[ eight ]

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content warning: very brief mentions of the Laurel relationship

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content warning: very brief mentions of the Laurel relationship

smut warning (nothing too graphic/intimate)

His arm is tight around her waist, the other under the nook of her neck... just as they were when they fell asleep last night. His soft breath fans the hair across her shoulder.

She's been awake for a bit, leaving her eyes heavy with the sun shining on her closed lids and running her thumb along George's. She only tries to move once she has to use the bathroom, but George's arm tightens around her.

"George," she mutters, squeezing his hand, "I need to piss."

"Mmmm," he hums into her shoulder. His breath cuts in, deep and long. "Not allowed," he sighs.

She bites her lip, smiling tiredly. "Mhm..." She wriggles herself away from his hips. "Well, that's quite unfortunate."

"Ugh," he sighs, "fine..." He releases her from his grasp. Cool air rushes her back and his chest as they part. She reaches back to pull her tank from the film of sweat coating her back as she gets to her feet. "Have fun," he yawns.

"I will."

Her lips stretch into a faint grin as the door shuts behind her. Her heart melts instantly, her face warm and her mind giddy as it fasts through last night's events.

She's alert with giddy by the time she's done washing her hands, leaving the bathroom only to find George pulling his shirt over his head.

She pauses, waits for the material to hurry past his eyes, and find hers again in the noon light— as they've slept the morning away tucked tightly into one another under the covers. Evelyn finds herself on the verge of giggling as their entranced gazes pull her closer to him without a second thought. It feels as if she's walking on soft, plush clouds, and as if George is surrounded by the most splendid flowers, enticing her until she's stood just over him.

"Good morning," she greets shyly.

George mirrors her enamored grin. "Good morning," he says, blinking down her figure breifly. "Sleep well?"

"So well," she says. "You?"

"Wonderfully," he nods. Another long moment of staring sufices, then it's not enough. George reaches out to grasp her hips, tugging her to stand between his legs. She rests her hands on his shoulders. He looks up at her once again, still enthralled by her presence, as if she's a goddess. "I wanna take you out on a date today..."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes," he grins. His eyes nervously scratch down her face. "I really would like to..."

"I'd like that too..." She whispers.

"Okay..." George traces a set of fingers from her elbow to her writs. He's careful to lift her hand in his and press a soft kiss to her knuckles. "Say... two hours?"

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