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3rd Pov

It had been a little over an hour since Amity had stopped streaming. Boshca had rage quit and Gus had lost Internet over at his place as soon as the group had entered an other cave to get scuba gear. Skara had suggested that they should stop playing today as they had lost Gus and Boshca sure as hell wasn't coming back for a while. So they did.

The faceless streamer ended her stream after saying her 'goodbye' and 'thank you all for watching our shit show.' She thought about what she should do, as the stream usually ends a lot later then today. It was to early to have dinner like she usually would have do to her schedule but that was cleary messed up.

A buzzing noise that haunts Amity's nightmares caught her attention. Rolling her chair over to the other side of the desk she picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. The picture showed a pink iPhone thirteen camera with the name being 'Dog'. A smile spread across Amity's lips as she answered and put Boshca on speaker.

Setting her phone back on her desk Boshca's voice came over. "Sorry that I messed up your schedule but I can entertain you till diner." That was Boshca. She was caring, kind, considerate and a fucking idiot. Well at least now. She was still a fucking idiot when she was younger though.

When Amity had first met Boshca her mother wanted them to be friends. Saying about how Boshca's moms had a high reputation and that she herself shouldn't be seen with anyone lower than Boshca. At first she was a real dick. Amity constantly dreaded being around her for years.

It wasn't until freshman year of high school when Amity had called her out. She was tired of how the girl bullied Willow even if the two weren't friends anymore. She still couldn't stand seeing Willow be treated like that. Once Amity had called Boshca out she was radio silent for a few months, trying her best to avoid Amity.

Out of nowhere she apologize to her. Promising Amity that she'd be better and that if she didn't want to be near her that was fine. Boshca couldn't blame her after all, she didn't want to be near herself either. Amity didn't know what to think. But her mother was catching wind of the two and how they weren't seen together, so Amity started hanging out with her again against her better judgment.

And to Amity's surprise Boshca held up to her promise. She left Willow alone, she stopped making nasty comments on everyone, she stopped messing with people and she even started to help people out with school work or rugby. Of course everyone was sceptical at first but once it was clear that she wasn't trying to use them for something they lightened up around her. That's when Amity decided to give her another chance

"I don't know~, you tend to be really annoying." Amity teased while opening her notes going over recording plans. "Bitch!? You chose to forgive me! You chose to have this walking annoyingly handsome meat sack orbit around you!" Said meat sack argued back, slamming thyn fist into the desk. "Never say meat sack again or I will slit your throat."

"Say you love me and your wish is my command." Boshca argued back crossing her arms. A long and exaggerated sigh was heard on the other line, "I unfortunately, love you." Amity gritted out before making a gagging sound. Boshca laughed as she shifted in her seat. "Yeah, yeah I'm horrible."

The two kept chatting, professionally of course. They were going over video, stream and song ideas. They occasionally drifted of topic talking about God knows what but thankful Skara would lovely remind Boshca that no one what's to hear about the time a bus ran her over on her first day of college. "Gee, I get that I'm single but you two don't have to kiss in my ear." A laugh was heard, "sorry! I'll let y'all get back to work." Skara said leaving.

After a while longer of planing a call interrupted their conversations. "Ugh! Just ditch them! We're doing important work here." Amity picked up her phone and looked at the contacts at the top of her screen. "Oh shit it's Lilith." With that both Amity and Boshca sat up in their seats properly. When ever anyone in their group would here 'it's Lilith' that meant get your act together and pretend like you have some common sense still left.

"Your with Boshca Miss Clawthrone, is this a private matter?" Amity said alerting the orange hair lady on the other line. "Not exactly." Lilith confirmed, "okay so what is this about? Cause like you so COULD drag this on and make it sound professional, dramatic and loss me in the first minute OR you can just dumb it down now and save my brain from melting."

"Bosh did you breath? Like at all?" The singer asked generally curious and concerned. Only then did she hear Boshca take a deep breath. "Now I did." Lilith cleared her throat. "Sorry Miss Clawthrone, as you were saying?" Amity apologized while redirecting her attention back to her boss.

"Unfortunately, I have to 'dumb' this down as I myself am busy." The voice and grammar Lilith used was an act, Amity and Boshca both knew this. Lilith had to act professional around them. "Lilith Clawthrone- busy? No, never!" Boshca's voice rang out in a teasing tone. She only received a growl from her boss. "My bad, my bad."

"To put this in short, I have someone I'd like you, Amity, to pair with." Amity sharply inhaled water that she had so mistakenly drunk in the moment. Boshca voiced her concerns as she paid no mind to the dying Amity in the background. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hol on. How do you even know if this dude is not using Amity!"

Sighing Lilith answered, "I personally know her. She's the kindness person you could ever cross paths with." That sent the content curator in a panic. Amity didn't like change, her friends and family knew that. So working with a totally random person didn't sit well. Lilith knew that as well. And normally she wouldn't accept a request to anything remotely close to this. But it was her own niece that request it. And she didn't know what Lilith did for a living!

What felt like minutes passed before anyone spoke. "Do they any platform we can stalk them on?" Boshca asked, she wanted to know more about this person, and how they knew Lilith. "YouTube, twitch, twitter, tumbler, reddit- most of the popular social media platforms. All under the name Luciérnaga."

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