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"This is getting out of hand," Lexy says when she sees Ethan get into her room.
She'd gotten used to sleeping alone, enjoying it and now loves having that time to herself. However, her husband has suddenly remembered her existence.
"Babe, I just got off the phone with Nathan and you won't believe what he told me," he digresses.
She sighs.
"What did he say?" She asks with feigned interest.
He sits on the bed then pulls her to lay on him, not giving her a chance to decline. He starts brushing her hair since she's laying her head on his lap.
"Turns out that Jessica cheated with Randy and had Owen. Like Owen is Randy's child!" He says.
Lexy gasps.
"What? I just... how?"
She's looking at him now, waiting for more. None of them could've seen this coming, especially with how they thought those two have the perfect marriage ever. Well, until Rachel happened. Jessica cheating is the last thing anyone could've seen coming.
"Sounds like it's been going on for a while," Ethan says. "Right under my twin's nose. She's still Viper"
"I should go to her for some pointers," Lexy muses.
"Do that if you have a death wish," Ethan says.
He's calm, not as aggravated as she wanted to make him. She frowns, moving from his lap.
"To cheat and have a whole baby is wild, worse with your husband's little brother. At least my husband didn't cheat with my sister," Lexy says.
"You really want a fight out of me, don't you?"
Lexy scoffs.
"You did cheat and have twins, married her without my consent and all. How does she feel about you spending another night with me?" She asks.
"Is she our wife now?" He asks
"She's not my type," Lexy retorts.
He laughs.
"What's your type, baby? You like them light skinned? I remember you wanting Jessica back then," he says then laughs again.
"Wouldn't you like to know. I'm not having a girlfriend so my polygamous husband can end up marrying her because he doesn't want me with anyone else but him. Like I don't get to share him," she spews.
"I'm not taking any more wives, Lexy. You and Lisa are enough for me. I have six kids and two lovely wives," he assures or attempts to.
She scoffs.
"Why have you never chosen me?" She asks
She hopes she'll get an honest answer this time. It might hurt but it won't be the first time he hurts her.
"When will I ever be enough? I don't want to feel like your..." she stops to heave a sigh, "your last resort. I don't want to think you're coming to me now because Lisa is upset you complimented my food"
"Are you going to give me a chance to talk?" He asks
"Remember with Amo? We all lived in the same house like this but who did you spend your most time with? The woman you chose to marry over your baby mama. Talk," she says.
"I've been selfish," he admits. " I... I was horrible to you. I guess I knew you'd never leave and I took advantage of your love for me. No one loves me how you do and I know I've prioritised anyone else but you. I'm really sorry, Lexy but I can't afford to lose you."
"You're not saying anything," she wistfully says. "You're saying what I know. Tell me something different"
He sighs.
"I'm an asshole, unappreciative, manipulative and disrespectful. I'm sorry. Please allow me to prove myself to you. Please marry me," he says.
She turns to look at him, wiping her cheeks. He has a small jewellery box. She chuckles.
He bites his lip and nods.
"I want to do things right, this time," he says.
"You're not doing this because you think I'm done with you? You're not trying to lure me back?"
He shakes his head.
"I'm not forcing you to say yes, Lexy. I know a lot of years have passed but I love you. I know I haven't made you see or feel that in years but going forward, I'm going to be the best husband to you. Please tell me when I do or say something that makes you happy. I won't always be perfect," he says.
"You know I love you,right?" He nods. "I want to be happy and if you're promising that right now, maybe I'll consider it. I'll keep the ring though"
He hands it over to her. She's excited and can't conceal it. The ring is beautiful, bigger than her wedding band.
"Why does it seem like you were showing off?" She asks with pouted lips.
"Because I was. You deserve the best money can buy," he says and kisses her cheek.
"Well, thank you. I'm not yet convinced but this is something," she tells him.
"I won't lie, I was nervous. Thinking about it is a better than a no. Can I get a kiss now?"
She muses.
"I don't know, Ethan. I don't want to end up opening my legs for you," she admits
He laughs.
"You can't possibly be scared of a little sex, Lexy. I know how much you love when I sex you," he says.
"Sex me? That doesn't sound right. I'm celibate now though," she lies and he sees right through her.
"I won't do anything to you," he says.
She laughs.
"That doesn't sound convincing. Let's sleep, Ethan . I have work tomorrow," she says.
"I'm asking for a kiss, Lexy then we can sleep"
She heaves a sigh then pecks his lips.
"Happy now?"
He snickers.
"I'm not Anne or Logan. I want a real kiss," he says.
He's giving her that look that makes it hard for her to say no to him. She locks their lips, kissing him slowly and passionately. She's surprisingly letting her take the lead. She's the one who deepens it then breaks it when she feels things are getting out of control. She needs to be in control.
"Thank you baby," he says.
The two cuddle each other to sleep.
"Mommy!" Rose calls for her mom when she arrives in the kitchen.
It's not like Lexy to be late, ever. She finds Lisa instead, who didn't bother making breakfast and is instead having coffee. She's been moody ever since Ethan decided to remember the existence of his other wife. It doesn't sit well with her because he's chosen her since she first met him. It can't be that a plate of dinner got him like this. She's adamant that Lexy did something to her husband. It might be paranoia or anxiety. She could be delusional but she's not seeing it like that.
"Where's mommy?" Rose asks Lisa.
"In her room, where she sleeps," Lisa answers then shrugs.
The firstborn frowns.
"She's never late," Rose muses. "She didn't make breakfast"
"Was my food that bad?" Lisa asks the preteen.
She giggles.
"No, Lisa. It was edible," she says.
Lisa scoffs.
"That's not even being nice. Can you cook?"
Rose laughs then shakes her head.
"I don't want to know yet," she answers.
"Morning!" Mpho sings as she joins them too.
She's also dressed in her school uniform. She frowns when she realises there's no food on the dining table and no aroma in the air.
"There's no breakfast? I'm hungry," she whines
"Mom is still sleeping," Rose tells her.
"Now?" Mpho asks. Her sister nods. "What about Anne and Logan? Who's going to bath them?"
"Daddy did," Ethan says who's stealthily getting into the kitchen.
He has each toddler in his arm.
"Morning baby," he says to Lisa and kisses her cheek.
She knows she can't act out in front of the kids.
"Where's mom?" Rose asks him.
"She's showering. We're all going out for breakfast," he announces. "You coming with, Lisa"
"I didn't shower and the twins are still sleeping. They get cranky when I wake them up," Lisa tells him.
"Oh, right. I'll bring you some," he says.
He wanted all of them together but he understands. Lexy finally comes, still seeming to be tired. She greets everyone in the kitchen, taking Anne from Ethan who's reaching for her.
"Crazy night?" Lisa asks.
"Not even. I guess I haven't been getting enough sleep so it caught up with me. Your husband also wasn't kind enough to wake me," Lexy answers. "You didn't make breakfast?"
"I didn't realise there's a schedule. You've been managing well," Lisa retorts. "Besides, no one enjoys my food"
"It's fine. We're all going out. Who's riding with me?" Ethan asks as he's already walking out, after kissing Lisa briefly.
He still has Logan in his arms. Lexy rides with Anne and Mpho while Rose and Logan are with Ethan.
It's right after they leave that the twins wake up. Lisa finds herself being mad at being left. She didn't think Ethan would accept her decision that easily. She thought he'd try to convince them to come, put his food down at least. Now, she's all alone and with two infants. It's not that she doesn't get help but she hasn't been wanting it ever since giving birth to Kazi, wanting to do things on her own because she wanted to. She's feeling drained though. It's not that Ethan doesn't help but she sometimes feels as if he prefers the toddlers. It might be her mind. The past few days without Ethan have been frustrating for her but they've also given her a glimpse of how Lexy must've felt. She finds herself questioning if this is how it feels to be married to a polygamist. Is this it? She first changes their diapers then prepares their bath water. Qhawe has gotten pretty heavy, seeming to get bigger every day as though he didn't come as early as he did. She's happy with how big he's gotten. Bathing them is always so refreshing for her. It reminds her that it was always worth it. She's gotten far with the trauma she got from the whole ordeal with Rachel. She's grateful for life and that both her babies are alright. That's all that matters to her.
"Are my babies hungry?" She asks the two after dressing them.
She thought Ethan would be back by now, seeing as she's also hungry herself. She also needs to take a shower. She then remembers having a phone. She knows he won't go to work without at least ensuring that she's fed. He cares about her. Her phone rings just as she reaches it. She's left the twins in their cot and returns to the nursery as she answers it.
"Baby, I'm on my way. I came off from dropping Logan," Ethan says.
She releases a breath in relief. She knew he's going to come but it means a lot that he called to assure her.
"Please hurry. I'm hungry," she says.
"I'm coming, love. I know you want to shower," he says.
"Yes. I'm feeling sticky"
He chuckles.
"I know. Were you leaking again?"
"Yes!" She whines. "My breasts hurt from all these milk. Now they don't want to drink pumped"
"I'm parking in baby. Are they up?"
She nods but then quickly remembers they're not on FaceTime.
"Yea, they're are. Come help me feed them please"
"In a minute. I love you"
She chuckles.
"I love you too"
It takes him a minute. He takes Qhawe while she takes Kazi then they go down to the lounge.
"I like how you smell," he says.
She looks at him weirdly.
"You're weird," she says then giggles. "Actually, nasty. You always liking things that are out of order"
He laughs.
"What order? Can I suck?"
"No, Ethan! Geez"
Another laugh from him.
"I missed you," he admits. "You've been giving me attitude these past days"
She sighs.
"I know. It's been hard not sleeping next to you," she confesses. "I miss you"
"how much?" He asks
She rolls her eyes then laughs.
"I'm not going there with you, Ethan."
"Where?" He asks. "I'm not having sex with you until you apologise for what you said. You made me sound like a pervert"
She heaves a sigh.
"I'm sorry. I was frustrated things that I didn't mean. I also don't like how you informed me about Lexy and a whole week? You could've at least let me get used to it," she says.
"Why did you say she put something in the food? You think Lexy could be like that?" He asks
"Anyone would do anything to get their husband back," she says then shrugs.
"So, you won't take that back?" He questions
"I don't get why you're so bothered by that," she says.
"She's my wife, Monalisa. You're sister-wife and you think I'd laugh at you accusing her of sorcery? Someone who's always looked after me, loved me and cared for me even when I wasn't giving her that back? You're supposed to respect her. I don't get where all this is coming from because you guys used to get along"
She groans.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles.
"You don't sound like you mean it," he muses.
"Well, it's hard Ethan. I'm used to having you all to myself so I'm sorry I'm not adjusting that fast to you suddenly remembering you have another wife. I'll do better," she spews.
He scoffs.
"Right. I'll go put my son in bed. Your food is on the counter"
She regrets what she said soon as he's out the door. Kazi is surprisingly still up. She doesn't know what's going on with her. It's not like her to be rude or act out. She's trying not to cry. The tears end up winning, though. She's in the lounge, Kazi laid on the blanket down while she eats. The tears just fall. She feels so overwhelmed. It feels like there's a lot she has to deal with at once, not to mention her fluctuating moods. It's beginning to bother her.

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