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Title: Missing

Disclaimer: Don’t own Death Note

Author’s Note: Matt disappears for a week and Mello starts to worry. (Request #1) Hopefully this is okay! I’ve never written up another person’s request before! P.S. isn’t my title very original? xD

World: AU

Point of View: Third person

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It had been almost a week since Matt had gone missing. Mello was trying his hardest to find him, however he seemed to be at a loss. He’d searched the city far and wide, been to every gaming convention he’d found within the week, called on L to help search who unfortunately hadn’t been able to find out much more than Mello himself had at the present moment in time.

Now Mello would do something he never thought he’d do. Swallowing his pride, he dialled the number he’d only saved into his phone while he and Matt were after Kira. “This is Near.” The owner of the voice answered after only one ring.

“It’s Mello.” The blonde said, pausing for a moment as he forced himself to say the next line, “Matt’s been missing for almost a week now and-”

“Let me guess. You want me to help you look for him?” Near said, Mello could almost see the smirk on the albino’s usually emotionless face.

“Yes.” Mello replied through his teeth. One thing he hated the most about Near was his arrogance.

“I’ll see what I can do.” The pale boy said before hanging up. Sighing, Mello opened the door to his and Matt’s apartment. Looking around, it was only then he realised the place was a mess. Upon deciding that it would help calm him down, Mello started cleaning the one bedroom apartment all the while trying to figure out where Matt had gone.

It’s not  like him to just up and leave, hell it’s hard enough convincing him to go down to the store to buy some more milk!’ Mello thought to himself, sitting down on the couch in his usual spot. ‘Maybe I just need some sleep…’ He thought, lying down on the couch and closing his eyes.

Half an hour later Mello was still wide-awake. He realised with a start when he fell asleep on the couch, he was usually leaning on either Matt’s shoulder or lap. Swallowing, Mello felt something stirring inside him. Unsure about this new feeling, Mello got up. He couldn’t stop looking now. There had to be somewhere he hadn’t checked yet, there just had to be.

Pulling his jacket on now since it was almost dark out, Mello grabbed the keys to his motor bike and headed out on the road. He decided that he’d check out his and Matt’s favourite place to go when they wanted to get away from the world. ‘I never realised just how much time I spend with him…’ Mello thought, sighing.

The strange feeling washed over him once again, causing Mello to worry slightly. What would he do if he couldn’t find Matt? Or worse. What if he found him lying dead in an alley somewhere, his beloved Gameboy smashed to bits and his body covered in blood?! ‘No! I can’t think like that!’ Mello scolded himself as he parked his bike and ran to the hidden stream behind what they decided was their forest.

As dread started to wash over Mello more when he saw that Matt wasn’t there, he felt his phone start vibrating in his pocket. “H-hello?” He stuttered slightly upon answering, cursing himself slightly.

“It’s Near, we’ve managed to track Matt down.” Was the reply.

“Where is he?!” Mello asked, trying not to sound too desperate but with the thoughts flooding through his head, he couldn’t help but desperately want to know where his favourite red-head went.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Mello felt both extremely relieved and extremely angry at the same time. How dare Matt make him worry so much over nothing! Deciding to head home, Mello felt himself brooding all the way there. Why had he felt so worried in the first place? That was what worried him the most now. That had never happened before.

When he’d finally arrived home, he saw that Matt’s car was already parked in the parking lot. Being sure to park right next to him, Mello stormed into the apartment, ready to explode before he saw what was waiting for him.

Sighing, Mello picked up the sleeping Matt and placed him into bed. For some reason, Mello couldn’t bring himself to be angry any more. Oh there were things he wanted to say, however as soon as he saw Matt’s adorably innocent sleeping face, he lost the words.

“Sorry….for making you…wor…ry…” Mello heard Matt mumble as though he’d woken up just enough to say that one sentence.

“It’s okay.” Mello replied, even though he knew Matt was definitely asleep now and kissed him on the forehead.

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Author’s note 2: I’m not entirely happy with this ending but it’ll have to do xD I can’t think of anything else and if I do I’ll edit it later :3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2013 ⏰

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