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Not a day passes before flower boy is back in the shop dressed in his normal attire of a t-shirt and jeans, but with the addition of a flower crown atop his head. I can help but chuckle as he approaches me, elbows resting on the counter as he leans over placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey Meg.", he says reaching up toward my face. His fingers surround the flower crown adjusting it slightly with a large grin on his lips.

"What's going on?", I ask. Peering over at the clock I realize it's a few hours before I was set to get off work, and about an hour before Seamus made his way to the shop. It raise the question of why he was here, but I dismiss it figuring that a) I shouldn't complain and b) I was happy to see him.

"Nothing I came to see you. I missed you."

"You saw me last night."

"Yeah but that was like eight or more hours ago and that's too long.", his tone is soft and sincere. I can't help but melt a little at his words.

"Well here I am, now move you're in people's way.", I tease.

Seamus casts a look behind him realizing there was a short line forming behind him as it was the busiest hour of the day. He steps out of the way, taking a place behind the counter with me watching as I begin scanning items.

"You work so well.",Seamus whispers.

"Shh, be quiet I'm working.", I tease grinning as I exchange bills for coins, handing them to the the final customer. As soon as they slip out the door Seamus' arms snake around my waist drawing me in close to him.

"You're gonna get me in trouble.", I state. Tilting my head back I see Seamus giving me an unimpressed look as he sways slightly.

"Then you could work for me."

"That's a big commitment."

"Are you saying you wouldn't make a commitment?", he asks raising an eyebrow. Silence falls and a smile slips onto my lips as I turn toward him interlocking my fingers behind his neck.

"I would, it was teasing. I've already made a commitment to you."

"Good to know craft girl.", he chuckles. I watch as he ducks out of my grasp, heading for the back of the store. Immediately I know what he's going for, yet I continue to watch intrigued.

Soft blues, robust reds, and somber lilacs are the colors he chooses for the faux flowers, grabbing some leafy steams as well as some floral tape. He proceeds to head to the front dumping the items on the counter waiting for me to scan them.

I do so just as I had many other times, collecting his cash and letting out a soft chuckle when he instructs me to keep the change. I nod and watch as he begins removing price tags from the items he purchased.

Soon he's formed a beautiful ring of flowers perfectly combining to make something worthy of a queen all while I stand there watching him. He's meticulous as he does so, strategically hiding floral tape with bits of faux leaves and more flowers. The end result is beautiful.

"It's gorgeous.", I breath out. Seamus takes the crown I'm currently wearing off trading it for the one he'd made with a different assortment of flowers.

"Like you."

"Where did you learn to do this?", I ask as he adjusts it to his liking, giving me a warm smile when he's satisfied.

"The Internet."

"Why would you of all people want to learn to make flower crowns?", I ask resting my chin on my hand.

"You can learn to do a lot of things to impress the craft girl.", he chuckles, cheeks heating up a little. I blush and shake my head looking at him with admiration.

"You're such a fucking hopeless romantic you know that flower boy?"

"You love it though.", he states. A sly smirk rests on his lips as he knows I can't argue; it's true.

"I really do, even more than the flower crowns you make me."

"Good, and I love you more than all the faux flowers in the world."

"Same to you."

"You better craft girl, I'm gonna hold you to that as well now come on I talked to your boss and you're closing up early. We've got a movie to catch."

Flower boy never did cease to amaze me.

[the end]

This is a really abrupt ending but I really like this and have no more ideas so yeah. thank you all for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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