Chapter 28

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I didn't even look at Aaron last night since I relieved everyone, but by this morning, another child is missing. Now the two of us are fighting over which department should stay on the case. We sent out everyone else by giving them different assignments in order to stay alone in the conference room and put Strauss on the phone.

"Ma'am, there were 5 murders before this, 3 of which were adults. This is a mixed case and the BAU can take care of it" he says

"I'm sure they can, but in case Agent Hotchner forgot to mention, there is also s child who's still missing within the victims, which makes it our case" I insist

"Your team is only two people right now" he argues

"You are welcome to assist if you'd like, but I'm in charge" I suggest

"The rest of your team is away on another case, why don't you join them? You shouldn't be working two cases at the same time".
Oh, this is how you want to play it Hotchner?

"Oh please, I'm doing just fine. I'm here working this case, and the rest of my team is sending me their progress"

"This is just delaying us, ma'am" he insists.

"I agree with Agent Hotchner. Agent Barnes, you are juggling two cases right now so I don't think you should be taking important decisions. However, I want you to stay and work with them since there are two offenders" she says and I roll my eyes.

"Thank you ma'am. I'll get back to you if something else comes up" Aaron says and hungs up.

I can't even look at him right now. But not because I'm angry. It's because I know I'll start crying.

I look at the table and I start getting the papers back in their files just to keep myself busy.
"Look, I'm sorry it had to be that way but it's what best for the case" he speaks

"Sure" I reply. But I can still feel his eyes on me.
"Are you going to work or keep staring at my boobs?" I ask without hesitating. He shakes his head and walks away.

I don't blame him. God may have given me trauma, but he also gave me a nice pair of tits.

Everything went downhill after that. We had evidence that the two unsubs met and are most likely working together so it was too late to turn them against each other.

JJ walks in the room with news
"There is a lady here, she's a teacher in the elementary school near by and says she noticed two guys she hasn't seen before during pick-up time. They were talking in the distance, each holding a beer and stealing glares at the kids and parents that were walking down the street"

"Can she sit down with a sketch artist?" I ask

"It won't be necessary, she took photos" she answers

"Get them to Garcia" Aaron says. Within 5 minutes we had their identities and addresses. Leaving the station, we were given the order to bring them in alive.

An order that I ended up not following. I had to shoot one of them, causing the other one to start shooting, so he was also killed during the shootout. However, later, we found enough evidence to confirm that they committed the murders.

Needless to say that the flight back to Quantico was awkward. We got back together and I was almost holding my breath in that elevator ride with everyone else. 6th floor hits and I breathe out as the BAU walks out.

"Barnes, a word" Aaron says and almost everyone freezes

"Of course" I reply and I follow him. We don't go into his office but in the emergency staircase.
"What are we doing here?" I ask

"I wanted to talk without being profiled from my office window" he answers and I nod.
"I was in charge of the operation, Lexie" he reminds me as he crosses his arms in front of his chest.
Business, ok.

"I know" I reply, avoiding to look at him

"Both suspects were inside the house and they were surrounded"

"I know"

"You were given a direct order not to engage" he reminds me

"I know" I reply again.

"But I recall that the first shot came by my right. The whole team was on my left but you"

"Yes, I was on your right" I confirm.

"So...?" he finally asks

"Like I already said, it was justified"


I snap and I finally look at him
"I saw a red laser on your shirt and I... I shot as soon as I located the sniper which turned out to be the first unsub" I explain, remembering how terrified I felt as soon as I saw that red dot on his chest

"You could've warned me instead of shooting"

"No, I couldn't. We knew that the unsub would have taken that shot without thinking twice"

"You didn't follow orders--"

"Seriously? Ok. I'm sorry. Is that what you want to hear? I'm sorry for not following your order. I'm sorry for being too cautious. I'm sorry for saving your life!" I storm out of there and I go to my office.

How is it possible that I want to strangle him but also make out with him at the same time?

After that I got caught up with paperwork and at the same time talking on the phone with my therapist. I didn't realize how late it had gotten until she pointed it out.

She suggested I go home and take some rest but I still had some work to finish up.

A knock causes me to look up and I see Aaron standing on my door. I stop writing to listen to him.
"I finished my reports and I wanted to let you know that I wrote down your shot as justified. Thank you" he says

"Ok" I reply.

"Ok..." he repeats after me and nods.
Was he expecting anything else?

"Aaron..." I call and he stops on his way out. Rip the bandaid. "I'm sorry"

"For what?" he asks

"For not realizing I was exhausting you because I was holding back so much. But I'm trying to do better. I started therapy after our... I guess I needed a big hit in order to finally admit that I need help" I explain

"That's great that you..."
"How is it going?" he asks, leaning against the doorframe

"It's still early, but I'm trying my best" I admit

"I'm sure you are" he smiles.

We look at each other for a few seconds. He takes in a breath and breaks the eye contact.
"I should get going. Do you need anything?" he asks

"No, I'll be out in a few minutes too" I answer

"Good. You should get some rest. Goodnight" he says

"Goodnight" I reply and he's gone again.

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