Matt and Mello watch Death Note

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Title: Matt and Mello watch Death Note

Disclaimer: don’t own Death Note nor do I make money from it

Authors Note: I was watching Death Note in my Mello cosplay and felt like I had to write this xD

World: AU

Written in third person


Matt leant back and stared in slight shock at Mello. Had they really just watched that?

“So…” Matt started before trailing off, not quite sure how to continue.

“Well that was rubbish!” Mello almost shouted, switching off the T.V and throwing the remote in the process.


“Yep. I can’t believe they gave him all of the credit!” Mello ranted.


“Then they only give you five minutes of screen time – if that! You were involved a whole lot more than they let on!” The blonde continued.

“Well…I don’t really-” Matt started before being cut off again.

“Plus they got your colouring wrong! You hair’s red not brown! They made you look too much like that ass Kira! Now that’s just plain wrong, if not even a little insulting don’t you think?!”

“It is kinda annoying but I-”

“Then they made you die, even though you could have escaped! There was plenty of room for you escaped between the cars but noooo they made you get out of the car and get shot to death! Then they had to go and make Kira’s death all poetic and shit! What the hell!? L had barely a minute! What’s with that!? He should have had longer or Kira should have died quickly! If it had been me who had lived and Near who had ‘died’, that fucker wouldn’t have survived long enough for that poor excuse of a Shinigami to write his name down in the Death Note!”

“Mello! Calm down!” Matt shouted while the very angry blonde next to him was trying to catch his breath.

“But!” He cut in.

“No buts!”

“So I can’t have a butt?” Mello asked, faking a pout.

“Of course you can have a butt, you just have to calm down!” Matt replied before kissing him in an attempt to calm him down.

“…The manga was better anyway.” Mello mumbled, causing Matt to give him a warning look.

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