Chapter 7 - Washing up!

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He didn't even need to push in, because she did it for him. She bucked her hips forward and wrapped her legs around him, not wanting him to have any doubts in whether she was consenting or not. Her hand moved to his dick and guided it inside, a loud moan escaping both of their mouths as he slowly plunged deep down.

She'd read that it could hurt. She'd read that it would've been at least uncomfortable. But Marinette at that precise moment of time was so far gone that even if someone had tried to stab her, she wouldn't have felt it. And believe her when she thought it, the sensation of his hard cock filling her was far from being painful. Was even far from being slightly uncomfortable. It felt divine! It felt as if she was full for the first time in her life. He reached as far as he could reach and didn't move for a moment, allowing her to get used to his size, and it took every ounce of Marinette's will to not buck her hips again to get more friction.

"Tell me when you're ready," he whispered in her ear, causing goosebumps to lift the hair of her arms and a shiver to run down her spine.

"Go on," she breathed, unable to say anything else, except moan in ecstasy as the friction she desperately needed became a reality. He started moving, first slower and then always faster, taking her breath away.

"Don't you dare stop!" she groaned into his ear, her arms wrapping around his back, her fingernails dipping in his skin.

"I couldn't, even if I wanted to." He reached for her folds again, finding her clit and starting to rub it faster and faster, until she screamed his name again and her walls started pulsing around his dick, stimulating him even more and prompting his release, groaning her name into her ear.

They stayed still, panting heavily, still wrapped in a bundle of limbs, his softening cock still buried inside her heat, both savouring immensely the closeness with each other. The thought of having become one. The certainty that the last few hours of their life had changed everything.

Eventually however, Adrien sat up.

"Mhhhhhhh stay..." moaned Marinette trying to grab hold of him.

He smiled softly at her. "Sorry, Buguinette. I need to dispose of the condom. I'll be right back."

And so he was. When he came back, he laid down on the chaise longue next to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"Do you think Nino will mind if I buy a Chateau for Alya's birthday?" He felt her chuckle against his chest. "I'm serious! I'm the happiest man on Earth and it's all because of her. That woman deserves a monument!"

Marinette's chuckle turned into a genuine laugh. "I think he could live with it, yeah. Especially because he would be living in it." She tapped her index finger to her chin. "Although, Alya being the city girl that she is, maybe she'd prefer an apartment in the city centre."

"Okay, it's set then. An apartment right under the Eiffel Tower!"

Marinette laughed more. "Oh, Chaton. You're incorrigible..."

"I'm fucking in love. So fucking in love that my heart is bursting right now." He said that while gazing into her eyes with his magnetic green ones, and Marinette couldn't talk anymore. So she did the only sensible thing that came to her mind and placed her lips on his.

When they separated again, both their breathing heavy, both their lips swollen, she started playing mindlessly with a lock of blond hair that was stuck on his forehead.

"I love you, so much."

He smiled. "Say that again."

She looked him in the eye. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

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