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It's been three days since Evelyn arrived back at Grimmauld place with her father and Remus and two days since she and her father apologized to one another

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It's been three days since Evelyn arrived back at Grimmauld place with her father and Remus and two days since she and her father apologized to one another.

And now that all of it was behind them, Evelyn was left to pace the House of Black with her depth of anxiety surrounding something entirely different: seeing George again.

A million questions fly around her head, taking up as much space as they wish, even as new ones present themselves as obnoxiously as possible every hour of every day that passes. She forgets everything she knows about existing around him, constricted by the venomous hold of her cave-dweller anxiety.

She tries to cool herself down in the shower, washing her hair twice and scrubbing a part of her thigh red with her yellow loofa. She even takes a seat in the tub to feel the scalding water pelt her back and shoulders, her head between her knees while she breathes in through her nose and out through her mouth at a slow, steady pace. Though her mind is muddy with worries and doubts, Evelyn finds a calm corner to rock herself in contempt's arms.

Her skin is spotted with rash-like streaks of red from the hot water as she dries herself off and twists her hair into a clean towel. She's muttering to herself, as she's taken the habit of doing so when she's alone, and wrapping the soft satin robe from her mother's wedding around her body. She left the bathroom door cracked so the steam wouldn't crowd the tall ceiling, but the temperature drops into her bedroom and sprouts goosebumps along her skin.

Drying her hair- thinking of how pretty George is- to wrap it in a tight ballerina bun- absorbed in the memory of his lips against hers- while applying lotion... (entranced at the thought of him touching her) let Evelyn delve out of consciousness for a drawn time. She moves about on autopilot. Plucking through her bras and her knickers from the suitcase propped open on her bed, the last one she has to unpack into her drawers for the summer, Evelyn is completely unaware of the family arriving downstairs; she lets her mind quietly hop from worry to fantasy to worry like leapfrog.

She unravels her long, dark hair from the twisted bun as jumbled footsteps echo up the stairs... which she is still immune to hearing given her deep state of thought. As starts untying her robe, her bedroom door bursts open.

She shouts in surprise, her heart thumping much faster than before, jumping around just before she's encased in Weasley arms and laughs. "Fuck off!" She gasps at them, her head turning up to find Fred smirking down at her... and feeling George's hands flatten against the front of her hips...

"We missed you," Fred snickers before planting a fat kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah," George turns her around by the hips, catching her eyes with his as quick as he can and watching her eyes dilate and her cheeks blush. "Did you miss us?"

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