. She can't leave like that, can she?
"What was that about?" Randy asks, taking his hand.
"She's running away," he tells him. "She wants to skip the country and leave everything and everyone behind. I don't think...I don't think she's in the right mind."
"Oh. What did Ethan do?" Randy asks
"All I've seen that man do is love her. All of this doesn't make sense. Maybe the kidnapping affected her more than we'd like to give," Nele says
"Could be. Did she say how long she's been planning this? I don't think Ethan would just let her leave"
Banele shrugs.
"I didn't get to ask. Her mind seems made up. Maybe it's been a while"
"It doesn't add up. I'll do some digging," he tells him. "Baby, can you make us food? I'm hungry"
The younger rolls his eyes.
"Of course, you are. I'm worried about my sister, Randy. I'm sorry I can't feed your insatiable hunger right now"
The older gasps.
"What? Are you talking to me like that? I didn't do anything!"
"My only sister wants to leave her kids who are barely a year old. There must be someone helping her with this move. I'm going to make food then you'll begin finding out who's helping her with all of this. I love you"
He kisses his cheek then stands, but of course his boyfriend can never leave his cheeks alone. A rough spanking lands on one, making him scream.
"Randy, I can barely work already!"
The older laughs.
"I'm sorry, baby. Have you seen how it jiggles? I couldn't help myself"
"You'll help yourself for the coming month when I'm gone. I'm leaving next week"
Yes, the bomb has been dropped.
"What do you mean you're leaving? You can't leave!"
The younger scoffs.
"You've known I'll eventually have to. Thuso will be here. I'm sure the two of you won't kill each other in my absence. I think her house will be ready by next week," he says.
"I don't care about your baby mama. I can't...I can't be without you. Owen and I will miss you. As for Thuso, she probably won't be opening the door so I can see our son. Banele, I thought we spoke about this. You have a family. You can't be going away for months. How will we survive?"
He sighs.
"It's my job. I love what I do."
He enters the kitchen so he can make food. He doesn't want to leave but he has to. Randy will have to understand.

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