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The end of the work day for me approaches quickly, the anticipation of my meet up with Seamus growing stronger with each passing second. As soon as six o'clock hits I'm free, leaving the place in a hurry to begin my venture to Seamus and I's decided meet up spot.

The chosen spot was a small park just to the south of my work place. It was filled to the brim with newly blooming flowers and old wooden park benches the were strategically placed so you could see the swans swimming in the small pond from any angle. The park was a lovely spot, and of course my recommendation as if been here a trillion times or more to just sit and observe the swans or pick flowers sneakily for vases at home to be filled with.

For some reason it felt like the correct place to meet Seamus aka flower boy, it was just fitting. Luckily he thought so too, and now as I'm walking toward the park I can already see him sitting in a bench occasionally glancing around, but mostly fiddling with a loop of flowers in his lap.

"Hey flower boy.", I call as I approach him. His head snaps up, and a toothy smile appears on his lips as he waves toward me.

"Hey craft girl.", he states.

"What are you doing?", I ask plopping down onto the bench next to him.

"Finishing a thing.", he says. He holds up the ring of intricately woven flowers for me to see before lowering them again.

"It's pretty.", I say smiling watch as he works carefully, "I brought some food, I hope you like it. I just kinda stopped somewhere random, but I thought you'd be hungry after working all day, I mean I know I am.", I ramble on.

"I'm glad you did, I'm starving.", Seamus says placing the crown next to him. I grin and retrieve the bag from next to me, quickly pulling out the food which was typical hamburgers and French fries. Seamus didn't seem to mind immediately snatching and eating a few fries from my carton.

"So how was work?", I ask looking at him curiously.

"Good, the guys got a little crazy today but nothing extreme. How was the craft store?"

"Busy, it's a Monday, most people just got paid so they rush in.", I sigh.

"I'm sorry.", Seamus says.

His blue eyes are on me, and full of curiosity as he looks at me. I look down shyly unsure of what to do.

"It's okay. You've got nothing to be sorry for."

"I should have come and visited, I just got busy at work."

"Hey you're here now, that's what matters.", I say grinning.

"Very true.", he says smiling right back at me.

"So why do you like flowers so much?", I ask.

Seamus munches on his hamburger for a while contemplating his reply before answering.

"I don't.", he shrugs continuing to eat.

I let this sink in and ponder over it while I finish my food. Seamus also finishes eating, and begins his work on the flower crown again looking satisfied with how it's coming along. Myself,I was racking my brains and trying to figure out how it worked. If he didn't like flowers, or flower crowns that much then why bother coming in and fiddling with them constantly? It made no sense.

"Then why do you come in so much?"

"There's something else I like."

Both of us falling silent his words only make me ponder what else he'd bought or looked at. It was a frantic search through memories for what flower boy found so much enjoyment in. Finally Seamus holds up the weave of flowers looking content with the end product. Wordlessly he places it onto my head, gently nestling it in my hair.

Then I realize why he comes in, it's not for the flowers or crafts, it's for me.

Flower Boy≫ SSOHPKCWhere stories live. Discover now