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"I don't think she's that bad?"

"Boshca I have to work with this!"

"And this is were I take my leave. Goodbye girls."

Lilith disconnected from the call as Amity sunk into her chair. The girl was like an other Boshca! She could barely handle one Boshca as it is. And that's with Willow and Skara's help! Amity is not going to have a fun time is she. All the future screaming already giving her a headache.

"Oh hey her username means Lighting Bug." Boshca pointed out after she threw the girls name threw google translate. "Kinda fitting. She looks buzzy."

"Bosh we really doing this right now?" Amity asked her annoyance seeping through. She couldn't handle this. She wasn't ready for this.

She heard a scoff. "Not my fault I'm prone to stalking people." A rustle, "Boshca just who the hell are you stalking." Willow's voice came over, "she's stalking someone again?" Skara soon asked, her voice clearly bored. "Well yeah duh! It's Mittens new friend." Boshca defend herself.

Amity quickly sat up banging her desk, "Boshca Teane Heavenstar!" It was silent on the other line. Ghost meowed letting her owner know she disrupted her nap in her fight of rage and embarrassment.


"Oh dear god guys I don't have an other frien-."

"What's their name!" Willow demand.

"How'd you two meet?" Skara questioned.

"How long have y'all been friends for!" Willow yet again demanded.

"Are they cute?" Skara ponder.

"How old is she?" Boshca cut in.

Amity agitated, "I. Don't. Know." Then confused, "B why the fuck are asking questions? You know as much as I do!" She threw her hands up earning an other meow from her furry daughter. She sighed giving Ghost a gentle head pat. "Sorry baby." "It's okay I forgive you but damn. Did you really have to yell that loud?" Boshca interrupted.

A groan came from Amity. Soon she heard Willow and Skara laugh. "Aw! They seem fun!" Willow said while Skara nodded, "yeah! I always needed a arachnophobia friend." Boshca chuckled "she does look fun to hangout with Amity. Why you being sour?"

"Cause she's a mini Boshca. I'm already over the limit with them." Boshca was more than a hand full. Eight and a half to be exact, Gus didn't always help. And now there's be two of them for a while. They didn't have an other eight and a half hands to spare!

Boshca clicked her tongue as she leaned back in her chair, tossing her feet on her desk. "Rudeee. I am not that much," she said rolling her eyes. Her girlfriends made unconvinced noises in the background. "Hey!" She gasped, clearly offended.

A sigh came escape out of Skara's while she moved to sit on Boshca's desk. "You not- exactly easy to deal with. Much less around people you don't know. Even lesser around people you don't like." Willow nodded moving back Skara. She leaned her against the desk as she voiced her reasoning.

"When you and Odelia (check) got into a fight, you caught and trained two wild possums with Viney's help. Then proceeded to break into her car, hide the possums run out of the car, wait for her to get in and then told the possums 'hunger games' while you put your body weight against her door. Refusing to let her out."

Boshca was silent, then a minute later Amity gasped over the phone. "You're the Mystery Trap Card?!" She yelled scaring the other three girls. "The who and the what?" Skara said eyeing the phone. Amity giggled, "Mystery Trap Carp. Me and the twins didn't know what happened to mom, so when we watched get in her car to leave and saw her being attacked while someone trapped her we gave our hero a name."

"Awwe!" Boshca gushed holding her hands together from the praise. "It was my pleasure, she's a dick." Then a second passes. "Also Odelia does not count as someone I don't like. She's someone who I despise. All of us do! She doesn't count."

Now Skara eyed Boshca. "What about the time you dresses up as a bloody clown to scare a kid who called you four eyes?" She raised her hands defending herself. "I have three eyes! Not four! That's just a insult and he knew it too."

"See? That why your not allowed within a hundred feet of a elementary school anymore." Willow stated crossing her arms with a sigh. Yeah, they really couldn't handle an other Boshca. And if they have two they could plan something against them. Not ideal.

Skara shrugged, "it could be worse. At least we aren't band from Walmart after the incent." Amity hummed, "the black Friday one where Boshca threw up on a toddlers head?" Boshca sighed sinking further into her chair. "No the one were she fought a naked old lady outside over a turkey."

Willow clapped bringing the attention on her. "Yep, I don't think we're financially, metal or physically ready for an other Boshca." Skara nodded in a agreement while Boshca shrugged. "Could be fun to have an other me."

"No." Amity, Willow and Skara timed earning a defeated sigh out of her. "Well then damn. What you gonna do you? Refuse to work with her? Are you even allowed to do that." Amity groaned rubbing her temples. "I have no clue and I'm not going to read about it right now. I have to prepare myself for a mental breakdown in thirteen minutes, then get ready for a call in two hours."

"So if you need me don't. I'll be crying and panicking in my shower for the next hour and a half with Ghost. See you soon ladies." She announced standing from her chair grabbing her phone. Multiple 'byes' rang out as she hung up.

Sighing Amity turned to her cat who was sitting in her computer tower. "Want to have a mental breakdown with mommy?" A meow. "Kay let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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