Chapter 1

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Heyy Guyz ... so im new to Wattpad and writing FanFics and stuff... i hope yous guyz enjoy .. this is my first FanFic and im really excited for people to read it... okay im going to shut up now ENJOY! (i hope :/)


Chapter 1

Avalons P.O.V.

I woke up to the sun streaming through my window and my alarm going off. Im definitely not a morning person so I slowly rubbed my eyes and struggled to stand up because my legs were still half asleep. I made it over to my phone and switched off the alarm and started to walk towards the bathroom. I got undressed and got in the shower, the water was hot and steamy just the way i like it... Mum says I'm crazy because it's the middle of summer and i have hot showers, but i don't really mind. I went to my room to change and that's when i noticed the clock.. 7:40am, shit! I only had 20 minutes to get ready, have breakfast and get to the school bus in time ... Okay i could do this.

I grabbed my bag, a piece of toast and shoved it in my mouth while running out the door.

"Bye Av!" My mum yelled just before i get out the door

"Bye mum, love you!" I yelled with a mouth full of toast.

I made it to the bus in time, I got on greeting the bus driver with a smile and headed down to my usual seat, second from the back next to the window. I put my headphones in and blasted my music up, I'll probably kill my ears one day with how loud I have my music, but oh well. My phone screen lit up with a text from my best friend Kate, but I call her Veggie, because she is a Vegetarain so it only makes sense to call her that.

From Veggie :)

Morning Avocado!! Did you make it to the bus?

To Veggie :)

Yes, I made it... stop calling me Avocado, you're the Veggie not me!

From Veggie :)

When you stop calling me Veggie, I'll stop calling you Avocado and we both know that's not gunna happen...

To Veggie :)

haha okay fine I guess i can deal with it then... cya at school!

From Veggie :)

guess you might.. cya soon!

She is a weird one, but I love her, she has been my best friend since the start of high school, we never leave each others side, which is good thing I guess, I can count on her.

Once I got to school, I started to walk straight to my locker, quickly texting Kate to meet me there. As I was about to look up from my phone I crashed into someones back, sending them stumbling forward into the person they were standing with.

"I'm so sorry!! I wasn't watching where I was going! Oh my gosh i feel so bad, Im sor-" I was cut off.

"Hey hey calm down it's not big deal, it's not i like i fell and broke my nose or anything, really it's okay!"

I looked to find I had bumped into Louis Tomlinson from Geography and Science class, he's a nice guy, always has a smile on his face and he is very big on his practical jokes, we have spoken before, but I wouldn't say it was over anything serious. He was standing with his friend Harry Styles, who is quite tall and has thick brown curly hair and nice green eyes, he is also Kates crush... I don't blame her, he is very good looking, but i wouldn't say he is my type.

"Ohh Hi Louis, Hi Harry, Im still sorry for bumping into you"

"It's okay, Louis cant keep his hands off me anyway" Harry said with a smirk on his face, looking over at Louis.

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