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LibraryGhost or more commonly referred to as Ghost is a very popular YouTuber and streamer. The account is full of gaming videos, collaborations and original song works. The persons behind the account is fairly hidden, never seen on stream, video or friends account. So hidden to the point no viewers know their actual name.

None of the gamers friends have ever said their real name on recording, only in private calls or real life. And even then that's only four people in their friend group that knows their name. Well who is it exactly? If the persons well hidden then their family just be unknown. Wrong. So very wrong.

The person behind the account is Amity Blight. Who's parents owns multi-billionaire company's across the globe. Not only that but her family comes from a past of wealth and riches. Safe to assume that hiding herself wasn't all to easy. It doesn't help that she has a mother who doesn't always see eye to eye.

Her mother had tried to expose her on many different occasions, thinking that if her fans knew who she really was they would come rushing to the Blights shop. Thankfully her father didn't approve of the woman's actions, quickly shutting it down and hiding his daughter from the public respecting her wishes despite his wife's complaints.

Amity was comfortable in her routine. Waking up, feeding her cat, grabbing a snack, recording till lunch, eating lunch and feeding her cat, streaming till dinner, eating dinner and feeding her cat then editing and having alone time till she went to bed. That's what she did every day and she was fine with it. Never once did she think about changing it or adding new people in her life.

Yeah sure her house was usually empty and quiet when she wasn't online and maybe she wouldn't say anything in five hours then realize she hasn't talked out of no where but that was her life. Plus she never really was alone she had her cat Ghost. Her fans and friends call her cat Ghost Two as to not get Amity and Ghost mixed up.

She was thankful to live alone, no siblings to piss her off or clean up after, no father to ignore her presents and no mother to disapprove of her every choice in life. Amity has been living the dream sense she moved out. Though sometimes she wishes her house wasn't always this empty. It's not like she can ask Willow, Boshca or Skara to move in with her cause they live with each other.

Viney would just be weird in a way as she's dating her sister and living with her. But none of her other friends know what she looks like and she doesn't really want them to. It's not that she doesn't trust them it's just that she's not ready for that step. It would require her to fall out of her routine that she felt oh so comfortable in. Exposing herself had never been in her routine and she doesn't want to add it.

A lot of her fans ask when she will face reveal, people wants to see what's behind the white cat on a pink staff that they constantly saw as her. Truth be told she doesn't know. Showing herself would make her vulnerable, defenseless. People would be able to spot her out in the open leaving that last bit of privacy she had rip away from her. Her family reputation never help too.

There's no doubt in mind that her fans would find the wild Amity out in public once they knew her face, the over growing fame is what scared her out of the face reveal in the first place. And with over forty million fans just made her anxiety worse at the thought of it.

Thankfully most of her fans respect her decision to stay hidden. Though a few are furious and will openly express that, resulting them to be trashed by her other fans and banned from her streams. Even when the same angry fans ask her friends the same thing happens though they not only get trashed by her friends but get trashed by their fans and get banned too.

Amity finds it funny. That so many people care for such a stupid thing. For a unknown person that they never even seen. They will go as far to war for the unknown fellow just because they care about her and enjoy her content. What she finds the most hilarious is that her own parents wouldn't even do that for her. Strangers care about their own daughter more then they do.

It make's her laugh, and sometimes cry. She's lost count of how many times she's told herself not to cry over them, that they don't deserve her tears. But the barrier breaks despite her hardest attempts. She doesn't even know why she's crying over the same thing. It's nothing new. Her parents have always been like that.

Though it still hurts to think about. She knows what a loving family is. She's seen Willow and her dads. They care about her, they support her discussions and they love her no mater what. Amity wishes for that. In fact she's jealous of Willow because of that. Which is stupid. She shouldn't be jealous over her best friend, and especially not her best friends family.

Sadly Willow knows this. And she does her best to help Amity. She constantly tells her that it's okay to be jealous, god she would be to. Hell even Willow's dad knows and has their arms wide open for Amity. And she always runs into them. They teach her evey thing her parents never did and they don't get mad at her if she makes a mistake.

Long story short Amity is alone most of the time. She's ok with it as Willow, Boshca and Skara visits her constantly. Willow's dads takes over her parent role model as hers are still bitches. She hasn't face revealed because she's scared and she still crys over her shitty parents. Also her cat is called Ghost Two by fans and friends.

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