Chapter 6: Whipped Cream and Revealing Spellings

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She spent a few minutes cleaning up the chaise, trying her very best to hold on her laughter due to the extremely mortified expression he had. Then, she looked at the mess in his crotch area and shook her head.

"I don't think my dad's underwear would suit you," she joked. "But you're in luck for once, Ch-Beau Gosse." That was a lucky correction. Phew. She moved to her working area and started rummaging through her prototypes, emerging after a few seconds with a pair of shorts in her hand and a triumphant expression on her face. "There! I'll let you use the bathroom first."

He looked at the shorts in his hands for a moment, his lips curled in a small smile that again challenged Marinette's sanity as he traced with his fingers the 'MDC' initials embroidered on its hem. Then, he moved a little uncomfortably towards the trap door.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad," she said.

He glared. "Talk for yourself. You don't have a sticky mess in your underwear to walk with." He blushed to the roots of his hair as soon as he said that.

"Oh..." she said, biting her tongue to not say more.

She waited patiently for him to come back, sure as hell that Plagg had been making his life a misery in that bathroom. When he popped his head back through the trapdoor, she excused herself and went to the toilet as well, urging to have a quick wash and change the now dripping panties and the bra that was showing her breasts as if it weren't there.

Well, maybe the black lace push up that she put on in its place wasn't really a good idea, based on the look Adrien shot at her as soon as he saw it.

"Tell me you have more underwear, because this won't last long at this rate." He looked down at his crotch area, which he again covered with his hands, and Marinette had to muffle a chuckle. This conversation was doing wonders for her self esteem!

She went back to sit down on the chaise, making sure to flatten up a little the towel she had put over the wet patch. Then she positioned the cards on top of the towel and said, "Okay, truth or dare now?"

"Dare," he said a little shakingly.

Wow. What had come of her usually confident and extra cocky Chaton?

She picked the dare card and looked at it. And looked at it again with her eyes growing huge. With the corner of her eyes she saw Adrien pop a smirk on his face and she mentally screamed.

"So?" he asked suavely.

She glared at him again. "Place whipped cream on your favourite parts of my body. Now, lick it off."

Both their faces turned purple. "Oh wow," he said. Pausing a moment to dry gulp a couple of times, he eventually popped an embarrassed grin on his lips and looked at her. "I'm not fond of it, but...o-okay. Have you got whipped cream?"

Marinette's face felt so hot that she may as well have put it in the oven to cook. "M-my papa has m-made s-some. L-let me grab it from downstairs..." She stood nervously and cringe-smiled at him before tripping on her feet while walking to the trapdoor.

"Try to come back in one piece..." was his snarky comment, and Marinette shot him yet another glare that caused him to chuckle. She growled as she walked angrily down the stairs and down the other set of stairs getting straight into the kitchen of the bakery. Luckily (because of her state of undress) her family owned the whole building, and even more luckily, the bakery was closed. She grabbed the container of the whipped cream from the fridge, looking at it with her lips pursed.

"Are you sure you wanna do it?" asked Tikki's voice from her side.

Marinette sighed and rested her forehead on the shiny surface of the bakery's fridge, her eyes closed as if in deep thought. Then she nodded and, without even looking at Tikki she said, "He's just cum on my chaise longue because I kissed his bum!"

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