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She has their hair done except for Qhawe because Lisa might not like that. The boy and his brother are now sleeping. They're all full and tired from the day they had. She'd first taken them to the salon, where she also did her hair, manicures, pedicures and even had her eyebrows tinted. Then, they went to play some games, bought a couple of outfits and ended up with having some food. The house is awfully quiet, which tells her that Ethan and them aren't here.
"We're going to sleep, mommy. I had a good day. Thank you," Mpho says who gives her a hug.
"Alright, baby. Im happy you had fun"
"Me too, mommy. We should do it more often!" Rose exclaims.
"We sure will"
"Do you need help with Qhawe?" The firstborn asks.
She shakes her head.
"Im fine. Go rest. I know you're tired too"
She hugs her too then watches them run inside the house. She first takes Owen then comes back for Qhawe. She's panting when she gets back downstairs, wanting some wine and to relax. She ends up falling asleep on the couch.
It's not for too long.
"Lexy," Ethan calls her name as he shakes her.
He hoped to catch her after Rose informed him they're back. He wants to talk to her.
"What?" She's still drowsy
"Sit up so we can talk"
She groans but does it anyway. She rubs her eyes.
"What is it?"
"I don't want you going out tonight. I don't like how you dress when you do and how late you come back, as if you didn't leave a husband and kids at home. Then, you turn off your location knowing that I worry about your safety. I don't want to spend the night worried and wondering where you are," he says
"You woke me up for that?"
He sighs.
"Lexy, this is serious"
She scoffs.
"You don't get tired of being unfair, do you? I've spend most of my adult life pleasing you and doing everything to make you happy, no matter how much it hurt me. I'm doing me now, Ethan and making up to myself for all the times I'd constantly put you and your feelings before mine. I'm still with you even though you don't deserve me. I'm still sucking it up though I know I want to be done. I wish it was easy for me to pack up and leave but we have four kids together and I can't do that to them. Don't force my hand. You have Lisa, right? The one you love more than me? The one you wish you'd met before me, right?"
His brows furrow.
"What? Where did you get that?"
She snorts.
"I went through your messages"
His eyes widen.
"What? Are you for real?"
She chuckles.
"I don't know why I'm surprised."
She gets on her feet.
"And I wanted to renew our vows? Damn. You had me with that proposal, I won't lie. I'm keeping that ring though"
He grabs her wrist before she can walk away then pulls her to his lap. This took a turn too fast. A small part of him regrets waking her up. They wouldn't be here. His heart wouldn't be feeling like this. He can't lose Lexy.
"Why did you go through my phone?" He asks her
She's never done anything like that before.
"You're my husband. I can do what I want," she retorts
"In our years of being together, you've never done that"
"If I had, I'd have long chosen myself. Who knows how many there's been, hm? Maybe Lisa is the only one who got to make it to wife"
He heaves a sigh.
"Go to the one you love. You better not come to my bedroom tonight. I'm sure your mistress misses you"
She yanks her hand then ascends the stairs. She's done crying for him. She was hurt when she read the thread, reminding her of how he'd always chosen Amo over her too. There's never been a time when he chose her. He only remembered her when it was convenient to him. Yes, she does think of packing her and going but the four kids are enough excuse for her to stay. Not when Amo's left - she can't leave too.

She took another shower after her nap, this time locked in her bedroom for no disturbance. All her kids should be asleep by now. She finds Ethan sitting on her bed when she comes back from the bathroom, making her halt her steps. Getting over someone you live with is hard.
"Come here," he says
She ignores him, walking in to her closet so she can lotion then get dressed.
He's still on her bed when she comes back, having taken her time doing her makeup and getting ready for the night.
"You're naked," he says - calmly.
She can tell he's trying to soften her up. It's the approach he uses when he wants his way with her. She won't let it work this time.
"You don't care about giving me privacy, do you? Had to get yourself in, not letting me lock myself in here in peace. Of course, Ethan"
"I'll drive you there then pick you up when you're done," he says. "We could even go together"
She scoffs.
"Together? I don't want to be seen with you," she seethes
"I'm your husband. You and I are married, Lexy. Everyone knows that"
"And they also aren't used to seeing us together in public!"
He chuckles.
"At this point you're coming up with pointless excuses. I'll drop you off seeing as you badly don't want to be seen with me."
He gets on his feet then exits her bedroom. She takes all that she needs, seeing as she's ready to leave. Ethan taking her means she won't need an Uber so it's something. She finds him in the living room, having a glass of whiskey.
"Why does your phone has a passcode?"
Right, her phone. She would've forgotten it if he didn't have it.
"We go through each other's phones, right?"
She huffs then walks to him so she can get it. She doesn't want to argue. Right now,she'd be on her third shot or something. He stands up, as if to get height difference as she tries to reach it.
"You smell good"
His free arm snakes around her waist as he sniffs her neck. It sends shivers down her spine.
"You don't love me anymore, baby?" He asks lowly
He's trying to turn her on. It's like he knows how weak her body is for him.
"Got this little outfit on. Why do you like having your butt out like this , Lexy?"
His hand has lowered to her butt. She remains frozen in his grasp. His fingers graze her lower cheek. She shudders.
"Ethan, my phone"
She can't lose control. She can't.
He spanks one cheek these times then rubs it softly. She's allowing him to touch her even as she's struggling to get her phone. She can tell it's a losing battle.
"Who are you looking pretty for, baby?"
"Ethan!" Lisa calls
He doesn't stop, even as he hears her footsteps down the stairs. His fingers have gotten lower, grazing her mound now. She'd almost forgotten how slick he is.
" calling"
"Aren't you my wife?" He asks her
His hot breath on her ear is making it hard for her not to cave.
Lisa stops on her tracks when she sees the position they're in. She's never seen them like this. Lexy opens her eyes which meet with Lisa's. Maybe she should walk back. It seems as though she's interrupting. Anyone could come down the stairs. They have kids in this house - ones who shouldn't see their parents in such a position.
"Ethan," she calls again.
He's supposed to stop, let go of Lexy and come to her but the man doesn't. She's stuck watching. The more she does is the more she's convinced that Lexy might've done something to her husband. The shift in attention isn't something she's used to or that she'll get used to any time soon. They weren't supposed to be staying in her house either. Why can't Lexy have her own? The two kiss and she feels her heart stop. She can't allow this, which is why she storms to the two who seem to be in their own world. She might be shorter than them but she's fuelled by the anger she's feeling. She grabs her husband, pulling him away from Lexy then slaps his cheek as if to get him to snap out of it. Ethan looks at her with his eyes squinted, holding his cheek. It seems he doesn't believe she just put her hands on him.
"I get that you're -"
Lexy is the one to return it, halting her rant. The action so fierce that it has Lisa stumbling.
"Don't you dare put your hands on my husband," Lexy spews
She takes her phone from Ethan, along with his car keys then walks out. She knows he might take time handling his other wife. Their marriage has nothing to do with her so she won't interfere. Unlike Lisa, she knows her place.
"You slapped me?" Ethan questions after what feels like eternity.
She regrets it. She could've retreated when she saw them in such an intimate position. She should've remembered that he's married to her as well and that Lexy is the senior wife.
Her cheek is palpitating. Lexy hit her badly, so bad that she felt her ear ringing. It's painful and the other cause of the tears cascading her cheeks.
"You hit me?" He questions her again.
"I didn't... Lexy also hit me and it hurts," she whines
"Are you kidding? You shoved me from my own wife then hit me as if I was cheating on you or something. Now, I will give you some time so you can think about what you just did and for the first time, account your wrongs."
She's crying as she watches him leave, probably to follow his first wife she assumes.
It can't be that the husband he's had to himself all along changed so quickly. She's a black woman and knows these things. She knows how far a woman would go to have her husband all to herself except Ethan isn't only Lexy's husband but hers too. She'd never felt he has another wife until these past few weeks - until the dinner Lexy suddenly made then all of a sudden Ethan was putty in the first wife's hand. It can't be a coincidence or is it?

"There's been a change of plans. I'm going to stick around at that hosting thing you have going on, see what my wife gets up to when I'm not there," Ethan says when he gets into the car.
Lexy could've left. She had no idea if he's going to come or not. She also didn't know if he'd do anything to Lisa who slapped him. She doesn't regret slapping her though. Lisa had no right to hit Ethan as much as she had no right to break their moment like that. Of course, she's a bit thankful for the interruption. She was on the verge of giving into the desires of her flesh and wouldn't have cared where they were. It would've happened right there and then. Thinking of it has her shuddering.
"Lexy, you listening to me?"
She turns to him then nods.
"How's your cheek?" She asks him
He shrugs.
"Fine. I can't say the same about what you did to Lisa"
She huffs.
"She shouldn't have put her hands on you. I'm not going to sit by and watch as you get hurt. Also, why's your wife shoving you like that? How long do you plan on letting her disrespect me like that, Ethan? She saw you and I were busy but still called your name as if I'm some random or that you should drop me just because it's her calling. You see what you've done? Probably she wants you all to herself and seems to be forgetting that you have another wife. You honestly think you'd have been able to handle three wives if Amo didn't leave?"
He heaves a sigh.
"I don't want to talk to you about this but I'll handle it"
"I don't know, Ethan. I don't think that house is big enough for the two of us. I can't have that energy around my kids either," Lexy says.
The man halts the car in the middle of the road as if there isn't any behind him. She was saved by the safety belt.
"Are you crazy? I don't want to die!" Lexy shrieks
"What are you trying to say?" He asks as he starts the car again. "You want to leave?"
"I want to go back to my house. You said you bought that house for Lisa, right? I was only there so I can help with the twins but my help isn't needed since she doesn't want me near your kids. I'm leaving with the four because who knows what's going to happen to mine if I'm not there? I don't trust your wife," she says.
"That's crazy. Why do you want to separate our family? What will the kids say about this movement? They're already used to us and now you want to change their environment? You don't want Owen being able to go to the nursery anytime he wants to see Qhawe?"
She sighs.
"I've had to always deal with your wives who don't see the need to respect me. Lisa is just like Amo, which is why she left because she couldn't handle you loving anyone else. Don't you see it? I'm always waiting on the sidelines for your attention, used to getting the crumbs. Now, I can't even have a quickie with you before my event because Lisa wants attention. I can't live like that. All these years I've settled for the bare minimum, at first using Rose as an excuse when I could've stopped messing with you after you married Amo like you and I weren't the first to get together. I've never had a place in your life nor have I ever had you to myself. It's always been when it's convenient for you, just like this is. Now you're following me to my event because you're afraid I might be entertaining someone. I've respected our vows even when you didn't. I'd accepted having sex with you once a year if I'm lucky and now it's been a problem when I don't want? I can't keep my head when I'm with you because I love you way more than I love myself, which I'm trying to stop."
She stops to catch a breath. It's taken her longer than any normal person would have. It's not easy with four kids involved. She can't be thinking of herself only but how much more can she take with Ethan? How long would she continue having a husband who's only there for her when it suits him? She's never got to experienced good in this marriage - consistent happiness.
"What time should I come get you?" He asks when they've arrived at the venue.
Now she has to fix her makeup.
"I'll call you"
She could get an Uber but if he's offering then why not? She can feel his eyes on her as she fixes her makeup. Her eyes are red from unshed tears. She kisses his cheek when she's done then steps out of the car.

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