Chapter 10

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Hey people so new writing schedule. Every weekend I will update one chapter and that day is Saturday, I don't update chapters no later then eight pm, and if I do then I will just up load the chapter on Sunday in the afternoon. If their is a reason I can't upload that weekend the following weekend you will revive two chapters. Okay so here is your chapter. ENJOY MY LITTLE MILKSHAKES!
(A/N: I am going to start calling you guys my little milk shake😁, I don't know why tho I guess I am weird like that)

I woke up with a arm draped around my waist and a smile on my face if I give you hell yeah I give you hell. (A/N: That just popped into my head, you can't deny that you did not just sing that part lmao.)

I turned around to face Lance. He arm tightened around me every time I moved. I brought my hand up and lightly moved his light brown hair out of his eyes. I then started to trace his face with the tip of my finger tip. I went from his eyebrow, to his full lips. I went over his jaw line. As soon as I went back up to trace his eyebrows again I saw his bright blue eyes were staring at me.

"Good morning beautiful. You having fun their?" Lance asked me with a smirk and amusement in his eyes.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'. He smiled and I stared at his tired face in aw. My smile wiped off my face when I remembered it is my mothers funeral today. We decided that we didn't want a visitation. For her and thought it was just best if they had the funeral.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked his voice laced with worry. I nodded my head and have him a small smile.

"Today's the day." but when I said that I thought of it as something more then my mom. I was thinking today is the day.

"It's going to be okay babe." For some reason I didn't believe his word I didn't believe what he was telling me. My mom my best friend is dead.

"What is it's not."

"It's is going to trust me."

"Okay." I got up and went into the bathroom I took a quick shower and the I put on my black dress and flats. I put on water proof make- up and walked out of the bathroom when I was done brushing my teeth and putting deodorant on.

"Ready?" I nodded and headed towards the door.

Let's do this.

A thousand people talking and saying sorry we got ready to take my mom to her final resting place.

"We would like the family to stay and the guest wait out in your cars and the cops will escort us to the cemetery." The priest directed for the second time. Non family stood up and gave us hugs. I stood on a chair.

"Wait!" Everyone looked at me and I looked back.

"The St. John Methodist school/ church are providing lunch after the funeral. Be sure to stop by and get your food." I hollered out to the people that were listening. I got off the chair and walked to get in line to say my final goodbyes. I was the last one in line and Lance was right beside me. I picked up my two year old cousin up resting him on my hip. I walked forward to the casket. I looked at Bryce (my two year old cousin) and looked back at my mom then back at him.

"Tell Aunt Maci bye."

"Bie Aunie Ma." His little voice whispered next to me.

"Tell her you love her."

"I wove you aunt Ma."

"Give her a kiss." I leaned him down and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. I turned towards my mom with tears running down my face.

"I love you mommy, may peace be with you forever. I will see you soon mommy." I leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I choked on a sob and as soon as my little cousin saw my tears he gave me a sad look.

"It's otay Wowa." He said not yet pronouncing the 'L' right. I felt small arms wrap around my neck.

"Shhh Wowa." He said patting my back. I sat him down and he ran to his mom. I covered my face with my hands and cried. They asked for all the Paulbears to go the casket. I walked over to it and grabbed one part of the bar. They had us reel it out the door and into the elevator. We pushed the down button and the door opened. We got in and waited for the door to open. It opened and we reeled it out the door and to the car. They loaded the casket up and the family loaded into the limo.

"You doin alright?"

"Just fine." We got to the cemetery and got out. I walked to the car that held my mother. All the paulbears grabbed a part of the bar and carried the casket over to the tent. We carefully put it down on the stand. They sang the song amazing grace and said a quick prayer. I got in my dad's car that he said I could drive since I wasn't going to go eat. I drove home and parked in the driveway. I am miserable I hate it here. Lance doesn't want me he doesn't care if I am gone. I grabbed a pen and a paper when I got inside an sat down to write a letter to Lance and to my dad.

Dear Lance,
I am doing this out of hurt, I am doing this because all my life I have been picked on and bullied. I am sorry for this tell my family I love them and don't be sad for this. Move on Lance you need someone better then little ole me. Goodbye Lance.

Dear so called dad,
You are a worthless piece of shit you hurt everyone. You hurt me and mom. Fight over goodbye! 

I grabbed a knife out of the drawer. One cut, after another after another. There was blood everywhere but I didn't care all I saw a was black dots and then I let darkness cover me like a warm blanket.

-Lances POV-

Something wasn't right I was at the covenant church eating. I stopped eating and threw my plate away. I ran through the hall and out the door where I spotted my car. I peeled out of the church and drove home like a maniac. I parked the car and got out not shutting my car off or shutting the door.

"Lola! Lola!" I yelled trying to find her. I walked into the kitchen and saw one of he scariest things ever. Lola was covered in blood. A knife in her hand. I grabbed her bridal style and rushed to the car. I put her in the back and I got in the drivers side. I speed down the road and towards the hospital. I got to the door and I grabbed Lola in my arms. I ran in the hospital and stopped at the front desk.

"Help! Some one help!" A nurse ran over to me and gasped at the sight.

"What happened sir."

"S-she tried to kill herself."

"Doctor!" The niece called. A doctor and the nurse came back with a bed. I set her down and they wheeled her away.

The doctor came back a sad look on his face. I called my parents and Lola's dad.

"Lola's family?" We all stood up and looked the doctor.

"We are sorry we tried everything but she lost too much blood."

"Okay thank you." My mom said in a sweet tone.

"She has ten minutes room 234." We thanked the doctor and walked towards her room. Her eyes were open and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Lance?" She asked in a whisper.

"I'm right here." I said kneeling down next to her bed. She grabbed my head and pulled in to her chest so I could hear her heart beating.

"Now?" I asked.

"Now." She whispered making tears weld up in my eyes.

"I love you princess."

"I love you too." She said as her heart stopped and her eyes closed. Their is one thing that I know I will never find a girl that is Lola. Lola you are my number one.

"I love you princess. Goodnight."


Well that's it that is my story I know it is really short but I don't have a lot of time for stories anymore. I may write one during the summer let me know what I should write about and I can go from there. Thank you my little Milkshakes!


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