Chapter 5

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Hey this is late I know. I have had a busy day and I had no time to fit this in so I am going to write this chapter at 11:10 at night. okay so here you go. ENJOY!


I can't believe it right in front of me is my mom standing there with my ex boyfriend Drake. I parked my car and go out. I walked up to Drake and punched him in the face.

"I told you to stay away, I told you to leave and forget, I told you to stop and look at what you were doing to the people around you! You- you are such a douche.!You cheated on me, you broke me, you have done so many things I don't even think it is legal! Yet you don't fix it you don't fix yourself!I'm sorry mom but if this fuck face of a person that his parents call a son is here I am not."


"Don't Drake." I said as I walked in the house and got a bag of clothes. I walked back out to my car and threw my bag into the back seat.

"See ya mom." I said. I picked up my phone and checked it, I have a place I like to go that I am going to stay. I blared the radio, Girl Crush came on.

"I have a girl crush, I have it real bad. I want everything she has. pulling you in. I want to taste her lip cuz they taste like you, I want to drowned myself in a bottle of her perfume. I've got a girl crush. I've got it real bad. want everything she has, I want her long blond hair,and her magic touch cuz maybe then you love me just as much, I've got a girl crush." I kept on singing until the song was over. By the time the song ended I was at my secret place I like to go, it was surrounded by trees and had some rocks here and their. I got out an grabbed bag. I walked through the woods with my bag and my phones light leading the way. I looked up at the old tree house, it's like a small apartment, I found this but no one uses it anymore. it has a couch, flat screen, four bedrooms, two story and it's has running water and electricity. I get up there and pull out the key to the door. I opened it and was shocked at what I saw. I saw Lance sitting there. I cleared my throat, Lance jumped and relaxed when he saw me. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me closer and kissed me. My stomach erupted in butterfly's. I smiled into the kiss. Lance lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I stopped him from going any farther.

"Lola, I know we just met and I know I have a lot to learn, but will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" I thought about it for a minuet. Do I want to be hurt again do I want to go through the pain of a break-up. Or do I want a boyfriend that will be there for me and forget the past, worry about the future.

"I thought about It and my answer is....."

Find out what happens next chapter aka tomorrow :P hope you enjoyed.

Btw it's 11:47 pm which it is not Saturday yet ;)

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