Chapter 7

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As I said those last few word to my mom, the last few word that mean the world to not only me but to my mom. the worst and most important part of your final farewell is I love you. You want to know why. It is the one word that could haunt you the rest of your life. I sit curled up in a ball in my room. My track meet starts in twenty minutes. I need to run off this anger I need to get this sadness out of me. I grabbed my track bag and grabbed my keys. I made a mad dash out the door and to my car.

"And where do you think you are going." Lance asked. I snapped I have so much to think about and I have so much anger and sadness I am not handling it well.

"Look I know you are looking out for me, but I just lost my mom! I am going to my track meet to run off my anger! Now you are more than welcome to stay in the guest bedroom. just let me go please." I asked looking at him with pleading eyes. He sighed and backed away.

"Where's the guest bedroom?"

"Across from my room." I said and started my car. Lance started to walk back to the house but I called his name.


"Yeah!" He said and turned around.

"Want to come with I mean your my only person I know that will show support besides my mom." He smiled and walked back to the car. He got in the passengers side.

"Thanks for letting me go Lance." Lance smiled and nodded. I started to back out of the driveway. I went to turn down the road of the track and that's when I saw my moms car. It was upside down and the drivers side was bashed in. Warm tears wet my cheek as I stared at my moms white 2015 ford fusion. I felt a hand on my knee giving it little squeezes. I looked over at Lance and gave him a little smile. I pulled into the parking lot of the football field/track. I jumped out and grabbed my bag from the back seat. I walked and let all the tears flow.

"Henderson get over here." Mu coach yelled. I swung my bag over my shoulder and ran over to my coach.

"Sorry coach." I said wiping my tears away.

"Get you act together." I don't know what happened next but I just snapped.

"I'm sorry if I am a little late because I was spending all night balling because I lost my mother just twenty minutes ago! I am sorry if I am late I am sorry if I am crying or if I break down, but everywhere I go it is a reminder of my mother! I just drove by the place she just crashed! Now if you will excuse me I have some other things to take care of right now!" I all but screamed in her face. Her eyes were watery and she had a hand over her mouth.

"Lola I-" she didn't get to finish as I walked past her and to my cousins and her boyfriend and then his friend. I stood next to my cousin Roslyn. She looked at me and gasped.

"Lola what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Roslyn asked worriedly.

"I lost my mom." I said and turned my attention to the track. I went to the bathroom and changed. I washed my face and then dried it. I grabbed my things and set them down on the bleachers.

"Next heat girls 400 meter dash." I made my way out onto the track and got ready.

"Everyone ready, on your marks." We got on our marks. as soon as the gun was shot we were off. I ran as fast as I needed to, to keep me in the league. To my right I saw a girl gaining up on me. I saw the finish line just up ahead, I sprinted all the was there. Catching the girl to my right off guard causing her to slow down and me to win the race. I crossed the line and the horn went off signaling the first person was over the line.

"Winner of girls 400 meter dash is Lola Henderson!" I heard my team cheer my name and clap.

"Good job Lola!" Said my team mates in unison.

"Thanks guys." A hour later came the last event.

"Girls 400 meter hurtles meet on the track!" I went out on the track. We all got in our places and then the guns were shot. I sprinted and jumped over the hurtles. I was at the half way point when my hurtles ended. Some girl off to my right got ahead of me. I got a boost of energy and gave it my all. I ran as fast as I could. in thirty seconds I was at the finish line and the girl that passed me was back at the half way point. The horn went off signaling I won another race.

"Winner of girls 400 meter hurtles is Lola Henderson!" The announcer said. I gathered my things and walked out to my car. I saw the thing that made me beyond pissed off. Lance was leaning against my car making out with the queen bee of the school Lacy,the one that bullied me all my life the one that still dose. I walked up to them and pushed them out of the way. I threw my stuff in my car and pulled Lacy off of Lance.

"I get you want to ruin my life but give me a goddamn break! I lost my mom I came here to get away from my problems not for you to follow me her to destroy me! I just want a little peace for once that's all! You know one day High School is going to end what are you going to do! All your work is for nothing! It's BULLSHIT! So just stop!" I saw her eyes soften when I told her I lost my mom.


"Save it I don't need your pity."

"Lance do you want a ride it are you going with Lacy." I asked Lance with tears in my eyes. Lance got in my car and I got in the drivers side. I roared my car to life and sped out of the parking lot. I drove home not slowing down at a yellow light but stopping at a stop sign. When I got home I slammed it in park and turned my car off pulling my keys out. I got out and slammed my car door shut. I grabbed my bag and walked to towards the house. I walked inside and up to my room. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I was thinking so much I thought about what happened only a few hours ago. I then cried myself asleep. I love you mommy. I thought as I fell asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will update another one tomorrow.


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