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3rd Pov

"Everyman for themselves!"


"If I die tell Em I love her!"

"Zig zag this bitch!"

"Do NOT throw that!"

That was only some of the things that Amity heard as her friends shouted, Amity, Boshca, Willow, Skara, Gus and Viney played the forest. To say some could handle horror games was a white lie and to say they couldn't was a large under statement.

Amity herself didn't find the game that terrifying. The only times when it truly got her was when a hostile mob would jump scare her. Which happened more recently than she'd like to admit. She wasn't even looking at the screen! She was just petting her cat then heard a loud screeching noise from her headset causing her to painfully spill her drink everywhere.

"Oh I hate this! I hate y'all! Why did y'all force me to play this?!" Gus wailed spamming the keys on his key board rapidly trying to avoid the monster up ahead. He hated horror games and most of the times refused to play them but the rest thought it was hilarious so, Amity offered him a expensive magic kit. He expected automatically.

"The views Gus! The views!" Boscha cried as she defend him from the upcoming monsters that were all targeted on him. It was her idea that she brain stormed to Amity on a call that took place a few days ago. None of them cared about views, they would never just put their friends in a video for views. They did it because Gus was fucking hysterical when he was terrified.

Soon they were out of the cave with some inconveniences. Like Boshca throwing a bomb and hitting Amity by accident. Amity throwing a molotov cocktail at Boshca on purpose, Skara pushing Amity down a cliff with a tone of monsters in it, Willow yelling and abandoning Skara and Boshca then Viney just minding her business while protecting Gus listing to the up most chaos happening around her.

When they were out of the cave safety Amity chased Skara and Boshca with a chainsaw. Yelling at them that she will tare off their limbs off, roast them over a fire and use their bones for armor. "I think they love each other." Viney's voice came over the twos terror screams, Gus and Willow said nothing as they watched the bloody massacre unfold in front of their eyes.

With much, much hassle the group had finally made their way back to their glorious home. The whole place was built by Willow while the others gathered materials for her. The place was about as blue whale, or a hundred feet. The amount of time they had spent playing only to still be on the look out for their son was- concerning.

The base had a log wall keeping unwelcomed guest out, a large blueberry farm inside, a giant fire pit and much, much more. The most noticeable thing about it was the humongous base in the sky held up by wooden beams. The elevators had been a poor choice, they kept messing up and had to destroy it. Somehow it would always glitch out and break the base instead.

Boshca figured that out.

Amity had seen the clip on Twitter back when it was trending. The clip had been Boshca complaining that the elevator had gotten stuck. She said she was gonna destroy it and asked with anyone had any objections, no one did. So Boshca chopped that damn thing and the ENTIRE sky base fell.

Her face was priceless and brought tears to Amity eyes. Willow happened to see the whole thing unfold in front of her eyes. She was silent while watching her life's work crumble in front if her like a cookie. The deep sigh Willow exhaled after the incident shook Boshca to her core. "Flower. I swear to all gods below I did not know that would happen."

The thirty six second video alone got roughly six and a half million views. That was over two months ago and more than half Boshca's comment section is just her fans quoting that one sentence before Willow's rage took over. The quote even goes over to Willow's comment section when ever she posts the game.

"I swear to fuck if any of you bitches quote me I will fuck your mom and dad." Boshca command with a sigh at the end as Amity laughed. "Shut it Ghost! You break the god damn elevator I fucking dare you." Willow's character had been in Amity view so once she heard it her characters head slowly turned around starting at Amity.

Letting out a shaking breath laced with laughter Amity spoke. "Nope I prefer living thank you very much." Willow slowly turned back around and continue walking as if nothing happened. Amity swallowed a laugh, breathing in a sigh and exhaling slowly. Skara laughed behind her.

"Send Willow to war and have her enemies destroy her base. That's a blood bath right there." Viney made a hum in agreement. "Definition of one woman army." She chimed in. Willow could be fucking terrifying is she was pissed off.

Gus ran in front of them and obviously wasn't looking where he was going. "Gus! Trap, Trap!" Amity tried to warn the boy boy who was heading right into a happy birthday trap in front of their gate. "Huh?" Before he could stop spikes flung in his face heavily decreasing his characters heath.

"GAH! Son of a fun!"

Boshca wheezed as Skara dropped him some meat so he could heal. "Maybe we should move the trap." Willow suggested but Amity shot that down quickly. "No, if we do and spider lady or big dude comes back we'd be dead if we're on the first layer." Viney voiced her agreement, "yeah and dying sucks so Gus is just gonna have to take one for the team."

"I've taken several for the team!" The boys whine feel on deaf ears as Bochas wheezed still rung out. "B? You good?" Amity questioned as she heard banging. After a few seconds she calmed down, "ye-yeah totally." She answered causing Amity to role her eyes. "Your a child."

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