~30~ (calls)

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Tw: panic attack (mentions funeral in the author note but just really really briefly)

SapNap pov:

It was a few days before thanks giving when I got a text.

Hi honey me and your father were wondering if you wanted to come over to our place for thanksgiving?

Hey mom yeah sure I'll be there thanks for the invite. Can I bring my friend Karl he's living with me at the moment?

Yeah of course we'd love to meet Karl.

Great when is the dinner?

I was planning for tomorrow or the day after but we can plan for a different time.

Tomorrow works considering it is thanksgiving I'll ask Karl and get back to you though.

Ok love you I'll talk to you soon

I walk up the stairs to go find Karl.

I knock on his door.

"Hey Karl? Can I come in?"

"Yeah one minute!"

I hear Karl yell then i hear fast footsteps and then.


I flinch hard at the loud and sudden noise.

"Karl?! What was that?"

"Oh sorry just a glass one minute!"

A few seconds later he opens the door.

"Hey Karl my mom invited us over for thanksgiving dinner. Does tomorrow work for us to go? You dont have to go if you dont want to of course." I started to ramble.

"Sure yeah tomorrow if great."

"He sounded angry and annoyed."

"Did I do something?"

"Is he mad at me?"

"Why is he mad?"

I go into my usual spiral of what if's I started to panic I knew what was coming.

"Ok great i'll let my mom know." I said slowly to insure that my voice didn't break.

With that I walked away went into my room slid down the wall and started to spiral slowly but surly into a panic attack.

I got my phone shakily out of my pocket.

I called the first person that came to mind.

"Hey sap whats up?"

"H- help me" I stuttered out.

"SapNap? How can I help you?"

"J-just talk." I was trying really hard to talk but I couldn't.

"Ok listen closely I want you to listen to the story I'm about to tell you then I'm going to tell it to you a second time and you are going to. Tell me whats different the second time from the first ok?"


"Ok I'm starting the story now."

While still paying attention I reach into the drawer beside me and get out a package of crackers and a Gatorade to help focus my mind on something else.

"Ok SapNap I'm done the story can you tell me some things that you noticed?"

"Uh I don't remember. Sorry."

"Thats fine you sound calmer are you calmer?"

"Yeah a little I guess."

"That's good do you want to talk about what happened?"

"I got worried because Karl seemed mad or annoyed and even though he probably wasn't it still worried me and made mm think the worst. Things like oh he hates me and other things like that."

"You know that he doesn't hate you right? Maybe he was having a bad day."

"You're right but I still think the worst when people don't tell me what's going on with them and they seem mad this has happened before."

"Whats happened before?"

"Me having a panic attack because I thought Karl was mad or annoyed with me."

"You seem to be doing better now is that true?"

"Yeah it's better thanks for your help Dream."

"Of course call me again if you need me."

"I will."

Thats the end of the chapter the next one might be more interesting. Also i want to say the thanksgiving thing is for Canadian thanksgiving our thanksgiving is in October (its today actually) im aware that in the story sapnap lives in the US and i think i did specify that in one chapter but i live in canada and i dont know when American thanksgiving is and i didn't feel like writing about a Holliday where even though it has the same name it could be two very different things. Anyway thanks for reading o probably wont post/write much until next weekend because i have thanksgiving today funeral tomorrow and school Wednesday-Friday so ill probably wait to post until Sunday next weekend because saturday i have another thanksgiving.

Word count: 738

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