Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

Avalons P.O.V.


I woke up to Kate shaking the hell out of me, God this girl seriously. The light was streaming from the airplane window and my eyes were squinted, considering I just woke up I was blinded at first, but then my eyes adjusted and I saw that Kate was talking about. She was right we are here! Wow!

"Ohh wow! it's amazing Veggie, but did you need to shake me so hard?"

"Umm YES! you wouldnt wake up"

"Okay sure sure"

"You know what your like, you never wake up I have to like sit on you in the morning"

I just laughed at her, she was right though Im not a morning person. I looked out of the window again and I saw the ocean and all the little houses and cars. L.A. looked amazing, I cant wait to get out of this plane, mainly because I cant stand heights and just looking out this window is making me freak out, but also because I really want to see L.A. 

"We are landing!" Kate was practicaly jumping out of her seat.

"You know that plane has to land first before you get out right?"

"Oh pish posh!"

"Pish Posh?"

"It was the first thing that came to my head alright"

"Haha alright whatever you say"

Kate just rolled her eyes at me and went back to her happy jumpy mood. We were so close to landing now just a little further and WOO!!! we have landed! Yes safe and happy ground! We are not going to die! 

We made our way out of the plane and into LAX Airport, and I thought Perth Airport was big, this place is huge! As we walked in the whole class gasped at how big this place was. There were TV screens everywhere some showing when flights will arrive and depart and others had children shows and the news on them. So many people as well, Hmm i wonder if there are any famous people here! Must keep a look out! Ms Harret walked a head of the class to few empty seats and called us all over. We walked over and sat down with all our carry on and Ms Harret started what we were all waiting for. The Challenge. 

"Okay! Who's excited?" Ms Harret said.

There were a few "Woo's!!" and 'Yea's!"

"Haha Okay well this is what is going to happen. I will be splitting the class up into pairs and you will be stuck with that one person. Now for the month you and your parnter will be going around L.A. and completing challenges that I will be giving you. You both will be getting 2 pieces of paper 1 will have your list of challenges and the other will have the list of hotels you will need to find and stay at. Dont lose these because your only getting one copy of each. Okay everybody stand and as soon as I call your names you are free to wonder the city of L.A."

Whoa! Well that was unexpected! This going to be really fun, but I hope Im partnered with Kate, it would just make this experience so much better and I really dont want to get partnered up with an idiot. 

"What! This is crazy. What if we aren't partners?" Kate whispered in my ear.

"Yea I know, but Im sure we will be, Ms knows how close we are, it would be stupid if she separated us" I whispered back.

"True, but still. What if I have to go a whole month with out you" 

"Well if your partnered with Harry Im sure you wont even think of me"

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