Chapter 5: Truth or Dare?

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This beautiful picture above is courtesy of Twilightchildriku on Instagram. Please check her page for more amazing work!


She fisted her hand around the two decks and started tearing the elastic off with such strength that one of them snapped onto her finger.

"Ouch!" she groaned, waving her hand to soothe the pain. Little did she expect for Adrien to pick up said hand and place a light kiss on the bit that she was trying to soothe.

Marinette's heart stopped. Saucers weren't big enough to describe how wide her eyes had gotten at the gesture.

He gave her a small smile. "They say it helps, right?"

Who had turned up the heating? Seriously, this was too hot for her liking. She looked at her hand in a daze, knowing exactly where he had pressed his lips, because the area had gotten a little red due to the elastic snapping on it. Or was even the skin of her hand blushing?

She glared at him as she dropped the two decks of cards in between them.

He gulped. "Shall we shuffle them?" he asked, and as soon as he opened his mouth she said,

"Truth!" When what he said registered through her mind, she opened her eyes. "Oh. Yeah, th-hat's a good idea..." She picked up one of the two decks very nervously and started to shuffle the cards, at the same time as he did it with the other. Then when they both put the cards back down, she heard him clear his throat and dared glance at him.

"So you said, truth?"

Damn, of course he's got good hearing! She cursed under her breath as she nodded.

Adrien grabbed the first card out of the deck that had the 'truth' post-it on. His face took a slight red tinge as his Adam's apple bobbed. Marinette got worried.

He cleared his throat and took two small breaths, as if unable to take a long one. "Uh, well..."

"READ IT!" she groaned. What was he playing at? The anticipation was killing her! It was much better to know, than to be left with this sense of anxiety for whatever could be written on that card!

"Okay..." He cleared his throat again. "What's something I do that isn't sexual but turns you on?"

Breathing, came to Marinette's mind. Seriously, smiling, looking at me, walking, laughing, talking, eating, just sitting down there minding your own business... Jesus Christ, Adrien, you really have no idea how just you actually EXISTING turns me on, she thought as the cringiest smile stretched her lips.

It took so long for Marinette to even manage to start putting order in the myriad of thoughts that crowded her mind all of sudden, that Adrien started tapping his fingers on his thigh. "I'm not sure, Marinette, but I think that the aim of the game is for you to actually answer the question rather than just standing there looking at me," he said.

Marinette wanted to die. FRIGGING AGAIN. "Live," escaped her treacherous lips.

There you go. She had done it. She had opened that mouth of hers and had said the very thing she should never have said. How had she even conjured that it was a good idea to say that the mere act of him living was turning her on? He was going to be disgusted!

He flashed his eyebrows and blinked a couple of times. "Huh? Do you want me to leave?"

"NO!!" she snapped, her fingers reaching for her mouth.

He looked up and around for a moment, and once again, she could see the exact second that realisation hit. "Oh," he said, his hand reaching for his nape for the briefest time before his gaze darted to her eyes, shining of a light she had never seen in them, not even when he wore the black-clad superhero suit.

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