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He always came in silently, and on a mission to find what he wanted. When asked if he needed help he only gave a dismissive head shake leaving me to return to my perch behind the counter and wait.

I never had learned what his name was honestly. He was simply a costumer, and I figured if he wanted me to know his name he'd eventually tell me. Since he hadn't, I continued to call him flower boy for his infatuation with the fake flowers that lined the back wall in a plethora of colors and styles.

Flower boy would stand back there for ages examining them before selecting the ones he found fit for what ever endeavor he was using them on. After choosing his flowers he'd collect a few other supplies then make his way to the front counter. This is where we had the most interaction. He'd plop all the materials down, and of course I'd scan them all carefully. I'd tell him the amount he owed, and he'd toss me the money while his eyes never stopped focusing on me. Once he'd paid he'd leave without another word to me, and I couldn't help but continue to wonder about the strange flower boy.

Said flower boy would come in at least twice a week to buy more flowers for his projects, or at least I assume they were projects. Maybe he just liked the faux flowers; they were quite elegant after all.

At one point he had longer hair, and I secretly wondered if he laced them through his long locks. Never had I seen him with any type of flowers-real or fake- threaded in his hair, but that didn't mean he didn't do it. I was more than perplexed when he walked into the shop with a seemingly fresh hair cut, his hair back to what would be considered a normal length. This killed the idea of him threading them into his hair, and left me clueless as to why he continuously bought the flowers.

I never have quite understood his fascination with them even with my secret theories. Whatever compelled flower boy to continue come back to buy flowers was unknown to me. I kept my pondering quiet though and continued to ring his flowers up each time he came in, and when he wasn't there I awaited my next visit from the flower boy.



I'm so excited to write this tbh
Thanks to my main meme Mandi for giving me this idea along with making me a cover B)

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