Mario Kart Wiiiiiiii

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Title: Mario Kart Wiiiiiiii

Disclaimer: If I owned Death Note I wouldn't need to write fan fiction

Authors Note: I'm not claiming to be good at one-shots but I'm giving it my best shot.

World: Could be AU or Cannon, however you want to read it.

Written in Mello’s point of view

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It was just your average weekend here at Wammy’s. I would study as usual and Matt would play his video games as usual… Scratch that.

“You want to do what?!” Matt asked, more than likely questioning my sanity.

“I’m going to beat Near at Mario Kart.” I said again, causing Matt to stare at me like I was crazy.

“But you suck at video games.” He pointed out.

“Which would mean Near would be even worse! He never plays them but I do sometimes.” I argued. Matt was silent for about a minute before he sighed – meaning I had won.

“Go on then, but I wanna be there when you lose!” I glared at him. “I-I mean win…yeah. That’s what I meant.” I held back a laugh and left the room in search for my opponent.


“Why would I waste my time entertaining your inferiority complex?” Near asked, not wasting any time in denying my request. I refrained myself from punching him in his big mouth, I’d beat him through the game.

“By not playing you’re admitting defeat!” I tried.

“If I play will you leave me alone? I’m busy at the moment you know.”

“Why would I keep bothering you after I win?” It took all of one minute for Matt to have the Wii console plugged in and the game set up.

                Lap 1

After losing ‘rock, paper, scissors’ with Matt, I was now waiting for the countdown to start as Princess Peach. He thought it was hilarious while I was trying not to break his remote, I needed that to win. ‘Maybe I should take his batteries and-’ I didn’t get to finish the thought as the countdown started.


‘Not yet.’


‘Now!’ I thought and pressed the drive button.


But the car didn’t start. No, instead Near shot ahead of me while Peach was stalled at the starting line. I ignored Matt’s laughter as I sped off. Already twelfth and I’ve only just started. Excellent. The twit was still in first place. Even better. Note the sarcasm?

                Lap 2

“Stupid piece of shit bike.” I muttered as I waited to be fished out of the lava…again.

“Mels, you can’t blame the bike for your lousy driving skills.” Matt said, I could tell he was finding this all very amusing. While I was still somehow second, It was well ahead of me and almost finished the second lap. Once I was back on the road, I hit the speed mushroom in front of me and made up most of the distance.

I chanced a look at my opponent, he looked just as bored as usual. For whatever reason this only annoyed me further. I focused my glare back to the screen just in time for Peach to be squashed by a block. Fan-fucking-tastic.

                Lap 3

By now I was well ahead of Near and about to cross the finish line…Is what I’d like to say.

In reality we were neck and neck. I was only just behind him now. One, two, three more corners and that would be it. We’d be finished, now if I could just hit the speed mat…which I just missed! ‘Fucking hell. That was my last chance! Not I’m going to have to tie with him.’ I frowned and pushed the drive button down even harder, if that was possible. ‘What am I thinking? I can still win! Two more turns left and he’s almost on the dirt! If he makes just one slip then it’s all over for him!’

One turn. That’s all that was left. One turn and if you fail, you’re over the edge. One turn.



We finished within milliseconds of each other. I held my breath as I waited for the results to show up.

1st King Boo

2nd Princess Peach

I froze. How had I come second?

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to get back to.” Near said, getting up and leaving. I stared at the screed trying to figure out how I’d come second. I could have sworn I’d finished first!

“You know, sometimes it’s like you like being second.” Matt said, obviously trying to hold in his laughter.

“Shut up Matt.” I said dryly, getting up and leaving Matt laughing in the room by himself.

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