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She's happy in the morning, more energetic than she usually is. She's naturally a lazy person or she considers herself to be but not today. She woke up early to prepare breakfast for the family, mostly for her husband to what... thank him for last night maybe? She even took out clothes for him and ironed them.
"Ethan," Lisa shakes the snoring man. "Baby!"
He opens one eye, looking at her with a smile. He pokes his lips out, making her blush as she bends to kiss him. For some reason, it seems the sex was exactly what's needed to bring the couple closer. With everything that has happened, they hadn't had time to bond on their own and just be. Now, they're here and it's their honeymoon phase all over again. Lisa feels like she's floating on a cloud of ecstasy. They have breakfast together then he goes bath while she makes the bed. It's only then that Kazi and Qhawe get up. She goes to attend to them, more than happy to. She feels like there's nothing she can't do at this point. No one can bring her down and the thoughts alone have her cackling to herself. The flashbacks are coming back too strongly.
"Crazy night?" Lexy asks while peeking into the nursery.
That wipes the smile off her face then she clears her throat.
"You can say that," she replies smugly.
Lexy scoffs.
"And why am I getting attitude?" She questions. "I was only asking"
Lisa sighs.
"I'm sorry. Can I help you?"
That has the senior wife raising an eyebrow. She came because she misses the babies and thought Lisa might be too tired to check up on them considering the crazy night she had. Lexy heard everything since she's not much of a heavy sleeper. She's being kind, her heart having won over her logic. Not that checking on the two is a bad thing. She's missed them, having not spent time with them in a couple of days. They've grown on her.
"I'll leave," Lexy wistfully says then retreats.
It's like they all forgot she has feelings. She brushes all that back as she walks to her room so she can prepare herself for the long day she has ahead.
"Where's Lexy?" Ethan asks when he joins Lisa in the living room.
She has already left which leaves the two with six kids to take care of. Lisa shrugs. The last she saw of Lexy was when she walked out of the nursery after their rather.. awkward interaction.
"I don't know," Lisa answers.
Her husband hums, trying not to stress about it. It's unlike Lexy to be like this. The two haven't been fine in weeks and he's trying not to stress about it. He decides to try her cell, which takes him straight to voicemail.
"She has her phone off," he tells Lisa. "She didn't say anything to you?"
She shakes her head. Rose is the first to come down. She greets the couple then sits around the dining table. The breakfast has already been laid.
"Where's mom?" She asks as she dishes for herself.
"Work," Ethan says.
"But it's Saturday. She's been home all this time," the firstborn says.
"She went back," Ethan says, hoping the inquisitive child won't ask anymore.
She doesn't. The other three come, joining their sister. He's beginning to worry. He excuses himself so he can track her, hoping she took her car. She knows the kind of life they live, the enemies he might have. She could be a target. They have been challenged. It's not easy being a criminal lawyer, things get dirty. It's why Lexy had to leave her dream of being a performing artist to go into finance. He felt being 'a celebrity' will bring them more danger since she'd be in the limelight. Things aren't exactly different now but they're better.
He's stressed about her and where she can be.
"And then wena?" Nathan asks when he arrives at his place.
Tracking her hadn't been fruitful, even through her phone and now his mind is going crazy. He has kids who are going to ask questions he won't be able to answer. He didn't exactly want to leave Lisa with the bunch but after Randy arrived, he excused himself. It's like his little brother knew the perfect time to come.
"She's cheating on me," Ethan spews.
His hair is disheveled, a result of constantly running his hand through it while trying not to get pissed on the drive.
"Lexy is doing this to me man, after all we've been through!" He continues. "How could she! As if we don't have kids together"
Nathan laughs, which earns him a death stare from his replica. His accusations are comical to him.
"You think this is funny?" Ethan seethes
"Yes, it is. In fact, I hope she is. She's tolerated your shitty treatment for too long," Nathan retorts.
Ethan huffs.
"You're not helping. She's missing! I got our kids asking me where she is and I don't even know what to say cause it's a Saturday so it can't be work!" He vents
Another laugh emits from Nathan.
"You should be ashamed of yourself. It's more than twelve years and with two wives you put before Lexy and want to cry now? Be glad she's not leaving you"
Ethan gawks at his brother, unable to believe he sees nothing wrong with Lexy's behaviour. It's not like her to be mad at him for this long. He doesn't know what to do. He decides to retreat, seeing as Nathan didn't help and instead poured salt on his raw wounds.
"What a bad husband you are, leaving your wife to deal with so many kids!" Randy complains the minute Ethan steps in the lounge. "Have you forgotten she's a first time mom? All of this is new to her"
Ethan looks at his youngest son clinging to Randy as if he's his father then clicks his tongue. He's not in the mood for their battering . At least not today.
"Any lead on Lexy?" Lisa asks,  coming from the kitchen with a cup of coffee.
"You had to ask in front of this hater?" An unimpressed Ethan questions.
Randy chuckles.
"Don't you get tired of being so hostile towards me? I'm keeping my cool because my baby wouldn't appreciate it"
A scoff from Ethan.
"He'll see you for the piece of shit you are very soon and I can't wait," the older brother seethes.
"Oh, like Lexy finally has? Shame. At least I know where he is. What about you?"
He's tempted to wipe the smug look on his face with a back slap. Randy seems to always know which buttons to press with him. He decides to keep his composure and instead ascend the stairs. He's stressing too much about this.
She comes back around 11pm, a bit over tipsy and wanting to shower then sleep. Her day had been fruitful. It's another gig to keep her busy and distracted from the current problems in her marriage.
"That's what you go out wearing now?" A rather calm Ethan asks.
He's on the couch, having been watching the door since he heard her car drive in.
"I'm not naked," Lexy says then giggles as she stares at her outfit.
A backless black short dress with matching stilettos isn't that bad, or is it? She'd let go of herself a bit after being his wife and hasn't been appreciated by him in years that she'd rather be the one appreciating herself. Days of crying and praying he treats her better are over.
"Did I say you are? Out here with your butt cheeks out like you're not a mother and someone's wife," he says, still too calm.
This isn't like him but the alcohol in her system refuses for her to be alarmed.
"What does being a mother have to do with this?" She questions, ignoring the 'wife' part.
That seems to get his attention and gets him on his feet.
"Are you not my wife?" He asks
She scoffs.
"Am I? Mm, oh. That's what home affairs says," she says with a shrug.
He saunters to her.
"You don't want me, Lexy? You found me a replacement?" He menacingly asks.
"Unfortunately, I love you so that hasn't been on my mind," she answers.
She remains in one spot until he reaches her. They're looking into each other's eyes.
"You stink," he spits.
"And I'm tired, wanna shower and sleep," she adds, as if he's being nice to her.
He doesn't like this version of her. He furrows his eyebrows at her.
"What has gotten into you? You've become... someone I can barely recognise"
She titters.
"I'm surprised you noticed. Shouldn't you be up there, making love to your wife or something? I don't have time for this Ethan. I have a busy day ahead tomorrow"
She tries walking past him but he grabs her wrist.
"Don't walk away from me. Can't you see I'm still talking?"
His grip is firm and yet she can't feel that now. She looks at him, then at his grip and laughs.
"Let go of me, Ethan. You're wasting my time with your whining," she says.
"Why are you doing this to me, Lexy? What do I have to do so we can be good, baby? I don't like this distance between us," he says almost begrudgingly.
"It's a little too late. Now, let me go and leave you in the bed you made"
He lets go of her then watches as she walks away, wondering if he's really lost her. He can't afford that.

It goes on for a few days, Lexy leaving the house early and coming back late. The kids miss her and so does he. He doesn't say it though, letting his pride stand before his feelings. He has Lisa and keeps himself occupied with that. The distance keeps getting bigger between them, so big that it begins to bother Lisa.
It's another Sunday without Lexy home, which means Lisa has to not only to tender to her 'twins' but also to the other four.
"Ethan!" She screams after getting inside the house.
She's exhausted but can't exactly sleep when Qhawe and Kazi are awake. Her husband said something about bathing Logan whom she thinks could do that himself. He can't seeing he's only four. Before him, he had to bath Anne who's only two. She's Lexy's last born.
"Ethan!" She screams again.
The second scream causes Kazi to bowl out. She doesn't bother trying to quieten her. The said man runs down the stairs with Logan in his arms, wondering what could've made Lisa angry this time.
He puts Logan down then takes a crying Kazi who immediately quietens from her father's embrace.
"I can't do this," she cries out. "It's too much"
He looks at her, unsure of where all of this is coming from or where she's going with it.
"You can't do what?" He asks
"I can't mother six kids on my own. It's a lot," she says. "I barely have any time to myself since I also have to deal with your sexual demands. I'm human, man"
"Logan, go check on the others in the playroom"
The young boy does as told, running towards their playroom to give the adults space. Lisa picks up Qhawe then they move to the guest bedroom so they can talk in private. He'd rather that than risk Rose eavesdropping. She's precocious and might've already noticed the tension in the house. With Lexy barely spending time with them, it's possible.
"It's been twenty one days and I still haven't gotten used to this. Didn't they say that's how long it takes to create a habit?"
Ethan sighs.
"What do you suggest we do? I can't hire a nanny," he says.
"You need to get your wife in order, Ethan. All of this has gotten out of hand. She can't be mad for months at you saying my name during sex. It's ridiculous," Lisa says.
Another sigh from him.
"I get that you're frustrated but please, do not gaslight my wife like that. What exactly did you think you're getting yourself into when you agreed to be a third, now second wife? Unfortunately, it's not all milk and honey"
Lisa chuckles.
"Is this the part where I see your true colours?" She asks.
He furrows his eyebrows.
"What true colours? You're acting like a kid now, as if you've forgotten that we're married and we're going to have ups and downs," he says.
"But this... why does it sound like you approve of Lexy's behaviour? What kind of man are you?"
"You're really trying to get under my skin, aren't you? I've told you before that my marriage to Lexy has nothing to do with you. I'll not be told by you, unless I'm asking, how to deal with her. You knew I had four kids when you agreed to marry me and now you're making them an issue? Should I get another wife who won't have a problem with them, is that it?"
He's trying to keep his voice down, not wanting to risk the two they're holding crying or for the other four to think there are problems. They've never witnessed him fight with any of his wives, even when Amo was still in the picture.
"Are you threatening me?" Lisa asks, completely disregarding any other thing he said.
"I don't do threats, Monalisa. You need to put on your big girl boots and stop complaining because this is what you signed up for. As for the sex, it's not mandatory. There's no need for you to talk like I force you into it, as if you never initiate it. I'm done here," he says then walks out.
She's left in those thoughts, replaying their conversation and finds herself sobbing. She didn't think their first fight would be like that. Ethan was mean to her and for him to threaten to take another wife? That was extreme. She finds herself missing Thuso or having a confidant. She can't call her mom because she'll tell her she told her not to do this. It's not like she can complain to Lexy with how she now feels about her. She only has herself right now and feels that it sucks being her. When she's done with her sobbing party, she picks up her son who's now fallen asleep and gets out the room. She goes to put him down in the nursery then decides to go take a shower so she can get started on making lunch. It already feels like a long day and all she wants is for night to come so she can fall asleep and catch a break. She needs it.

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