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He's rubbing on him. He's been trying to wake him up for about ten minutes now, Banele only stirring then going back to sleep.
"Now if I put it in while you're sleeping..."
"Stop," Banele growls
He moves to lay on his back, finally opening his eyes. He might've slept for long but he's still tired. His body is in knots.
"Good morning my love," Randy says then kisses his lips.
"It's early. Why are you in my face?" Banele complains
He's been like this since he knows the man. He doesn't mind it though but he does love acting bothered by all this attention he's getting.
"Nowhere else I'd rather be. Can I get a kiss?"
Banele covers his mouth.
"Can I at least go rinse my mouth? You smell like you're fresh out of the shower!"
"I don't care about your breath. Kiss me," the older demands
The younger rolls his eyes then kisses him shortly. He sits up, stretching his stiff limbs.
"I need a massage," he says
Randy smiles.
"Go shower then. I'll grab some oil from the nursery," he says
Banele shrugs then gets off the bed.
"Just like that? You're not going to shout cause it's Oma's?"
Banele chuckles.
"Randy, you have money and it's not like we'd ever run out. It's nothing for me to worry about. Where's my phone?"
"Why do you need a phone to take a shower?" Randy questions.
"Why do you keep acting like it's yours? I want my phone," he demands.
"Then take mine. You and I don't hide anything from each other"
He scoffs.
"I'm sorry but your taste in music sucks."
"That's why I have Apple Music. Any other excuse?"
The younger smacks his lips.
"You think you can argue"
He grabs the phone from the nightstand then makes his way to the bathroom. A warm shower would slap.
When he's done, Randy is not in the room and the bad has been made. The man still has his phone. He hasn't had any time with it for two days now, which has been the older's attempt to keeping him home.
He smacks his lips then decide to pursue him so he can get his phone back. He doesn't want to miss any important communication from work. His leave is ending soon. He finds him in the living room, playing a video game. It's Monday so Owen is at daycare. Thuso and his mother are somewhere in the house. The only person he's concerned about is his daughter, whom he found still sleeping.
"Randy, I want my phone," he says after slumping onto his lap.
"Why?" The man asks, attention on the tv screen.
"Why exactly should I negotiate getting my own phone? I can't miss anything from work," he explains
He'd rather not but Randy is relentless. He won't let him have it until he's given a good enough reason. It's madness to him but he has no choice.
He's moved to sit next to Randy who switches off the TV, takes off the headphones then puts the game console on the coffee table before them. He looks at Banele, face stoic.
"What did I say about work?" Randy asks
"What do you mean?" He questions. "You've known I have a job. It's why I was away?"
"And we have kids now, Nelly. Your job is too risky and too flexible – you can't go back there," Randy says.
The younger scoffs.
"I don't have orders from you," he sasses. "You don't get to control me"
Randy takes his hand, eyes not wavering from him as he gives its back.
"I'm not trying to control you. I just... I want you where I can see you. I didn't get us a house only to be left alone in here. You know Thuso and your mom are going to leave then what? It'll just be me and Owen? I'm not saying stop working though I'll be able to take care of you but at least a local post where I get to sleep next to you every night"
"I love what I do, Randy. I can't imagine myself  outside the force. I'm too young and fresh to retire," he says.
"Too young and fresh?"
He rolls his eyes with a scoff.
"Of course, that's what you'll hear. I'm not due for deployment any time soon. I'll try to come as much as I can, ok?"
The older shakes his head.
"I don't like it. I don't want you there, Banele. I don't want you to go," he says.
"I'm not leaving you, Randy. Come on."
Another head shake. This time, he lets go of his hand then gets up.
"Where are you going?" Banele asks.
"Somewhere to calm down, shoot at rabbits while at it. I don't know. I'll fetch Owen though then him and I will go out to the park or something. I'll be back for dinner"
"But we haven't even had breakfast," Banele complains. "You can't leave me"
The last part comes out as a whine. Randy quirks an eyebrow.
"Aren't you going to leave me for weeks? Coming every other weekend? I'm sure you can handle a few hours"
"So you woke me up only to leave me?" The younger asks.
"You're being unfair," Randy says
"You can't leave over a disagreement. Can I take you out to breakfast? I'm hungry"
Randy smiles slightly.
"You're always hungry. Let's go then"
They're holding hands as they get into the restaurant. It's what Randy likes to do – show off. He doesn't care about the looks they get from some people nor is Banele bothered much. It's easy being with Randy – he never wonders if he really wants him or whether he's enough. The man is always around him, making it hard not to get attached. However, he can't leave his job. He can't imagine himself doing anything else.
"I'm horny," Randy says as if they're not in public.
"From what?" He asks him
"'s that argument we had back at the house and that look you gave me when I was about to leave," Randy says
"That doesn't make sense," he says. "You were walking away"
"Can we go to the bathroom? The food is going to take time so I need something else to sate me"
Why is Banele the first to get on his feet? Any other day with another person, he wouldn't do this. Yet, he still walks towards it. This is a public space and risky. He's seen videos of such activities trending on twitter. He's shoved into a stall which is then closed. He can't help how excited he is. He's never been naughty, always doing things morally right. This feels far from it yet he wants it.
"What are we doing?" He whisper-asks
"I'm going to suck you off, baby. There's not much we can do in here anyway"
His cheeks redden.
"You want to do what?"
It's not something he'd expect from Randy. He doesn't know much about gay relationships but he knows or at least thought he'd have to be the one giving head as he has to be the one taking. They haven't spoken much of the dimensions of their relationship, which makes it exciting for him. The mystery of it all makes every moment something to look forward to. He knows he can always speak up when — a moan escapes his mouth, causing him to pause his thoughts as his eyes descend to the man kneeling before him.
He didn't hear him get down nor did he feel him unbuckle his pants. He only felt his breath on the tip of his shaft.
"I've never had time to really look at it," Randy begins his taunting.
"Can you stop..." he hisses, watching as he kisses his tip.
"Stop what? I haven't even started, baby"
He fists what he can of Randy's hair the minute he takes him into his warm mouth. When was the last time he got head? Randy is quick with his movements, taking him in with no gag reflex as if he's done this before. Banele is enjoying of course but there's no way he's not raising this up after he gets his nut. It comes to quick for his liking. He can feel his dick pulsating and Randy doesn't seem to let go. Then, he bites his lip as he releases deep into his mouth, not caring that his boyfriend probably can't breathe now.
"We can go eat," Randy says
"I... don't think I can walk"
Randy's chortle fills the stall.
"How will it look if I'm carrying you?"
He closes his eyes to catch a breath. Randy is first to walk out. He checks if he looks good. The man did suck the life out of him after all. Then, he walks out so he can wash his hands before finally leaving the restroom. Their food has arrived and his boyfriend has already started eating.
"We need to talk," Banele says immediately after sitting.
"You look flushed. What were you doing in that restroom?"
He acts so unaffected while a quick flashback has Banele red. He clears his throat then decides to eat. Randy seems to surprise him and render him speechless. He can feel he's getting attached.
He's quiet on the drive home. He's letting Randy drive though the whole breakfast thing had been his idea. He suddenly has a lot on his mind. He's falling for Randy which is scary now that he considers his track record.
"What are we thinking about?"
He turns to Randy then sighs.
"Where did you learn that? You said you've never been with a man before. Why does it seem like you know more than I do?"
Randy shrugs.
"I'm older than you"
He quirks an eyebrow at that.
"Older? So you've experimented with men before?" He questions
This man told him that he's never been with any other and now this?
"Why are we fighting now? No, Nelly. You're the only man who've caught my eyes. You, a firefighter or whatever you do. Pleasing you comes as second nature. I'm a man, I know what I like so I assumed you do too since our relationship isn't conventional. We're two men who are in love with each other. Wait, do you love me?"
Banele smacks his lips.
"Really now?"
"You've never told me," he says
"Does it matter?" Banele retorts
"Well, no. I'm trying to understand how me pleasing you in the restroom has led to this. I'm trying, Banele but you need to work with me here. How did we suddenly take so many steps back? What is bothering you?"
The younger sighs, looking down at his hands. He doesn't know. Randy hasn't done anything wrong. They've been good so where's this feeling coming from? He can't explain it. It's sort of like dread mixed with sadness. It's in the pit of his stomach. He heaves a sigh.
"I don't know. It seems too good to be true," he finally finds the words to explain what might be the cause.
"You're scared?" Randy asks
He nods, still facing down.
"Baby, I'm here. I know your baby mama and Rachel played a role in it but you need to forgive yourself and stop thinking you have a problem just cause they fucked you up. I'm not going anywhere, Nelly. I'm not playing any games. I mean it when I say I love you and I don't mind spending the rest of my life showering you with that. Can I get a kiss?"
He's cupping his face the minute he turns to look at him. It's exactly what the younger needed – assurance. He's probably going to need it a lot and hopes Randy won't get tired.
"Let's go inside and cuddle. I know you're tired"
Thuso is the first person they bump into, holding Oma.
"Where do you come from?" She asks, questioned aimed at Banele.
"We went to get food," he answers, not baring her a glance.
"And you didn't think to bring some for us? Randy has made you inconsiderate"
He walks past her, not in the mood for her petty arguments. It's what she seems to have resorted to, to get his attention.
"What did you do to Banele?" Thuso asks.
"More like what you did but we'll work through it. Give me my daughter"
He takes her from her before she can spare him a few choice words.
"She's not yours!" She shouts at Randy who's kissing on the infant as he ascends the stairs.
He finds Banele under covers but not sleeping. He's on his phone.
"Look who's here. You didn't greet our baby when you came in. Say hi daddy"
He hands the baby to Banele, who kisses her cheek.
"She's getting bigger everyday," the younger notes. "I can't believe this is me"
"I'm surprised you didn't ask for a DNA test. You trust Thuso that much? I mean, with everything she put you through?"
That's the doubt Banele doesn't want to be dealing with right now. As far as he's concerned, Oma is his.
"I don't need a DNA test to know she's mine, Randy. I don't want to even question it," he says
"So why doubt that I love you? Why can't you give us a chance like that?"
He sighs.
"I'll work on it, Randy. I just need a little more assurance. I care for you but I'm scared. I need you to be patient with me"
He leans down and kisses Banele's cheek.
"I'm going out for a bit. Please cook lunch. I miss your food"
Banele frowns.
"You're still leaving?"
Randy smiles.
"I have to do some things, baby."
"But you said we're going to cuddle and sleep" - it comes out as a whine.
"I'll make it up to you. Give daddy a kiss"
He leans down and kisses him shortly, kissing Oma's cheek then retreating. He watches his back until he's disappeared then sighs. What is he going to do all day without him? He doubts Randy will be back by then.

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