chapter 7

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later that night when my father came back inside, we continued to eat in silence, him and Derek talked about business for the most of it and I sat quiet unless I was asked something.

Derek was the one who mostly asked me questions and when he wasn't asking me questions, he was glancing at me every five seconds.

this morning I woke up, but I didn't get out of bed for a few hours... all I need was lay in bed thinking about the fact that I have to marry my stalker of one year, at least that I know of.

I don't know if my father meant it in a way that he was just asking for it or if he wanted to see what I would say and go with my answer, but he had to have known I was going to say no, or maybe Derek made him ask and he only asked because so Derek would hear the answer from me, maybe he'll drop it and never ask about it again, maybe it's something Derek wants and not my father.

after a few hours of lying-in bed, I go downstairs and into the kitchen to get something to eat.

I open the fridge door and see a note on the carton of milk, I grab the milk, go to the pantry, grab the cereal, and I bowel.

I sit at the table and pour some cereal into the bowel along with some milk, I pick up the note and look at what it says, I figured I put a note on it yesterday to remember something, so I pick it up and read it.

but when I read it I realize that the note isn't in my handwriting, it's in someone else's, someone's handwriting.

call this number and we can have dinner alone and have an actual without your father.

519 335 728

Love, Derek (with a small heart)

I'm definitely not calling him. I've already heard the full story of him wanting something but a woman to carry his many heirs, and I don't even know if I want children to begin with!

I don't know why I'm acting like that's the only problem or acting like I'm actually going to marry this psycho.

I already picked up the schoolwork for next week so I can do it any time of day I want, and I don't really have anything to do today.

what do people do when they don't have anything to do?


since I have nothing to do today, I decided to go out for lunch instead of sitting at home and ordering in.

I got dressed into a nice floral summer dress and curled my hair before putting on some light makeup.

I drove to the place where I was going to have lunch at. I got situated at my table and went on my phone until the waiter came.

the waiter came and took my order before I heard the bell ring as the entrance door opened when someone walked in.

I didn't look up and continued texting Cristina on my phone... that is until a chair pulls up at across the table and someone sits down.

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